Tk Takaishi

Name: Takeru (Tk) Takaishi
Age: 8
Digimon: Tokomon
Baby digimon: Poyomon (see below)
Crest: Hope
Appearence: Blonde hair under a helmet
Objects he owns: His helmet and loads of candy
Shames he conceals: Desided he didn't want Matt as a brother because Demidevimon told him Matt thought he was a cry baby

Information: Tk is a young kid who was the last to have his digimon digivolve to rookie, champion and ultimate even though this is true he still doesn't care as Angemon and Magnaangemon are stronger than the other digimon. Tk will try to blend in with the "big boys" but Matt is embarresed by him so he tries to do what Matt says. Tk is Matts younger brother and as they are half brothers they don't get to see each other that much. As an adult he is a novelist with a son