The Grossman Family

This page is still under construction.

At first glance, there would seem to be some overlapping between two sections in this website: This Memoirs section, and the David section. However, there is a careful distinction between the two sections.

The David section relates to issues that affected David exclusively, or to a very great degree.

This Memoirs section, relates to the Grossman family as a whole. It would be difficult to remove David from the other issues discussed in this section.

That is why there are two separate sections.


A great deal of the material in this section overlaps issues raised in other websites.

However, the other websites present objective information and this website is devoted to the specific issues that relate to the Grossman family.

Subjective material is presented here. Objective material is presented elsewhere - far away.

You, the reader, are in the fine position of knowing just what you are reading. You know whether the information is objective or subjective. You know whether it relates specifically to the Grossman family or to other issues in general, and in this way you will have a fair report of the situation. You will read information just as you want, whether you want it to be objective or subjective, whether you want to read about the Grossman family or whether you want to read about the situation in general.

That is really the reason that this Grossman family website was set up. It offers the opportunity to be able to get a subjective view of a great deal of the information that is presented in many of the other websites in this series.

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Keywords: About, Grossman