2108 Blaz Court
Upper Marlboro, Maryland 20774
(301) 249-4159 (H)
(301) 613-9238 (C)
Web Site: www.oocities.org/fanda1996
A Senior Contract Manager/ Administrator, Internet Web Master, Supply Chain Manager, or E-Commerce position encompassing negotiating, coordinating and directing contracting activities, establishing performance criteria, and controlling and evaluating progress for a high technology, Internet technology, government, or service organization.
Over 20 years of progressive experience encompassing:
o Developing New Concepts
o Evaluating Contractual Progress
o Negotiating Contracts
o Researching Regulations
o Establishing Requirements
o Directing Contract Activities
o Noted Public Speaker
o Internet Web Master
Conceptualized and developed an automated and interactive computer spreadsheet system using Lotus 123 and later Microsoft Excel to evaluate major contractor progress payment requests based on the United States Air Force manual progress payment evaluation procedures. Wrote program; evaluated; modified; implemented; briefed the program to management. Result: Discovered a $17,179,291 overpayment by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to a Westinghouse Electric Corporation (WEC); received a check for $17,179,291 from WEC, personally delivered the check to the FAA’s accounting office for deposit in the United States Treasury.
Studied and obtained certification as a Certified Professional Contracts Manager (CPCM). Participated in both individual and group study for three months; completed homework assignments; studied additional material received from the National Contract Management Association. Result: Sat for five part CPCM examination and successfully passed all sections.
Wrote contractual policies for the United States Air Force Industrial Modernization Program. Wrote the policies that required the inclusion of the industrial modernization program in each new contract buy; supported government source selection teams; briefed the program status to military commanders; sent policies to management, staff, and operational field offices. Result: Established the policies that governed the early USAF industrial modernization program.
Researched/produced a project and thesis for the doctor of ministry degree. Attended seven years of classes which included intensive sessions and peer group discussions. Wrote project methodology; developed project time line; worked with group of church members in shaping project; implemented and modified project as needed; evaluated findings; wrote thesis and final documentation and defended my thesis. Result: Earned the Doctor of Ministry degree.
Senior Acquisition Specialist for BAE Systems, Inc. (BAE Systems, Inc. bought my former company DigitalNet, Inc. on October 30, 2004; DigitalNet, Inc. bought my former company User Technology Associates (UTA), Inc. on March 31, 2004) to the Department of Homeland Security (DHS), Directorate of Border and Transportation Security, Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), Acquisition and Contracts Management Branch (ACMB) (formerly the Department of Justice, Immigration and Naturalization Services, Acquisition Management Branch), Washington, DC. Senior acquisition support expert on the Award Fee Process on the STARS and STARLIGHT law enforcement contracts to Computer Science Corporation (CSC), Electronic Data Systems (EDS), Lockheed Martin Technology Services Group (LMSI), Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC), and SYTEL, Inc. The ACMB acquisition support advisor to the DHS Network Operations Center (NOC)/ Security Operations Center (SOC)/Help Desk advisory board to design and recommend the DHS enterprise concept and contract. The support expert on the Technology Enterprise Automation Management Support (TEAMS) Blanket Purchase Agreement (BPA). Managed the Infrastructure Deployment Contract Line Item Number (CLIN) 0007, Infrastructure Cable Plant CLIN 0009 and supported the Asset Management CLIN 0006. Responsible for analysis and reporting in twelve (12) or more areas of Information Resources Management (IRM) or Federal Information Processing (FIP) Resource acquisition spectrum. Analyze and develop reports as required in specified areas of IRM or FIP acquisition arena. These include: needs determination, requirements analysis, feasibility studies, cost/benefit analysis, alternatives analysis, independent government cost estimate, acquisition strategy, evaluation plan (tech/cost/management), training material, scoring criteria, evaluation reports, acting evaluator, formal negotiation strategy, best and final requirements. Provide advice on differences in Request for Comments, Draft Request for Proposal, Sealed Bid, and Request for Proposals. Research Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR), Federal Information Resources Management Regulations (FIRMR), General Services Board of Contract Appeals (GSBCA) decisions and the General Accounting Office decisions. Perform Independent Verification and Validation (IV&V) support as needed in to total Life Cycle Management of a systems development effort or acquisition cycle. Acts in internal/external consulting/teaching role as required. Performs other duties as required.
