By Violet Dutra, Secretary
President Terri Torres called the meeting to order after a presentation by Buster Villa on "The Filipino Farm Movement in the USA". The meeting was held in Conference Room A, Dameron Hospital. Other members present were Mel LaGasca, Maria Vea, Bob Cabigas, Anita Bautista, Virgie Melear, Elena Mangahas, Buster Villa, Deanna Balantac, Moreno Balantac, Jerry Paular, Eleanor Paular, and Violet Dutra.
Minutes from March 1, 2003, were approved as distributed.
President Terri Torres made several announcements: The Filipino flags ordered through the Internet have arrived. After a short discussion, it was decided to sell the flags to members for $5.00, and to non-members for $10.00.
She reviewed the March 23 Sacramento Zoo event and the March 26 Stanford student visit by saying they are described in the April newsletter, which was distributed during today's meeting and will be mailed out to the rest of the members and other chapters and trustees.
The Central Valley Asian American Chamber of Commerce dues were discussed. It was M/S/P (Mel LaGasca/Moreno Balantac) that our chapter continues membership in the organization for $50 a year.
Terri reported that FANHS has been invited to participate on Filipino Friendship Day on June 12, 2003 at the Civic Auditorium by setting up a Historical display in the entrance foyer. We have also been asked to attend the planning committee meetings; next one will be April 28. She reminded the group that we are also involved the following week on June 21 at Hercules, CA, "Fiesta Filipiniana" where we will set up a FANHSing booth. Volunteers will need to sign up for the shifts they will be available to help.
Terri spoke briefly on the March 8 Trustee meeting, which was reviewed in the March mailing. She brought items, which were distributed at the conference, including a book and a video for our chapter.
Marilyn Guida has requested our input for a slide presentation that Haggin Museum is now revising. The docents would like to include a slide photograph of a woman or women of Filipina Heritage (living or deceased) who should be recognized for her contribution to and importance in the history of San Joaquin County. The names are to be reviewed and the selection made in early May, so we are to submit the names soon. The following names were suggested during the meeting: Letty Perez, Segunda Reyes, C Bohulano, C Carido, and Paula Daclan. Terri will send an email to other members for their input.
The Association of Filipino/Americans in Education (AFAE) are planning their yearly recognition and achievements awards dinner and dance for deserving high school students in Stockton and vicinity on Saturday, May 31, 2003, at the Radisson Hotel in Stockton. Tickets are $35.00 donation each. Reservations deadline is May 15, 2003.
Terri reminded everyone that FANHS Central Valley Chapter's "Campo" day would be held on Saturday, April 26, 2003. Cost is $10 for adults, $5 for children 9 to 12, and children 8 and under is free. Deadline for reservations are April 21, 2003.
Vice President Mel LaGasca reported on the Museum project overview, which he presented at the Trustees meeting in March. He also brought out that the national office is having financial problems, which we need to consider. Virgie reported that our FANHSing sales help, since many of the items we sell are from National. Terri also mentioned that the chapter assessments are required, and that the values are being revised and Dorothy Cordova will notify us with updated information soon.
Treasurer Virgie Melear reported $99.11 in Savings, $11,514.95 in the Museum C.D., and $4,267.28 in Checking. She stated that she has not yet received the form for the Income and Expense Statement for 2002 from National, so she has yet to submit the report.
Secretary Violet Dutra circulated thank you notes from Lupe Tibon for a get-well note sent to her for her recent illness, and from Michelle Felicano and Rebecca McDonald who were guests at our meeting in March.
Membership: Violet Dutra reported a membership of 150 with four new senior members and one individual member. Last year on March 2, 2002, our membership was 126; on this March 1, 2003, it was 143-an increase of 17, which meant we had met our goal of 10 new members. It was decided to again set a goal of 10 new members this year.
A sympathy card was sent to Anita Bautista on the death of Segundo Bautista, who was also a FANHS member; and a card was sent to Manuel and Donna Revillar on the death of Manuel's uncle, Felix Eliab. A get-well card was sent to Lupe Tibon.
Fundraising: The tickets for the August Museum fundraiser will be printed and distributed in May.
Elena Mangahas, on behalf of Little Manila Foundation, expressed appreciation for FANHS participation in the reception for the Stanford students on March 26.
Also discussed was the FANHSing items and the need for a more lucrative way to raise funds for our chapter and for the museum. One suggestion was a chapter cookbook, which Terri has already put a request in for recipes from members in the April 2003 newsletter. If enough recipes are received, we can compile them into a book to sell at functions with the proceeds going to the museum fund. We also want some kind of a "giveaway" item to hand out at events, such as pencils, magnets, buttons, etc. - something that could be produced at a very low cost.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:15 p.m. Some members present planned to attend Sacramento/Delta chapter meeting this afternoon in Isleton.
Next meeting will be held on May 3, 2003, at Dameron Hospital Conference Room A (basement) at 10:00 A.M. with a video presentation from our archives, Virgie Melear will make the choice.