Minutes for May 10, 2001 Stockton FANHS Chapter Meeting
by Terri Torres
Meeting was brought to order at the Filipino Center's Social Hall by President
Richard Tenaza at 8:10 PM after the Escrima presentation by Dintoy Revillar.
Those also present were Mel and Gail LaGasca, Virgie Melear, Terri Torres,
Mary Louise Lopez, Jerry Paular, Frank Tibon, Manuel and Donna Revillar,
Robert Cabigas and son, Ryan Cabigas, Donald Manalo, Adele Navarro and guest
Elisa Baje, Buster and Eleanor Villa, Moreno and Deanna Balantac, and Violet
Richard Tenaza welcomed Adele's guest, Elisa, to our meeting. He also welcomed
back Eleanor Villa after her absence due to illness. All were happy to see
Minutes for the April 12, 2001, meeting were approved as distributed.
President: Richard Tenaza had nothing to report.
Vice President: Museum Project -- Mel LaGasca thanked everyone
for their help at the May 5 fund-raiser for the museum. It was very successful,
we raised approximately $1,500; final report will be made after all bills
are paid. Mel reviewed what had been discussed at the March Trustee meeting
and that we still need to find legal help to develop the proper paperwork
needed for the museum. Also, funding questions were brought up, particularly
whether or not we could expect funds from National FANHS and the other chapters.
Terri Torres stated that although National would like to help us out, at
the present time, National is also struggling with raising funds to run FANHS,
and that this was also the case for several other chapters.
Richard Tenaza passed out a draft of possible museum bylaws. He asked that
they be reviewed and then discussed at the next museum committee meeting
which was set for May 16 at UOP. [Minutes from that meeting are attached.]
Tri-Chapter Reno Bus Trip -- Gail LaGasca reported that she had contacted
different bus charter groups and found the Delta Charter Bus company to have
the best deal for Reno bus trips. It would cost $957 for a 46 seat bus ($20
cost per person) with a $200 deposit. There were several casino choices averaging
a return of $13 cash and $3 food coupons. We decided to go ahead with the
date of July 14 for the trip and charge $25 per person. That would mean
approximately a $5 profit per person for an approximate profit of $230 for
the event. We also decided we could have a raffle and possibly bingo games
on the bus to raise more money. As agreed previously, the proceeds from this
event will go to the National Office. Gail will make the arrangements and
will inform us of the details.
Treasurer: Virgie Melear could not be present but she e-mailed her
report to the officers. Bank balance, as of 5/5/01 is $2050.87. Money received
at May 5 event for the museum totaled $1990 (but expenses have not been
reimbursed yet) and money from FANHSing items, raffle, white elephant sales
and membership totaled $679.98 which goes into the operating funds account.
Present CD for Museum fund totals $4932.30. The CD is currently up for maturity
and Virgie will transfer it over to the new bank (Financial Center Credit
Union) and will include the net proceeds from the museum fund-raiser.
Buster Villa suggested we donate to the Maharlika Dancers for their performance
at the May 5 event. Virginia Navarro had graciously donated the services
of the Maharlika Dancers for the fundraising event. We know that Virginia
had to pay for the dancers' dinner and their costumes, so we would like to
thank her and the dancers with this donation. A motion was made and approved
to donate $100 to the Maharlika Dance troupe.
Secretary: Monthly Expenses -- Terri Torres reported that the
chapter's monthly expenses have doubled now that the storage unit for the
chapter archives is due monthly - $50 each month is now payable because it
has been a year since we started renting the unit (the initial deal was a
special $200 for one year, then $50 a month after the first year). This expense
plus the expense of the monthly mailings of the minutes, agenda, calendar,
etc., brings the chapter expenses to approximately $100 a month.
Terri asked the members present their opinion on whether she should continue
to mail out the monthly mailings to the membership. She stated that she knows
of other chapters who only pass out minutes, etc., to members who attend
the regular meetings. If members don't show up, they don't receive anything.
It is Terri's opinion that when people join our chapter, they are entitled
to know what is happening with our chapter. And since our members do not
all participate in the monthly meetings, the only way for them to know what
is happening with our chapter is to read the monthly mailings that they get.
The monthly mailings cost our chapter money, approximately 74¢ a member.
Since some of our members have e-mail accounts and have agreed to receive
the information by e-mail, Terri only has to mail to approximately 50 members
-- that's approximately $37 a month.
Members present approved to continue the monthly mailings to chapter members.
It was felt that being informed of the chapter's dealings is the right of
each paid member. To clarify "paid" members, Terri stated that each member
who has not paid their dues for 2001 have been reminded each month since
January to pay their dues. At the last mailing in April with May information,
Terri informed the unpaid members (on their mailing labels) that that mailing
would be their last notice. Anyone who has not paid their dues by the time
this month's mailing goes out will no longer be considered a current member
of our chapter, but will be kept on our list as a past member. They will
no longer receive monthly mailings unless they do pay their dues. We hope
they elect to continue their membership.
Correspondence -- Terri read excerpts from two letters received from
Peter Leibhold and Janet Davidson of the Smithsonian, thanking our chapter
for showing them around Stockton in March. They were impressed with the history
of the "Little Manila" area and were glad that they had a chance to meet
with our members. They also expressed their thanks to Anita Bautista for
donating an asparagus knife to them for the Smithsonian collection.
Newsletter -- Terri reminded everyone that the deadline for submitting
articles for the July 2001 newsletter is June 15, 2001.
Membership: Violet Dutra reported that we have 109 paid members and
20 members in arrears.
Community Liaison: Buster Villa stated that he feels our chapter should
send some kind of recognition letter to the various Pinoys he has seen in
different newspaper articles. This would familiarize more people with FANHS.
Buster also volunteered to check with the people in charge of the Asparagus
Festival to see if they would allow us to do some kind of exhibit about Filipino
farm workers and their relationship to the asparagus business at the next
festival in 2002.
Historians: Deanna Balantac requested that members send her photographs
from the May 5 event for the chapter scrapbook.
Fundraising: Mary Louise Lopez reported that the evening's presentation
brought in a total of $114 -- $35 attendance donation, $23 white elephant
sales, and $56 raffle sales.
Terri Torres reported that she already has the tickets for the Oct. 20 event.
The tickets were printed for free by OfficeMax's Copy Center since we (the
monthly mailings) do a lot of business with them each month. Terri was given
approval by those present to mail two tickets to each member, as she did
for the May 5 event. She will mail them out in August. By that time, we should
know who the two recognition awardees will be.
Mel LaGasca will make arrangements with Orchid regarding the menu for the
dinner and he will also check to see if Orchid can also set up a bar for
no-host cocktails.
Nominations: Deanna Balantac reported that she has not received any
nominations yet and reminded everyone that the deadline for submitting
nominations is July 1.
Little Manila Project: Mel LaGasca reminded everyone that Gloria Nomura
has set up a meeting for May 11 to discuss the project. [Minutes from the
meeting are attached.]
Meeting was adjourned at 10 PM.
Next meeting will be June 12, 2001, at the Filipino Plaza Social Hall, after
the presentation to be given by Albert Juanitas.