Challenges and Story Ideas

Post your own challenges or story ideas here

*Challenges organized by who issued them.

Jason Thompson

--The F/X Angel Challenge--
A sort of re-write of Angel with either Faith or
Xander (Or both even) as the one seeking redemption.

It Must have:
*A Faith/Xander Relationship, either pre-existing or
developes during the story.
*Doyle too.
*The opening scene in the Angel pilot, told with Xander
in Angel's position, or if Angel's in your story,
Xander is included somehow.

Angel and Cordelia can be included, but it's not

Also, Faith and/or don't have to be Vampires but if
you want them to, go ahead.

--The Suicidal Challenge--

Okay, for the sake of this challenge, Xander's near death experience
causes Xander to slip into a suicidal depression.  In the midsts of one
of his suicide attempts he is found by either Faith.

*Anya being anything but supportive.
*Xander having a nightmare of his near drowning.
*A conversation on a bridge (either as part of Xander's attempt, bonus
praise if it isn't.)
*Either mention or content of Xander's abusive parents.


--The "You Lovable Idiot" Challenge--
Write a story based around this scene:

The Scooby Gang (including Cordy and Angel) is gathered together a few days
after "The Zeppo."  Faith comes stalking in, decks Xander and yells.  "I'm
pregnant you MORON!"

*Faith/Xander relationship story
*Someone must do a spit take
*Someone must laugh
*Someone, NOT Xander, must freakout, Xander can freak out, just someone
else too

--The Fresh Start Challenge--

In this challenge, the PTB decide the only way Faith can be redeemed is for
them to change time and intervene on her life.  So they change time so that
instead of Buffy being called, Faith is called first.  Therefore the Fresh
Start challenge is to rewrite "Welcome to the Hellmouth/Harvest" with Faith
as the Slayer.


*F/X shippage (Of course)
*Xander coming to visit Faith in Prison before the PTB intervene
*Faith annoyed by Angel's cryptic act
*Buffy/Faith/Xander friendship

Also choose from the following
1) Faith upon meeting Xander saying "Can I have you?"
2) Jesse surviving
3) Jesse saving Cordelia during the Harvest
4) Jesse asking Cordelia for a thank you and Cordelia slugging him
5) Willow/Faith unfriendlyness
6) A Doyle appearence
7) Whistler coming to Faith in Prison

--The "Help Me" Challenge--

Set after "Five-By-Five" so that "Sanctuary" doesn't happen.  When Angel
takes Faith in, Faith begins to reveal something in her sleep.  As a resault
Angel has Xander come to LA.

*F/X Shippage
*X/Angel friendship
*Angel/Cordy hinting
*Faith calling out to Xander for help in her sleep and Angel overhearing
*Cordelia telling either Xander or Faith to tell the other how they feel

Also choose from the following
1) Xander driving to LA in the Ice Cream Truck
2) Buffy and Anya coming to LA and finding Faith in Xander's arms (similar
to the scene in Sanctuary)
3) The Council Black Ops team
4) Xander telling Cordelia about his night with Faith
5) Faith telling Xander that she's never trusted anyone before Xander
6) Either a mention or an Appearence by Eminem
7) The Return of Wesley's Leather Jacket and Motorcycle

--The "So What'cha Want?" Challenge--

*It's set in the Fourth Season after Hush.

*Faith wakes up, and tries to (and eventually succeeds)
persue Xander.

*Drusilla shows up, but does NOT persue Spike, even
though she helps the Scooby Gang.

*Anya breaks up with Xander, and admits to someone that
she has a crush on Willow.

*Spike calls Riley a "Bloody Schmuck"

*Finally, Someone quotes a Beastie Boys song. (Special
Bonus if it's Dru or Giles.)


--The "Body Switch" Challenge--

Write a fic assuming that Xander was single (so no Anya) and that Faith
(in Buffy's body) had gone to Xander and not Riley and it was Xander
who made her feel all loved and sent her reeling and doubting her evil

Which brings us to the issues:

Who is Xander really in love with?  Buffy, it seemed to be her he slept
with, or Faith, it was her personality after all?

How does Buffy deal with Xander having... well... slept with her body?
what is she gonna do?

Where does Faith go from here?  Will she come back to him or skip town
(or whatever else you may come up with)?

Who (if anybody) ends up getting together in the end?

Try *not* to follow the plot of the episode, come up with your own

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