This site is dedicated to those who have gone before...


There is a lot of information contained in these pages. Some of the families are extensive, others are in the beginning research stage. My hope is to centralize information that I have gathered and to share it with all of you in the hopes that you will also benefit somehow. If you find an error, have additional information you would like to share, or any questions, please contact me at

I would like to thank my "cousins" (those from the other original lines and many I've met in my research) for all of your assistance. This has been a great challenge, as well as a great reward for me. I will update as often as I can. Any information you would like to contribute would be great.

I have had to restructure this site due to the tremendous amount of information. I apologize for the steps to get to the final information, but I'm sure it's worth it.

Thank you for visiting.
Bookmark this page & please stop back often.