By Violet Dutra, Secretary
President Terri Torres called the meeting to order at 10:15 A.M. in Conference Room A, Dameron Hospital. Other members present were Deanna and Moreno Balantac, Carmen Griggs, Anita Bautista, Maria Vea, Virgie Melear, Jerry Paular, and Violet Dutra.
Minutes from May 3, 2003 were approved as distributed.
President Terri Torres updated those present on the Little Manila Project, upcoming meetings, and suggested that members check on the website for further information. A community charrette is planned for June 29 for everyone to contribute their ideas.
Flyers for the first Fil-Am Friendship day with the title "Let's Be Together" on June 14 were distributed. FANHS will have a comprehensive educational display in the foyer of the Civic Auditorium for this event. Virgie Melear, Anita Bautista, Violet Dutra and Terri will be manning the "booth" throughout the day.
Stockton FANHS will have a booth at the Philippine Cultural and Historical Association "Fiesta Filipiniana" in Hercules, CA, on Saturday, June 21. Virgie and Anita will be in charge of the booth on that day.
Terri reminded everyone of her plans to move to Kansas in the near future and of the need to plan for the future such as new officers, newsletter, etc.
Terri also updated everyone about the museum project in conjunction with the Little Manila project. A meeting is planned with the San Francisco chapters on June 22 to discuss how chapters can lend a hand.
Treasurer Virgie Melear reported $99.54 in savings, $11,888.84 in the museum CD, and $3706.97 in checking. Terri presented a check for $33.43 from IGive for purchases made through the Internet by FANHS members. Anyone wishing to help in adding to this fund should check on the chapter web page for information.
Moreno reported that he had purchased Plexiglas to replace the glass broken on the "Fighting Filipinos" poster. He is donating the amount paid. Virgie reported that the rent for the storage unit has been paid for the year. She also discussed some suggestions for giveaways to publicize our chapter, such as pencils, or fans. She will continue to review the possibilities. Anita passed around a sample of an "America" decorative wood sign as a fundraising suggestion. It was voted upon to approve the purchase and sale of these signs, buy for $1 each and sell for $2. A further discussion on the printing of T-shirts with different designs was held.
Membership: Violet Dutra reported a membership of 143. Introduced was new member Carmen Griggs, from Orland, CA. Other new members are Laura Navidad, individual; Barbara Caballero Pimentel and Carrie Ramones, seniors; and Ramon and Arlene Galela, lifetime family members. Sympathy cards were sent to David and Vera Rico on the deaths of grandson Derrick Rico, and Dave's mother, Jessie Capillas.
Historians: Moreno and Deanna Balantac reported that they have updated the chapter album with new photos. The album was circulated at the meeting. Members are encouraged to continue submitting photos.
Fundraising: Violet Dutra presented the final report on sales of Filipino flags: Income including donations $320.00; Expenses (cost of flags and mailing) $184.70; Total to museum Fund $135.30. A total of $7 for operating expenses was raised at the meeting through the sale of white elephant items from Louise Lopez.
Museum fundraiser on August 30, 2003 posters were distributed. Tickets were also distributed to those present. Louise Lopez is requesting unwanted records of any size for the decorations for the event. All members are encouraged to buy and sell tickets for this event to raise money for the museum.
Everyone was reminded that the deadline to submit nominations for the October award dinner was July 1, 2003, to include a photo and one page biography. A discussion followed concerning the possibility of including the posthumous recognition of a deserving individual each year in addition to the awards given to living awardees. The consensus was positive. Anita volunteered to write a biography of Claro A. Candelario for this year's award. Next year, with more time, we will have a nomination process in effect.
Anita Bautista described the Oral History project being conducted by the ethnic studies class at Sacramento State University in conjunction with Sacramento chapter of FANHS. A video excerpt from an interview held between a student and Stocktonian Dolores Canete with Anita as the mentor was shown. It is planned that such a project will be conducted in the Stockton area in the future.
The meeting was adjourned at 12.00 noon. There will be no meeting in July. The next meeting will be held on August 2, 2003 at Dameron Hospital, Conference Room A (basement) at 10:00 A.M.