By Violet Dutra, Secretary Pro Temp

President Mel LaGasca called the meeting to order at 10:10 AM, at Dameron Hospital, Conference Room B. Other members present were Virginia Melear, Evangeline Kilmer, Suzanna Mangrobang, Anita Bautista, Robert Cabigas, Jerry Paular, Sr., Maria Vea, and Violet Dutra. Also present was Max Lazo, a member of Sacramento FANHS chapter. Everyone introduced themselves.

Minutes from December were approved as distributed (Sue Mangrobang/Anita Bautista).


Exhibit Committee: The exhibit committee now consists of Virgie Melear, Bob Cabigas, Anita Bautista, and Fernando Saldevar. The Troke Library exhibit was taken down and brought to the meeting today for display. Bob brought out the importance of getting our displays out into the public eye. Anita also remarked on how we need to get our FANHS name out. Virgie has started making a list of what activities and events the members of FANHS were involved with during 2003. That list will be in the next newsletter. Anita described the setting up of exhibits with different subjects for future displays.

Archives: Bob Cabigas reported on the condition of the two storage units. There are rugs on the floor and the temperature is well regulated. Sizes are both 10 feet by 10 feet and the total rental fee is approximately $128 per month. The organ donated by the Trinity Presbyterian church is in one of the units and a history will be written to accompany it.

Membership: Violet Dutra reported a total membership of 175. New member is Patty Enrado, family member. Deceased is Tino Enebrad. Condolences were sent to Lois Enebrad and her family. Condolences were also sent to Hamilton Burila's family on his passing. She submitted the year-end cost report for the committee--expenses totaled $77.12 (approximate), with $33.08 of that amount donated by her.

Fundraising: Violet Dutra reported that the Weberstown Magical Night Of Giving fund-raiser, after two members submit their money, will have raised a total of $470 with 94 tickets sold This total will go into the Museum Fund. She recommends that we begin selling tickets earlier next year, if at all possible.

The April fund-raiser for the Museum will be held on Friday, April 2, 2004 in conjunction with FILMAPS. More details will be distributed when available.

It was (M/S/P) (Sue Mangrobang/Anita Bautista) that this committee be renamed "Ways and Means" committee to avoid confusion with the Museum Capital Campaign project.


Vice President Anita Bautista spoke on the importance of Stockton as a center of Filipino American history and the gains made through the cooperation with the Little Manila Foundation. She also brought out that new or prospective members should be encouraged to donate any information, copies of photographs, etc. that could be added to our archives. Donations would be filed with an informational and descriptive outline.

Treasurer Virgie Melear reported account balances as of Nov. 30--Checking $7291.01, Savings $14,983.32; and two CDs totaling $22,003.81. Several checks have been written and income not yet added to the statement.

Secretary pro temp Violet Dutra circulated correspondence. She stated that the January newsletter was being compiled by Terri Torres in Wichita and would be published as soon as possible.

President Mel La Gasca called for a moment of silence for Tino Enebrad, Virgie Townsend, and Hamilton Burila.

He reviewed the importance of "in-kind" service--the keeping of time spent on projects on a calendar, which is needed for financial accounting. These statistics will be important when it comes to writing for grant funds for the Museum Project. He presented a 2003 year end review.

The Little Manila Foundation has made great strides. Though it is a separate entity, there might be some confusion in the minds of the public as to the difference between FANHS and LMF. It is important that the two be kept separate so as not to jeopardize our own mission.

It was (M/S/P) (Jerry Paular/Anita Bautista) that we give a provisional endorsement to the Little Manila Foundation on its project in addition to the Memorandum of Understanding already provided by FANHS. The motion was passed with one nay vote. Jerry and Mel will work on this endorsement.

A thank you letter is to be sent to Dameron Hospital in appreciation of our holding our meetings there.

Mel distributed a 2004 "Future Planning" calendar to those present. It included a year-round outline including the dates for the monthly meeting. Included were Sacramento's installation of officers on Jan. 22, the tenth Biennial National FANHS Conference in Missouri, etc. It was suggested that each member keep the calendar handy and update it as appropriate.


Virgie has been contacted by the Kilusan Club of UOP. They will be holding a Pacific Cultural Night 2004--the date to be announced. She also stated that Mark Quijano, one of the UOP students who had attended our meeting in December, is proposing a video film project. He is to contact Mel.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:45 noon.

The next meeting will be held on February 7, 2004, at Dameron Hospital, Conference B, (basement) at 10:00 A.M.

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