By Violet Dutra, Secretary

After the presentation on "Sex and the Single Pinoy" by Ana Marcelo, President Terri Torres called the meeting to order at 10:10 A.M. in Conference Room A, Dameron Hospital. Members present were Virginia Navarro, Maria Vea, Deanna Balantac, Moreno Balantac, Bob Cabigas, Anita Bautista, Donald Manalo, Virginia Melear, Aileen Boyer, Sleepy Caballero, Leatrice Perez, Nena Teves Caliza, Violet Dutra, Jerry Paular, Sr., Mel LaGasca, Dawn Mabalon, and Elena Mangahas, who introduced guests Gemma Nemenzo (Filipinas Magazine) and Irwin Ver from the Bay Area.

Minutes for October 5, 2002, were approved as distributed.


President Terri Torres reviewed October events, calling on Dawn Mabalon to report on the successful celebration for the unveiling of Little Manila banners and historical markers. Dawn also reviewed the importance of redevelopment plans, for which historical survey reports need to be done, in order to make way for the National Pinoy Museum. Dawn also thanked FANHS for the photos from the archives for the Little Manila banners, etc., and for all our help with the event.

Terri reported that on October 18 she and Violet Dutra attended an event in Sacramento at DMV, where she was invited to speak on the Museum Project. They also set up a FANHsing table there (sales totaled $113) and were able to share information on Little Manila.

October 19 Recognition Night was successful also, mainly due to the donation of hours and money by the members. (See report under fundraising.)

Vice President Mel LaGasca reported on the Museum Project, mainly the need to follow up with several contacts met at the Little Manila unveiling event and the need to "strike while the iron is hot" with the buzz from that event.

Treasurer Virgie Melear reported on the chapter's accounts with money still needing to be transferred into the museum CD and into savings, plus there are bills to be paid, mainly to the National office for dues and books.

Terri reminded all that all chapters are to turn in a balance sheet at the end of the year to assist National in retaining its non-profit status as discussed at the Los Angeles conference. Each committee of our chapter is to submit expenses for 2002 at the next meeting to determine what to budget for operating expenses for 2003. For example, the Newsletter costs about $500 to print and mail, the monthly minutes and calendar mailing costs about $400 to print and mail, and membership committee costs total approximately $85 this year. Once a budget is made for 2003, then Virgie will know how much money to transfer from checking into savings so we can earn more interest on the savings account moneys; in addition, we can also determine if we can designate more fundraising profit to the museum fund.

Secretary Violet Dutra distributed informational correspondence.


Membership: Violet Dutra reported that we have 136 members including 3 new members. This total exceeds the 10 new members projected in January, 2002, at which time we had 124 members.

Education: Virgie Navarro had to leave earlier, after donating the $100 for the Maharlika dancers' performance on Oct. 19, to the Museum Project.

Archives: Terri reported that she was able to transfer many photos to the computer and return the originals to storage. She created CD-ROMs to give to the historians (Deanna and Moreno Balantac) and to the exhibit committee (Bob Cabigas and Virgie Melear).

Historians: Moreno and Deanna Balantac are attempting at each of our functions to get more persons in photos identified by providing photo albums for all to peruse.

Fundraising: Violet Dutra presented a summary on the October 19, 2002 Recognition Award Night.

Income from tickets and donations --  $2090 There were approximately 92 adult attendees
Raffle income --------------------------     288
50/50 raffle income --------------------     76  Total Income = $2,454
Food and Table Service -------------- $519.96
Publicity, Tickets, Programs  ------   162.76
Exhibits (photos, etc.) ---------------      9.06
Music and Entertainment -------------   200.00 (Frank LaGasca, $100, Maharlika Dancers, $100)
Total Expenses =   $891.78
Profit =          $1,562.22

We appreciate the many donations which helped in our collecting the above surplus: Social Hall rental ($900), Plaques ($141.47), decorations, desserts, raffle prizes, etc.

The nominating committee recommended that the deadline for nominations for 2003 be enforced to insure that all arrangements are met in a timely manner. It was also determined that for 2003, the October event will be on the 18th, the third Saturday of October. We will let other chapters know so other events won't conflict.

Violet reported that she didn't have a complete report on the number of tickets sold for the Magical Night of Giving at Weberstown Mall on Nov. 17; however 87 tickets have been distributed. The unsold tickets have to be returned to the Mall on November 14; so Violet will contact members to get a final count prior to that date. All the funds from these ticket sales will go into the Museum Fund.

Since no one is available to assist in the gift-wrapping at Barnes and Noble, it was decided not to be included this year. Last year Violet and Terri were able to spend two sessions there and received $40.00 in tips for FANHS.

Suggestions for fundraising were discussed. Virgie Melear is currently in charge of the FANHSing items but has requested that someone else take it over due to the fact that the person will have to do heavy lifting and traveling.

There will be no presentation in December, but future presentations for 2003 will be discussed at the December potluck/meeting.

Exhibit Committee: Virgie Melear and Bob Cabigas will have a work session on November 9 at the storage unit.

The meeting was adjourned at 12 noon.

SPECIAL REMINDER: The December meeting will be held on the second Saturday of the month, December 14, at the home of Maria Vea in Lathrop at noon. It will be a potluck/social with short meeting to discuss 2003. See December agenda for directions.

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