It must be borne in mind I started thinking about my life's goals shortly after a 1968 Yavneh Gesher trip to Israel. It took about two years to consolidate what I want to accomplish. Those goals have remained stable. They have guided and directed me through a very fulfilling life. I'll be happy to share them with you here.
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Keywords: Accomplishments, Can do, Evaluation, Future, Goals, Israel, Knowledge, Raising, Vision
that the tragedy of life doesn't lie
in not reaching your goal.
The tragedy lies in having no goal to reach.
It isn't a calamity to die
with dreams unfulfilled,
but it is a calamity not to dream.
It is not a disaster
to be unable to capture your ideal,
but it is a disaster
to have no ideal to capture.
It is not a disgrace
not to reach the stars,
but it is a disgrace
to have no stars to reach for.
Not failure,
but low aim
is a sin
- Benjamin E. Mayes
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