~Eric's Bio~

NOTE: This was the bio that I had on my old page. When I talked to him. Mind you I have not heard from him in a long time. He just kinda fell off the face of the earth. So things will be changing as I have the time to work on the site.

Crunch Ya L88ter,


Hi Everyone! I wanted to change things a little on here too! I know a little more about Eric now that I didn't know before. You know those people that say "Eric Lindros Has A Big Heart" It's a fact.... I found that out myself. BIG, HUGE HEART! Don't let anyone tell you any different... Or you send them my way and I will tell them! ;O) Crunch Ya L88ter! Mel

Here it is!!! :O)

Eric has a lot to do with the CMN. In 1999 Eric won the Humanitarian Award. E, spends a lot of time with the sick kids. He really cares about the children and wants to see them come out on top. E, wears his heart on his sleeve when it comes to kids. You can read about the Humanitarian Award @ www.EricLindros.Net...

E, lives in Toronto with his Big Baby Bacchus! (off season... Now he lives in New York City) He's a big harlequin dane. It's awesome that he is in Toronto and I hope he can stay there. (He just wants to be closer to me...TEASING a girl can dream can't she?!....lol)


E, is a HUGE center man, with really big mitts. He stands at 6'4" tall out of skates (6'7" in skates), His Jersey is size 58, He weighs in at around 246lbs... But don't let that size scare you. He's a BIG TEDDY BEAR!

E, has a disorder called "Osgood-Schlatter" he wears special knee braces that is part of his uniform (you can read about it at the bottom of the page). And he wears special skates because he doesn't like to skate with socks on.... (Yep that sounds like something he would do....LOL!)

Eric use to practice his moves on the "Back Yard Rink" Carl use to flood the back yard and make the family a backyard rink. Bonnie and Carl had an inground pool. Notice I said HAD.... Yep they ripped out the pool and filled it in to make a backyard rink.

One little piece from Eric's book that bugged me a little from "Fire On Ice"......

"I don't shoot the puck like BRETT HULL, I don't skate like PAUL COFFEY, I don't think or set up plays like WAYNE GRETZKY, and I am not as strong as MARK MESSIER."

Well E, you can shoot that puck, you can skate, you can think and set up plays, and you are a very strong person. You are not Brett Hull, Paul Coffey, Wayne Gretzky, or Mark Messier... Because you are Eric Lindros..... You shoot the puck like Eric Lindros, You skate like Eric Lindros, You think and set up plays like Eric Lindros, And you are strong like Eric Lindros (...lol). And that is what makes you one of the best!!! I think I have him pretty much covered!


The Lindros Clan
Note to Eric