Senior Contract Administrator for Ingenium Corporation, Largo, MD. Contractual expert who manages a two-person contract administration department. Support several program managers, a business manager, and the vice president of finance to develop proposals in response to solicitation. Provide pricing support and independent research analysis for proposals. Manage several federal government contracts, state and local contracts and commercial contracts totaling some $20 million. Responsible for all aspects of contract definition, negotiation, order-administration and management functions within the contracts department. Activities to include coordination and supervision of quotation, pricing and order entry functions by contracts staff, contractual and pricing negotiation, advising on legal, corporate and governmental (FAR) compliance issues. Provided support to the Director of Sales & Marketing (and other senior managers) in the preparation of management reports, proposal inputs and other tasks, as assigned.
Senior Acquisition Manager for LEADS Corporation to the Department of Defense Military Health System, TRICARE Management Activity (TMA), Acquisition Management and Support (AM&S) Directorate, Acquisition Management Division (AMD), Falls Church, VA. Functional expert who manage, supervise, direct and support seven person contract support staff to include one senior contract manager, four contract managers, and two procurement specialists. Manage all contract support personnel and processes to AMD’s Acquisition Managers (AM) for Defense Medical Information System/ Systems Integration, Design, Development, Operations and Maintenance Service II (D/SIDDOMS II), Program Management Integration (PMI) and Government Services Administration (GSA) acquisitions totaling over $850 million. Provide expert research, analysis and input to the AMs on various acquisition and contracting issues.
Professional Contact Management Consultant for CACI International, Inc. (CACI International, Inc. bought my former company Digital Systems International Corporation (DSIC) on October 31, 2001) to the Department of Defense, Office of the Inspector General (DOD OIG) Administration and Logistics Services Directorate, Contracts Division. Contract specialist for over 200 Federal Acquisition Regulation Simplified Acquisition Process contracts, commercial contracts and contracts through other governmental agencies supplies and services to the DOD OIG on contracts totaling over $2 million. Formerly assigned to the Ballistic Missile Defense Organization, The Pentagon. Negotiate and manage many purchase orders, blanket purchasing agreements, and general services agreement schedule buys, and several research and development contracts totaling $185 million. Interpret the Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) and the Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement. Evaluate Funds and Labor Hour Expenditure Reports (FLHER) and Contract Performance Analysis Summary (CPAS) and recommend action on the contractor proposals on the $8 million Space Active Modular Materials Experiments (SAMMES) contract with Physical Sciences, Inc., $3 million Specialized Analysis for Strategic Relations contract with Troy Inc., $25 million Independent Scientific Engineering Research in Interceptor Technology contract with ARES Corporation, $23 million Commanders in Chief Theater Missile Defense (CINC JTMD) Assessments contract with SRS Inc., the $99 million Technical and Engineering Services contract with Johns Hopkins University/Applied Physics Laboratory, the $252 thousand MSX Data Certification contract with the University of Alabama Huntsville, the $3 million Independent Scientific Engineering Research in Interceptor Technology with Futron Corporation, and the $23 million Labor and Technical Allocation Plans contract with the Utah State University. Monitor the contractor's condition. Analyze cost proposals and price data on various proposals.
Program Manager and Professional Contact Management Consultant for Tessada and Associates to the Department of Transportation, United States Coast Guard Headquarters, Acquisition Directorate (now the Department of Homeland Security, United States Coast Guard Headquarters, Acquisition Directorate). Manage a team of eight professionals. Negotiate and manage purchase orders totaling $500 million for the United States Coast Guard to include the National Distress and Response System Modernization Project and contracts for the Marine Safety and Environmental Protection Directorate. Researched cutting edge concepts in contracts called Award Term Contracting. Interpret the Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR), the Transportation Acquisition Regulation, and the United States Coast Guard Acquisition Regulations. Evaluate and recommend action on the contractor monthly invoices to the Marine Safety and Environmental Protection Directorate. Identified overpayment issue for the Directorate. Monitor the contractor's financial condition. Analyze cost proposals and price data on various proposals.
