By Violet Dutra, Secretary
President Terri Torres called the meeting to order after the showing of the video movie, "Jose Rizal: The Man, The Hero, The Filipino." Member Adela Navarro donated the video to the Stockton chapter. The meeting was held in Conference Room A, Dameron Hospital. Members present were Mel LaGasca, Maria Vea, Bob Cabigas, Marilyn Guida, Sleepy Caballero, Anita Bautista, Grace Barzaga, Virgie Melear, Addie Suguitan, Elena Mangahas, Dawn Mabalon, and Violet Dutra. Guests were Rebecca McDonald, student from Rio Vista, and Michelle Felicano, student from Fairfield. The students are visiting locally to obtain information for a class project.
Minutes from February 1, 2003 were approved as distributed.
President Terri Torres reported that the PCHA (Philippine Cultural and Historical Association) in Hercules, CA, whose representatives were at the February meeting, have contacted her. She suggested names of persons who may be able to help with the June 21, 2003 Fiesta Filipiniana. Those present at the meeting approved that the Stockton chapter have a FANHSing table at the event. We will need eight volunteers to assist during the day. Terri will respond back to the PCHA coordinators that we will participate in the event.
Terri reported that Marilyn Guida had stated that the San Joaquin Valley Farm Workers will have an exhibit at Haggin Museum on June 7 to July 20 and they requested to borrow our farm tools from our archives. It was decided to lend tools and Marilyn will set up a meeting to coordinate the loan. Marilyn also announced that docent classes are held from September to April at Haggin for those interested.
Terri also reported that she had received a letter from PGE about a proposed pipeline to be built in the Delta area. They were asking historical societies in the area about any historical significance of that area. We agreed that we would not be opposed to the pipeline in regards to Filipino American history. Our history is significant to the workers in the area and not in/under the land. A pipeline in that area would not take away from our history.
Terri stated that Office Max has set up a special "corporate" account in their CopyMax department so that our Xeroxing costs will be lower. This will cut down costs almost in half for the monthly mailers and the quarterly newsletters.
Deadline for the April 2003 issue of our newsletter will be March 31.
Vice President Mel LaGasca announced that KVIE PBS Channel 6 plans to show the following programs:
Mel also distributed a rough draft outlining what he plans to present about the museum project at the National FANHS Board of Trustees meeting on March 8 and 9 at Albuquerque, New Mexico. It mainly covered the current status and projected outline of the project.
Treasurer Virgie Melear reported $11,514.35 in the museum CD, $98.67 in savings, and $5,312,80 in checking. She reported that FANHS donated to the "Untold Triumph" reception. The event was a success. It was suggested that a campaign in writing to KVIE and KQED be carried out, encouraging the showing of the film as soon as possible.
Secretary Violet Dutra reported a letter of appreciation was sent to Sacramento Museum Resource Center. She also circulated a thank you note from Adela Navarro for the condolence card our chapter sent following her recent illness.
Membership: Violet Dutra reported a membership of 143 with one new member, a student, Dillon Delvo. Greetings were sent to member Frank Perez on his 92nd birthday. Condolences were sent to Nena Teves-Calica on the death of her brother, Narciso (Ray) Teves.
Fundraising: Violet Dutra reported that the April presentation would be by Buster Villa who will speak on "The Filipino Farm Movement." The May meeting will include a selection from the video library in our Archives.
Mary Louise Lopez is requesting donations of 45 and 78 LP vinyl records to include in the decorations for the August museum benefit (40's & 50's Social Box Dinner & Dance). She plans to focus on the music/ballroom theme. She also suggests setting up a backdrop for photo sessions as a fundraiser at the dance. Virgie Melear will check with James Villadores to see if he can take photographs.
Looking ahead to the October Awards dinner, Mary Louise is asking for vintage hats to use on the tables as decorations. Please include a photo of a person wearing the hat and/or description with the hat if available.
The Daguhoy Lodge will be presenting its request for historical landmark status at the City Council meeting on Tuesday, March 4, 2003. The Lodge will also be holding a St. Patrick Dinner/Dance on March 16, 2003, at McFall Center to raise funds to restore the building. Cost is $20.00 per person.
All you can eat crab feed with spaghetti and salad will be held on March 15 at Trinity Presbyterian Church at $35.00 a person. Contact Letty Perez if interested.
On April 26 the Livingston chapter will be holding a "Campo Experience." More information will be forthcoming from Luna Jamero.
"Filipino Couples for Christ" will be holding marriage seminars at St. George's church on March 2.
The Meeting adjourned at 12:30 P.M.
The next meeting will be held on April 5, 2003, at Dameron Hospital Conference Room A (basement) at 10:00 A.M. with a presentation by Buster Villa on "The Filipino Farm Movement."
Dawn Mabalon as chairman of the Little Manila Foundation met with us after the meeting to draft a Memorandum of Understanding to present to the developers of Little Manila area. A rough draft was drawn up, and Dawn will send it by Email to be reviewed by Mel and Terri. Those also present from the Little Manila Foundation were Florence Quilantang, Elena Mangahas, and Addie Sugitan.