Yoni has just returned from his second (or was it his third?) trip to the States. He came screeching in (oops! Tehilla is the screecher around here) just hours before the Seder.
From Yoni we learned that it's a good idea to mix a variety of flours to make matzah. It gives them a nice flavor. Of course, he didn't bring us any matzahs to taste, so we'll just take his word for it. Nu, efsher maybe next year?
He brought back additional equipment to start him off on his photography adventure. With Yoni, life is an adventure, so why not photography?
Yoni is back to his usual shtick. He did not join Devorah and Tehilla this past Sunday on a trip to the Golan. Instead, he's planning to go up North with his friends, on the day after Pesach. They leave whenever they get up. He did say that he would be home for Shabbos, and he was.
Yoni is currently on a six-month R&R from the army. He's out on an honorable discharge, so we're not sure if they'll take him back at all. He may have completed his service. He even got his report card, and he did quite well. No more PTA meetings.
When you see the Tzalafs (sharpshooters) marching, you'll notice a hole in the center of the formation. They are saving Yoni's place for him, on the off-chance that he'll return to their ranks in June.
Yoni has also been spending time catching up with old friends. Well, some are really not so old. They come at all hours of the day and night, and he goes off at all hours of the day and night.
Plans for Yoni's future: photography, sofering, and other usual stuff for a frum boy of 24.
Yoni Grossman, Tzalaf, Tzalam, and a Sofer Stam.
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Keywords: Employment, Military