Professional Contact Management Consultant for COMSYS Inc. to Lockheed Martin Air Traffic Management (now Lockheed Martin Transportation & Solutions), Acquisition Support. Negotiate and manage many purchase orders totaling $105 million for Lockheed Martin's international commercial subcontracts and governmental subcontracts with the Federal Aviation Administration. The international contracts includes are with such countries as Korea, England, New Zealand and countries in Eastern Africa. Evaluate and recommend action on the contractor invoices on the Korean Area Control Center System, the New Zealand Air Traffic Control System, and the $50 million pound United Kingdom New Scottish Centre. Monitor the contractor's financial condition. Analyze cost proposals and price data on various proposals.
President and Chief Executive Officer of the professional contract management consulting firm of Ferguson and Associates as an independent contractor and purchasing specialist to the United States Postal Service (USPS), Automation Purchasing Division. Manage four multi-million dollar contracts for the USPS modernization program. Negotiate multi-million dollar contracts and modifications with Lockheed Martin ($244 million Carrier Sequence Bar Coding System, $148 million Flat Sorting Machine 1000, and $.5 million Mail Tray Cart System, $5 million Carrier Sequence Bar Coding System Personal Computer Upgrade, and $22 million Automatic Tray Sleever) and ElectroCom Automation ($40 million Flat Sorting Machine 1000 Phase II). Interpret the USPS Purchasing Manual and advise the Contracting Officer. Evaluate and recommend action on the contractor monthly progress payment requests and invoices. Maintain status of all sub-division contracts. Monitor each contractor's financial condition. Analyze cost proposals and price data on various proposals. Web Master with HTML experience.
Senior Associate and acquisition manager for Booz – Allen and Hamilton, McLean, VA to the United States Navy, Naval Sea Systems Command (NAVSEA) $500 million EHF Satellite Communications Program. Wrote acquisition plan for the follow on procurement of new contractual actions. Interpret the Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR) and the Naval Acquisition Regulation. Wrote the lesson plan for the Veteran Affairs $.5 million service acquisition course.
Professional Contracts Manager for CEXEC Incorporated, Vienna, VA to the Department of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration. Writer for the new Contract Administration Handbook for the Federal Aviation Administration. Interpret the Federal Acquisition Regulations (FAR), the Transportation Acquisition Regulation, and the United States Postal Service Procurement Handbook. Evaluate and recommend action on the contractor monthly progress payment requests and invoices on the $560 million Aeronautical Surveillance Radar Nine with Westinghouse Electric Corporation. Monitor the contractor's financial condition. Analyze cost proposals and price data on various proposals like the $2 billion Postal Buddy contract between the Unites States Postal Service and Postal Buddy Corporation. Assist in numerous negotiations and write monthly management status reports. Evaluate and recommend approval of the alternate liquidation rate. Former United States Air Force Captain with 10 years of service who worked for the Air Force Systems Command, Aeronautical Systems Division (now Air Force Material Command, Aeronautical Systems Center) as a contract manager on the $100 billion B-1B contract (Rockwell International) at Wright-Patterson AFB, OH, the Chief of Contracts for the $500 million United States Air Force Industrial Modernization Improvement Program at Wright-Patterson AFB, a price analyst on the $45 billion F-16 contract (General Dynamics Corporation) at Air Force Plant #4, Ft. Worth, TX for the Air Force Contract Management Division, and a nuclear missile combat crew commander Minuteman II weapon system for the United States Air Force, Strategic Air Command (now United States Strategic Command).
Top Secret, United States Air Force
Secret, Department of Defense
Confidential, United States Postal Service
Risk Level 5C, Department of Homeland Security, Bureau of Immigration and Customs Enforcement
Upon Request
EMail: fanda1996@hotmail.com
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Ferguson & Associates
A Professional Consulting Firm
Dr. George St. A. Ferguson, Sr., CPCM, President & CEO
Upper Marlboro, MD 20774-5637
EMail: fanda1996@hotmail.com
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