Episode 220 - Wasted Talent
Air Date July 25, 2000

Yeah Peter, you never win anything....remember went you went on Password (with Tony Randall)
You.......... you........

Peter you're drunk again!
Nah, I'm just exhausted because I've been up all night drinkin'.

OH no, if there's 4 tickets and one of them is gone, that leaves....B
..........this many.

Hello Dumdum.
Not now Gazoo, I want to be alone.
It's not always about you, fatso. Maybe I wanted to talk.

Ahhhhh.......pffffffff...... ahhhhhh......pfffffffff...... ahhhhhh.......pffffffff...... ahhhhhh......pfffffffff...... ahhhhhh.......pffffffff...... ahhhhhh.......pffffffff...... ahhhhhh......pfffffffff......ahhhhhh..

It's like I died and went to heaven. But then they realized that it wasn't my time, so they sent be back to a brewery.

Don't I at least get a ChumbaWumba song?
Fine......Chumba Wumba...

Aren't you two a little old to be drinking illegally??
Lois, look over there!....run!

The lesson here is that abusing alcohol has absolutely no negative consequences. You have your trophy and my brain cells are just fine.
Hello? Where is everybody??

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