Stockton Chapter Meeting Minutes for April 6, 2002
By Violet Dutra, Secretary
President Terri Torres called meeting to order at 12:40 PM. in Conference
Room A Dameron Hospital following the video presentation of "An Untold Triumph."
Those present were Jerry Paular, Anita Bautista, Sue Mangrobang, Virgie Melear,
Mel LaGasca, Mario Oribello, Letty Perez, Violet Dutra, and guests UOP students
Mark Quijano, Kristine Raguindin, and Ryan Himeda.
Minutes of March 2, 2002 were approved as distributed.
The students were introduced as members of Kilusan Pilipino (UOP club), which
is presenting a program entitled "Echoes to be Heard," for their Pilipino
Cultural Night, on Saturday, April 20. A souvenir program booklet will be
distributed and they requested that our chapter advertise in the booklet.
It was moved/seconded (Melear/LaGasca) that we purchase a half page $50.00
ad in the student program. Motion passed. Terri will e-mail the chapter's
advertisement to the students on Monday, April 8.
President Terri Torres reminded those present that there would be no meeting
on May 4, and reviewed the May 4 Conference "Reclaiming the Legacy: a Conference
on Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders" that will be held in San Francisco
for those who wish to attend. The next Stockton FANHS meeting will be held
on June 1, 2002, with Ana Marcelo as speaker on "Catering to America: 80
Years of Restaurant Pinoys."
Terri reviewed the need to plan for the July L.A. Conference. Volunteers
will be needed to man the bunkhouse display at the conference and are asking
our members who attend the conference to volunteer for the duty. A final
sign-up sheet will be passed around at the June meeting.
She announced that the April newsletter was ready for distribution to those
present. The others would then be mailed. The next newsletter will be for
July 2002, deadline for articles is June 20.
Terri updated the news on the request from the Monterey Language School;
through the FANHS e-mail network someone was located to teach the class.
Terri had received an e-mail from Benjamin Alban who was looking for people
interested in participating in a panel discussion on April 24 about teen
suicide at the San Joaquin County's Mental Health Dept. A description of
the program was distributed to those in attendance for their review. Several
members seemed interested in participating.
Vice President Mel LaGasca reported that the Museum Project Bylaws are being
reviewed and legal advice on structuring is being sought. Next committee
meeting to be announced.
Treasurer Virgie Melear reported that there is $4840.60 in checking account,
with some outstanding bills still to be paid.
All items have been moved from the smaller storage unit to the 10' x 10'
unit and the rent has been paid.
Virgie reported that she still needed to look into the copyright issues regarding
our license plates. The Midwest chapter was told they could order plates
from us and in our next reorder, we will also have Pinay plates made.
In March, Dawn Mabalon brought some of her Berkeley students to Stockton
to spend the day "visiting" Filipino American history. Virgie Melear and
Anita Bautista participated as speakers. (See attached) The students first
went to work an hour or so cutting asparagus, then met with Virgie and Anita
for a question and answer session at Trinity Presbyterian Hall. Dawn would
like to make this a regular semester event and it was suggested that more
lead-time be given in the future for more chapter participation.
Secretary Violet Dutra passed around a thank you card from the Villa family,
a letter from the Sister City Committee, and newsletters received from other
chapters and the Asian Chamber of Commerce.
Membership: Violet Dutra reported that we have 127 members (25 members are
in arrears). Membership directories are ready to be distributed to members
only. They will be mailed with the current newsletter.
Fundraising: Mary Louise Lopez has contacted volunteers to take charge of
the dessert table and to assist with the White Elephant table for the April
27 Museum Benefit event. Sign up sheets were circulated for those who can
bring desserts, prizes, and white elephant items and who can assist in any
way. Violet Dutra reported that 113 tickets have been distributed, 122 mailed
to members, and as of this date, 30 tickets were sold, 7 returned, and $20
donated by someone who could not attend. Five press releases were mailed
to area newspapers and one to cable TV.
October 19 Recognition Award Night: Reminder to send in nominations before
July 1st.
Little Manila Landmark project meeting will be held at Philomathean Club
House on Sunday, April 7, 2002 at 1:00 P.M.
Virgie Melear reported that the SUSD had contacted her to have us participate
in their Multicultural Exhibit that will be held on May 16 at St. Mark's
Plaza. Terri asked if anyone could volunteer for this event, but more information
was needed. Terri will contact SUSD for more information and then contact
chapter members. [Update as of April 21 - not enough volunteers to make the
exhibit possible, Virgie Melear contacted SUSD to decline.]
Letty Perez donated to the chapter 40 issues of their premiere edition of
Frank Perez's book "Saga of the Early Filipinos in America". They are being
sold at $5 a copy. Virgie Melear gave Letty a receipt for her donation.
The meeting was adjourned at 2:00 P.M.
Next meeting will be held on June 1, 2002 at 10 AM at Dameron Hospital,
Conference Room A, with presentation "Catering to America: 80 Years of Restaurant
Pinoys" given by Ana Marcelo.