Minutes from Stockton Chapter Meeting on April 12, 2001
by Terri Torres

Meeting was brought to order at 7:55 PM by President, Richard Tenaza. Those in attendance were Virgie Melear, Terri Torres, Violet Dutra, Bob Cabigas, Mary Louise Lopez, and Donald Manalo.

Minutes from the March 8, 2001, meeting were approved as written.

President: Richard Tenaza gave a brief report of the Trustee Meeting that was held in Stockton on March 24 and 25, 2001, particularly the part that dealt with the Pinoy Museum. (The information can be found in the reports mailed out in March.)

Richard also passed out a draft of Museum Bylaws for everyone to read at their leisure and to discuss at the next Museum Committee meeting to be announced in the future.

It was suggested that the museum committee might want to focus its concentration on finding places to exhibit small displays at the present time.

Treasurer: Virgie Melear reported that our bank balance was at $1,931.09, which includes $253.85 to be sent to National for their membership share (1/3), $100 in Little Manila donations, $11 that goes to Arkipelago Books for books we sell on consignment, $34 to Corky Pasquil for boxing videos we sell on consignment, and $350 that goes into the Museum Fund CD that matures on May 5, 2001.

When the Museum Fund CD does mature, Virgie will transfer it to our new bank, Financial Center Credit Union, and will add to it the $350 plus the proceeds from our May 5 Dessert/Dance Museum Benefit.

Virgie also reported on the FANHSing items that we have for sell. She will bring them to the May 5 event. She is going to contact Eugene Ragasa who is in charge of the crafts workshop at CYA (California Youth Authority) and see if his students can make items for us to sell. Virgie will also check with him as to whether his students can print posters and T-shirts for us.

Secretary: Terri Torres reported that the April 2001 newsletter was completed and ready to mail. The next newsletter will be for July 2001 and the deadline for submitting articles is June 15, 2001.

Terri also passed around correspondence: San Diego Chapter's April 2001 newsletter, Oregon Chapter's current newsletter, flyer for MidWest FANHS Conference, and Oregon Chapter's new book order form.

She also had copies of the 3rd Annual Multicultural Village sign-up form that Virginia Navarro had picked up for our chapter. Due to several commitments presently engaging the efforts of the few members who do participate, it was decided to forgo this event for this year. FANHS, therefore, unfortunately, will not have a presence at this event.

Terri also reported on the current status of the Tri-Chapters. Previously, it had been decided that the three chapters would try to schedule a Reno bus trip from each city (Sacramento, Stockton, and Livingston/Merced) on July 14, 2001, with the proceeds being designated for the National FANHS office. At this time, Central Valley stated that they were not able to schedule a bus trip, but would support the other chapters. Sacramento Chapter has stated that they already have a bus trip scheduled in September and will discuss with their members how they should distribute the proceeds. Our chapter has not made any decisions yet, as to when to schedule our bus trip. It would depend upon member participation.

Membership: Violet Dutra reported that we currently have 106 members. She also reported that for the year 2000, we received 64 "memberships" for the purpose of chapter assessment. Based on 64 memberships, Virgie Melear will send the National Office $300 for our chapter assessment. This is an additional payment to National which is not part of the 1/3 cut that National receives on all memberships that are turned in by each chapter. Assessments are based on the number of memberships a chapter receives throughout the year, not the actual "bodies". This was clarified at the Trustee Meeting on March 24 and 25, 2001. So the money received from our memberships for the year 2000 totaled $940 less $313.33 to National for their one-third, less $300 to National for our assessment. That leaves our chapter with $326.67 to use for operating expenses, etc.

Violet also stated that new member, Pacifico Fuertes, volunteered to help her with recruiting new members for our chapter. She stated that she really appreciates his offer and his willingness to support our chapter.

Archives: Bob Cabigas reported that he received a donation of Nono Navarro's army uniform and other items that he will catalog and place into the storage unit. Terri Torres also gave him several newspaper articles that she had been collecting that dealt with Filipino Americans in Stockton.

Bob also stated that he was going to donate a used fax machine and a used Dell computer to the chapter. The fax machine will be given to Terri (as secretary) to use, and the computer will be put into the storage unit as no one has need of it at this time and we do not have an office to place it into.

Fundraising: Mary Louise Lopez and Violet Dutra reported that the preparations for the May 5 Dessert/Dance were progressing at a timely pace. Money totalling $310 for 33 tickets already sold plus additional donations were turned into Virgie Melear by Violet. This brings the total amount of money for this event to $410 because of a $100 payment turned in previously. Our chapter members are being asked to contact Mary Louise (463-3613) or Violet (462-3489) to donate a dessert and any item for the white elephant sale.

Funds brought in for the evening's presentation totaled $43.51 ($29 for the raffle and $14.51 for attendance donation).

Terri Torres reported that the tickets for the October 20 Award Recognition Dinner/Dance would be available for sale at the May 5 event. She also requested that members submit their nominations for the recognition award as soon as they are able. Deadline is July 1, 2001. A nomination form was provided in the April 2001 newsletter and is attached to these minutes. A notice will also be e-mailed to members.

Little Manila Landmark Project: Terri Torres stated that she had heard from Addie Suguitan that Gloria Nomura wanted to have a meeting concerning the project on April 27, 2001. Addie will contact us with more information when it becomes available.

Terri Torres stated that she was disappointed at the evening's attendance -- only 6 members attended the presentation. She felt it was an embarrassment to our organization. She also announced that she will continue to do her chapter duties (secretary, newsletter, minutes for Museum and Tri-Chapter committees, membership, communications database, etc.) until the 2002 Los Angeles Conference. At that time she will reconsider her position as secretary. If someone would like to take her place now, she would be happy to oblige.

Meeting was adjourned at 9:05 PM. Next meeting will be May 10, 2001. Presentation will be "Origins of Filipino Self Defense" given by Dintoy Revillar, Instructor of SLD Escrima, Stockton.

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