By Violet Dutra, Secretary

President Terri Torres called the meeting to order at 11:00 A.M. after the video showing of the film, "In No One's Shadow-Filipinos in America." The meeting was held in Conference Room A, Dameron Hospital. Other members present were Anita Bautista, Maria Vea, Connie Pasquil, Sue Mangrobang, Evangeline Kilmer, Virgie Melear, Mel LaGasca, and Violet Dutra.

Minutes from April 5, 2003 were approved as distributed.


President Terri Torres circulated flyers and other chapter newsletters. A letter from Sleepy Caballero was also circulated. Mel, Anita, and Virgie reviewed the Central Valley Chapter "Campo." Mel announced that he had also videotaped the event. He stated that the CV chapter is creating its own chapter museum.

Terri reported on the planning committee held for the Fil-Am Friendship Day to be held on June 14 in the Civic Auditorium. Fifteen Filipino organizations including FANHS are involved in the committee. We will be allotted several tables to set up our educational/historical exhibits, including a board describing FANHS as an organization. To assist in the funding of this event, it was moved (Virgie/Maria) (M/S) that our chapter donate $50.00 as a sponsor to the event.

On June 21, at the "Fiesta Filipiniania" in Hercules, CA our chapter will set up a booth to sell FANHSing items. We are requesting volunteers to help at this event.

As an update on the Haggin Pinay Women project, Terri stated that Marilyn Guida was contacted and will be calling Terri in the future.

The Philippine flags have been sold and distributed except for seven. The cost of the 5l flags including shipping was $184.70. Income as of May 5 from sales and donations is $285.00 for 44 flags. The net amount is to go into the museum fund.

Vice President Mel LaGasca reported on the Museum Project. He feels there is a need for a logo specific to the museum, and suggests a contest with a prize for the winner. He will set up a flyer describing the contest. The need for a 501c3 for our chapter was discussed, with the need for more research first.

Treasurer Virgie Melear reported $99.54 in savings, $11,541.07 in the museum C.D., and $3,755.27 in checking. Virgie agreed to transfer some of the checking account funds to the savings account to earn more interest on the funds.

The chapter's Income and Expense statement was sent to National. A cookbook fundraiser for the museum fund was discussed. Those sending in recipes should send in stories with them to personalize each recipe.


Membership: Violet Dutra reported a membership of 136. New members include Kristin Cabigas, Evangeline Kilmer, and Jeffry Perez. Fourteen members in arrears were not included in the count. We were saddened to hear of the passing of one of our members, Virginia Townsend. A get well card had been sent to Virginia earlier when she informed us of her illness in April. Sympathy cards were sent to the Bantillo family through Letty Perez, and a card was also sent to Ray Townsend.

Fundraising: Tickets for the August 30, 2003 Museum Fund raiser was distributed to those present. Flyers and posters to be displayed were also distributed. All members are encouraged to sell tickets for this event.

The October Recognition Award Dinner was discussed. Nominations are to be submitted by July first. Deanna and Moreno Balantac agreed to be in charge of the nominations as in the past.


The need for a chapter video/digital camera was discussed. Virgie stated that James Villadores was looking into costs and is to report back to us.


Anita Bautista announced that the oral history project of Sacramento State University in cooperation with Sacramento FANHS chapter will be presenting videos and talks to their class on Thursday, May 8 and invited our chapter to attend. Terri Torres agreed to attend the presentation. It is hopeful that our chapter can do a similar project with Stockton's colleges/universities.

Connie Pasquil announced that Noel Jumaoan would be presenting the first annual "Spring Open Invitational Art Show" at the Stockton Ballroom on Sunday, May 11, 2003. Proceeds will benefit the restoration of the historic Filipino Landmark, the Daguhoy Lodge.

Terri Torres made the announcement that she will probably be moving to Kansas when her sister and family move there from Spokane sometime this year (possibly August). Members need to be thinking about who will be taking over her activities, such as the newsletter, monthly mailings, etc., when final moving plans are made. She will know more in June.

The meeting was adjourned at 12:30 P.M.

Next meeting will be held on June 7, 2003, at Dameron Hospital Conference Room A (basement) at 10.00 A.M.

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