By Violet Dutra, Secretary

A potluck was held at the home of Maria Vea in Lathrop, with a variety of delicious foods enjoyed by those present. A special agenda was followed after the potluck, instead of the regular meeting agenda, in order to review events and the budget for 2003. President Terri Torres called the meeting to order at 2:30 PM. Those present were Maria Vea, Jerry and Eleanor Paular, Donald and Gloria Manalo, Susisa Monton, Moreno and Deanna Balantac, Mel and Gail LaGasca, Anita Bautista, Bob Cabigas, Virgie Melear, Violet Dutra, and guest Vangie Kilmer.

It was brought out that member Adela Navarro is in the hospital recovering from open-heart surgery. A get well card from the chapter will be sent to her.

Terri circulated several flyers and other chapter newsletters. She announced that a luncheon meeting would be held on December 17 at UOP to discuss a project being planned entitled "When We Were Young: The Experiences of Stocktonians Across Three Generations." Terri Torres and Violet Dutra will attend and bring back information to present to the rest of the chapter at the January 2003 meeting.

Other announcements include: Gilbert Lee of the International Channel: the Filipino Channel came to Stockton to meet with Terri and Virgie Melear to discuss the release of their new network in Stockton. He would like to work with FANHS to get input as to types of programs to present.

David Plettner, a consultant working with the Arts and Culture Planning committee, who would like the Arts Commission to include more cultural programs and not just art, contacted Terri. She told him about the FANHS museum and the Little Manila Foundation. As of this date there has been no further information.

The Sister City Association is hosting their annual Crab Feed on January 18, 2003 at the Stockton Buddhist Temple to support many of their activities. Advance tickets only at $30. Call 478-9629 or 478-7546.

The Stockton NAACP Youth Council will hold its annual youth summit on Saturday, February 8, 2003, at San Joaquin Delta College. Call 468-3113.

The Daguhoy Lodge has applied to the City's Cultural Board to be designated as a historical landmark. The Lodge will hold a fund-raiser Christmas Dinner/Dance on December 22, 2002 at McFall Senior Citizens Center. Anita Bautista and Virgie Melear plan to attend in support. Though FANHS does not have unlimited funds, we may be able to assist in other ways to help the lodge get their historical designation.

The Haggin Museum is hosting a History Essay Contest for 11th and 12th grade students. Deadline is April 2003. For information call Marilyn Guida, Curator of Education at 940-6315.

Ana Marcelo has submitted a suggestion of the reading of poetry, etc. as a program for the chapter in March. There will be more discussion in the future.

Mel LaGasca has met with an attorney regarding the museum project. He outlined some of the points needed on the operation of the museum. More long term planning is needed before too much time elapses. He will have more to report at the January 2003 meeting.

Mel will check with Dameron Hospital to make sure that we can keep having our monthly meetings there.

Terri reminded everyone that the next newsletter will be out in January 2003 and articles are due at the end of December. She will work on the newsletter after she gets back from Spokane in January.

Bob Cabigas reported that he and others were able to move our archives from the old storage unit to the new storage place on December 7, with 2 more file cabinets needing to be moved on December 19.


Terri has been contacting possible locations for a Museum benefit as suggested by Tony Somera in September. In order to plan such an event, advance planning is needed, probably a year in advance, as most places are already scheduled through the summer and fall. In addition, since we already are scheduled for the October Award/Recognition event on October 18, 2003, we don't want to schedule another large event too closely to it. We may have to just have our regular dessert/dance this year for the museum fund-raiser. More information is needed from Tony Somera who will meet with us in the near future.

Treasurer's Report: Virgie Melear reported for Nov. 2002-Museum CD $10,628; Checking $5,335.49; Savings $98.67. Several bills still need to be paid. The assessment to national was brought up at the recent National Conference in Los Angeles-that it was just a suggestion, not mandatory. So it was decided to use any extra money that we have go toward the museum project. In response to her request for help, Bob Cabigas volunteered to assist Virgie with the treasurer's duties.

To assist in the paying of chapter postage costs, Anita Bautista donated two boxes of cookie packages to be sold at $1 each. Those present at this meeting bought some cookies for a total of $6. The cookies will be available at the January meeting.


The tentative budget for 2003 was reviewed in light of exact income and expenditures for 2002. A comparison between 2001 income/expenses and 2002 income/expenses was reviewed, as well as the previous budget for 2002. (See attached financial statements) Further discussion will be held to prepare for 2003.

The Historians, Moreno and Deanna Balantac, submitted their expense report for 2002 with a total of $50 incurred for expenses. They are donating their expenses to the chapter.

It was M/S (D. Balantac/A. Bautista) to buy a camcorder for use to videotape for historical purposes. The topic was tabled to the next meeting due to needed research regarding the latest technologies for archival purposes.

The meeting was adjourned at 3:30PM. The next meeting will be held at 10:00 AM at Dameron Hospital, in Conference Room A on January 4, 2003. President Terri Torres will not be present, so VP Mel LaGasca will conduct the meeting.

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