Stockton Chapter Meeting Minutes for January 10, 2002
by Terri Torres-Secretary

Meeting was held at the Filipino Plaza's Social Hall. Those in attendance were Richard Tenaza, Mel LaGasca, Violet Dutra, Deanna and Moreno Balantac, and Terri Torres.

Meeting was brought to order at 7:10 PM by President Richard Tenaza.

Minutes for December were reviewed, corrected and then approved.

President: Richard Tenaza -- Central Valley Asian American Chamber of Commerce -- Richard reported that he was not able to attend the chamber's Dec. 18 workshop. Terri stated that Virgie Melear reported that she has not been able to send the $50 fee to the chamber, but will do so as soon as possible.

Change of Meeting Place and Day -- We were informed that the Filipino Plaza might not be available on a monthly basis for our meetings in the future. It was suggested that we change our meeting time to the first Saturday of each month to take advantage of the already reserved room at Dameron Hospital. Mel LaGasca said he would check with Dameron to make sure we could use the presentation equipment in the conference room. We already have the room reserved for the first Saturday from 10 AM to 1 PM for the Museum meetings so there would be enough time to also have our business meetings and presentations. We will have our March meeting there -- March 2. Our February meeting will still be at the Plaza on Feb. 14, and Richard will be giving his presentation on Filipino Muslims. Terri informed the group that she will be out of town on March 2 due to prior commitments and Mel agreed to chair the March meeting.

Vice President: Mel LaGasca -- Museum Project -- Mel reported that the committee met on Jan. 5 at their appointed time. Those attending were Anita Bautista, Virgie Melear and Mel. They reviewed the contents of a proposed packet that will be sent to National for Dorothy Cordova's perusal. Mel will set a deadline date for Dorothy to return comments and suggestions prior to the National conference in July. The committee's main concern is obtaining legal assistance for the project. Next meeting will be Feb. 2, 2002, at the appointed place -- Dameron Hospital Conference Room A, at 10 AM.

Treasurer: Virgie Melear -- not able to attend. Virgie telephoned her report to Terri. The current bank balance is $3,879.15 out of which some bills need to be paid.

Storage Unit -- Virgie reported that she checked on prices for a 10 x 10 storage unit at various companies and the rental fees ranged between $90 to $99. At our current storage company, the 10 x 10 space would be $63 a month. We are currently renting a 6 x 8 space for $40 a month. Discussion of whether or not we will switch was tabled for the next meeting.

FANHSing Items -- Virgie stated that she will create an inventory of the items we sell, complete with what our net income would be for each item and report to us at the February meeting.

Secretary: Terri Torres -- Correspondence -- Terri passed out various items received through the mail.

Newsletter -- Terri reported that she had not received all the articles yet for the January 2002 newsletter. When those items are received, she will complete the newsletter and have them mailed out before the end of the month. It was also decided to increase the advertising fee for the newsletter to offset our expenses. Current advertisers will be notified of the increase. New rates will be effective for the next newsletter (April 2002). The deadline for articles is set for March 20, 2002.

Budget -- Terri stated that she had complied her expenses for 2001 and had created a budget for secretary expenses for 2002. (See attached) Her main concerns were that the expenses averaged $85 a month. She is hoping that we are able to raise more funds at our monthly presentations.

Membership: Violet Dutra -- Violet reported that we have 124 members (5 new seniors courtesy of Maria Vea). She also reported that she had sent a "get well" card to Dr. Sangalang who was in the hospital recently. Violet also reported on her expenses for 2001 and her budget for 2002. (See attached) Her goal is to obtain 10 new members for the year.

Community Liaison: Buster Villa -- unable to attend.

Education: Richard Tenaza and Virginia Navarro -- nothing to report.

Archives: Bob Cabigas -- unable to attend.

Historians: Deanna and Moreno Balantac -- nothing to report.

Fundraising: Mary Louise Lopez and Violet Dutra -- Violet stated that they had compiled their expenses for 2001, (not including donated items and services) and had created a budget for 2002. (See attached) Her plea is for more members to participate in our fundraising events in selling/buying tickets and volunteering their time to help organize the events. Tentative plans are to have another major fundraising event in the spring for the museum.

October Recognition Awards -- Deanna reported that she was able to reserve the Social Hall for October 19 this year for our award dinner/dance event. Members are asked to help in organizing the event and to submit their nominations for awardees. More planning will be discussed at future meetings.

Exhibits: Virgie Melear and Bob Cabigas -- not able to attend. Orchid Restaurant Display -- Virgie telephoned that she has not been able to put up a sign at the restaurant yet. This will be discussed at the Exhibit Committee meeting on January 12. (See attached)

Bunkhouse Display -- Terri reported that she had contacted a person on the National Conference committee and the questions have been referred to two other committee members to respond back to Terri. Terri will contact the conference committee again.

Little Manila project: Dawn Mabalon -- unable to attend. Terri reported that she had received an e-mail from Dawn that the Rex Navarrete concert has been postponed to a later date. The Little Manila committee will be meeting on Jan. 19, 10 AM at the Cesar Chavez Library meeting room. Terri forwarded the e-mail to members for their notice.

Untold Triumph: Virgie Melear -- unable to attend. Virgie telephoned that she and her committee members were working on the project.

New Officers -- New officers were installed for 2002: Terri Torres as President, Mel LaGasca as Vice President, Virgie Melear as Treasurer, and Violet Dutra as Secretary.

Meeting was adjourned at 8:30 PM.

Next meeting will be February 14, 2002, at the Filipino Plaza's Social Hall following a presentation given by Richard Tenaza at 7 PM. Topic of presentation is "A Glimpse of Muslim Life in the Philippines".


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