Stockton Chapter Meeting Minutes for February 14, 2002
by Violet Dutra, Secretary

Meeting was held at the Filipino Plaza's Social Hall following a slide and talk presentation by Richard Tenaza entitled " A Glimpse of Muslim Life in the Philippines." (See attached summary). Present were Terri Torres, Anita Bautista, Virgie Melear, Donald Manalo, Gloria Manalo, Virginia Navarro, Letty Perez, Richard Tenaza, Stan Padayhag, Violet Dutra, and guest, Filomeno Kakilala.

Meeting was called to order by President Terri Torres at 8:15 P.M. A certificate of appreciation prepared by Mel LaGasca was presented to Immediate Past President Richard Tenaza for his dedication to FANHS.

Minutes of January 10, 2002 were approved as distributed.

President: Terri Torres -- The January 2002 Newsletter was published and distributed. Deadline for articles for the April 2002 issue is March 25. Terri announced that the position of newsletter editor is open. Until someone volunteers Terri will continue as editor.

LA 2002 Conference brochures were available for those interested in obtaining copies. Several members present expressed an interest in attending. Terri reminded those in attendance about the conference committee's request for an item worth approximately $20 to donate for their fund raising auction. Members are to contact Terri if they have an item to donate.

Terri reviewed the budget information included in last month's mailing. The necessity for everyone to be involved in fund raising was stressed in the discussion which followed.

In the absence of Vice President Mel LaGasca due to illness in the family, Terri gave the report that monthly FANHS meetings will now be held on the first Saturday of each month at 10:00 A.M. at Dameron Hospital in the basement, Room A, prior to the Museum Project meeting.

At the last Museum Project meeting Terri reported that guests from the Bay Area met with the committee to review ideas that would assist in future plans for the development of the Little Manila Historical District. It was suggested by the committee that the group meet with the Little Manila Foundation, since their ideas have merit. (See attached report.) The next museum meeting will be held on March 2 after the regular chapter meeting.

Treasurer: Virgie Melear reported that there is $7421.00 in the Museum building fund; and $3216.89 in the checking account, with outstanding bills of $721.24 to be paid. One third of dues still need to be sent to National, also. This evening's opportunity drawing brought in $37.00.

Dues for the Central Valley Asian American Chamber of Commerce has been paid, courtesy of Richard Tenaza, but no information has yet been received from the Chamber as to meetings, etc.

Storage Unit: The Exhibit Committee will be meeting at the storage unit to decide whether it would be feasible to rent a larger unit and report back to the membership.

Secretary: Violet Dutra circulated a news bulletin from The Stockton Sister City Association regarding upcoming activities.

Membership: Violet Dutra reported that we have 127 members, and introduced our newest member Stan Padayhag to those present. She also reported that she had sent a "get well" card to Bob Cabigas who was in the hospital recently, and a sympathy card to Manuel Revillar on the death of his brother, Benny.

Violet reminded everyone that the deadline for submitting names, addresses, and other information for the membership directory is March 2, so the directory can be printed and distributed as soon as possible.

Community Liaison: Buster Villa was not able to attend.

Education: Virginia Navarro is working with students at Bear Creek High School for their multicultural day to be held on February 28. The public is invited for a fee. Virginia is also providing information to students who need to do reports on Filipino American history. Letty Perez holds seminars at Haggin Museum for the public on Filipino American history.

An announcement was made by Violet Dutra informing those present of the selection of Virginia Navarro by the San Joaquin County Commission of the Status of Women to receive a Susan B. Anthony Women of Achievement Award in Education. She was nominated by Richard Tenaza and Stockton FANHS. Awards are to be presented on February 15, 2002. Congratulations were extended to Virginia.

Archives: Bob Cabigas was not able to stay after the presentation, but had brought in a banner with the chapter's name on it to be used on our booth when we set it up at such places as the Barrio Fiesta, etc. He donated it to our chapter.

Historians Moreno and Deanna Balantac were not able to attend.

Fundraising: Violet Dutra and Mary Louise Lopez have been working on plans for the Spring Event/Dessert Dance, and are recommending that it be held on April 27, 2002, at the Stockton Moose Lodge. The Lodge agreed to rent the space to us for the same nominal fee as last year and the hall would already be decorated from their luau held on the previous weekend. The tickets would sell for $10.00 each and would benefit the Museum Fund. A motion was made and passed to hold the Spring Event, with door ticket funds to go into the Museum Fund, and proceeds from a White Elephant sale, Opportunity Drawing, and FANHSing item sales to go towards operating expenses of the chapter.

This year's third annual Recognition Award night will be held on October 19 at the Filipino Plaza Social Hall. Everyone is reminded to submit names and biographies for award nominees to Moreno and Deanna Balantac, who have again offered to chair that committee.

Presentations: There will be no program prior to the March meeting. Ana Marcelo has agreed to present a program for the May meeting. Virgie Melear and Anita Bautista will contact the "Untold Triumph" coordinator to show the film for us for the April meeting.

Exhibit Committee: Virgie Melear reported that the committee is working on the Bunkhouse Display for the LA 2002 Conference, and will be contacting Stockton participants at the conference to assist as needed at the exhibit as soon as we hear from the LA Conference committee. (See attached report.)

Orchid Restaurant Display: Terri delivered two framed signs and a banner to the restaurant to identify the items on loan being displayed.

Little Manila Landmark project: Terri Torres reminded everyone that their next meeting will be held on March 9 at 10:00 A.M. at the Library. On March 23, 2002, comedian Rex Navarrete will perform for a fund-raiser to be held at Delta College's Tillie Lewis Theater .

Untold Triumph: As stated above, Virgie Melear and Anita Bautista will check with Linda Revilla in Sacramento whether it would be possible to show the video at our April 6 meeting.

Meeting was adjourned at 9:40 P.M.

The next meeting will be held on March 2, 2002, at 10:00 A.M. at Dameron Hospital's Conference Room A (basement).

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