Minutes from Oct. 11, 2001, Stockton Chapter Meeting
by Terri Torres

Meeting was brought to order at 8:10 PM (after Little Manila presentation) by Vice President Mel LaGasca. Those also in attendance were Terri Torres, Violet Dutra, Mary Louise Lopez, Moreno and Deanna Balantac, Donald Manalo, Sleepy Caballero, Marilyn Guida, Bob Cabigas, Buster Villa, Virginia Navarro and three new student members Bryant Herrera, JR Arimboanga, and Bernie Galve.

Special guest, Dennis Lee, from the Central Valley Asian-American Chamber of Commerce was introduced and spoke about the chamber and how it would be beneficial for our chapter to join it. The mission of the chamber is "to promote Asian-American business and Asian-American community growth and development" through various venues. [See attached flyer.] Our chapter will have to discuss and decide whether or not we will join the chamber ($50/year). Dennis will keep our chapter informed of upcoming chamber events.

President: Richard Tenaza -- was not able to attend meeting.

Vice President: Mel LaGasca -- Museum Project: Mel passed out his latest update on the project (which was printed in our October 2001 chapter newsletter) and a floor plan for the museum. He also passed out a rough draft of the "Network Design" concerning the computer and audio visual needs for the museum. He requested that the museum committee members keep these papers, as well as the outline passed out at the September meeting, at hand for future reference. Mel also reported that their Oct. 6 Museum Committee meeting consisted of 3 people and they reviewed previous plans.

Treasurer: Virgie Melear -- was not able to attend meeting. Virgie had previously reported that she had given Buster Villa the $500 that belonged to the Little Manila project that was donated by the Bahala Na Escrima group. She had also previously given a financial report to Mel LaGasca (that she had created on her computer) that reported we had $2,463.16 in funds as of 10/2/01.

Secretary: Terri Torres -- Newsletter: Terri reported that the newsletter was completed, that she made 200 copies, and handed out the issues to those in attendance. She would mail the remaining newsletters, which includes to chapters and Trustees, on Friday, Oct. 12. Terri also stated that two new people paid to advertise in this issue -- the Orchid Restaurant and Dr. Michael Arishin, Chiropractor. Next issue will be for January 2002 and deadline for submitting articles will be December 15, 2001.

Terri also passed around correspondence that the chapter had received -- two flyers from the Stockton Arts Commission of two events in October.

Terri reported on information received from National regarding the 2002 LA conference and said that information was attached to the October newsletter so that each member would have it.

Membership: Violet Dutra -- Violet reported that we had a total of 117 members which included the 3 new student members who joined that night. (51 family, 39 senior, 14 individual, and 13 student)

Since Mel LaGasca had not been able to see Danny Inosanto in September, he gave information to Violet so that she could send him his membership packet.

Violet also stated that she had sent out condolences cards to Ben Acoba on the passing of a relative and to the Bantillo family on the passing of Angel Bantillo Magdael. Get well cards were also sent to Frank Perez and to Nelson and Angie Martin.

Community Liaison: Buster Villa -- nothing to report.

Education -- still need a chairperson for this committee.

Archives: Bob Cabigas -- Bob reported that he had put new items into the storage unit in August, including items from Fernando Saldevera and cavalry pants and duffel bag from Maria Vea. He had also received a box of photo frames from Moreno Balantac, items from Virgie Melear, and a box of license plate frames that we're selling, that were all put into the storage unit. Bob also donated a used computer to FANHS and it is in the storage unit.
Bob also stated that he is still checking into the old stamps that were donated by Adele Navarro and will report back to us in November.

Historians: Moreno and Deanna Balantac -- Deanna reported that the scrapbooks of our chapter were ready to display at the October 20 event.

Fundraising: Mary Louise Lopez and Violet Dutra -- Oct. 20 event: Violet reported that a total of $800 was received so far for 40 tickets and that she had received several phone calls of people interested in attending that would pay at the door. Mel LaGasca handed out a sheet that detailed what the Orchid Restaurant had agreed to provide for $1000, and that he had already paid the requested $500 down payment. We would need to provide the table cloths and decorations, and Mary Louise Lopez said she would take care of that.

Mel stated that he would have the hall opened at 1 PM that day so that we may set up and decorate. Mary Louise requested volunteers help with the set-up and Terri Torres stated that she would e-mail the request to our members.

Dawn Mabalon had requested earlier if she could bring "Little Manila" t-shirts to sell at the event and we agreed to have a table there for her. Virgie Melear will also have our FANHSing items for sale at the event and Bob Cabigas said he would have photographs loaned by Fernando Saldevera on display at the event.

Deanna and Moreno Balantac handed out their expense report for the award plaques that are to be given to the two honorees that night and reported that everything was completed and good to go. They stated that they would donate their expense ($55) to the chapter.

Magical Night of Giving: Violet Dutra reported that she had received all the necessary information and 200 tickets from the Weberstown Mall so that we can start selling for the November 18 event. Members need to contact her for tickets to buy or sell. She stated that 25 tickets had already been sold. New member, JR Arimboanga, offered to take 20 tickets to sell for us. He is a member of Bear Creek High School's Kababayan Club and he would ask them to help sell and buy the tickets for our chapter.

Chapter Officers Nominations Committee: Moreno and Deanna Balantac and Gail LaGasca -- Deanna stated that she was compiling a list of nominations that she had received. After all nominations are received by the November 8 meeting, she would develop a final voting ballot that will be mailed to each member.

Exhibit Committee: Virgie Melear and Bob Cabigas -- As stated above, Bob reported that he would have a display at the Oct. 20 event.

Terri Torres reported that she had spoken with Tina Dela Rosa of the Orchid Restaurant and that she would be happy to display any photos for us and that we could bring them by anytime. Bob Cabigas said he would check with Virgie Melear and work on a display for Orchid.

Little Manila Project: Dawn Mabalon -- Dawn had reported earlier, during her presentation, that they are working on organizing a fundraising event that would showcase Filipino American comic Rex Navarette. They were hoping for a November show, but she is still trying to finalize plans with Delta College on obtaining one of their theaters for the venue.

Gary Giovanetti Dinner: Mary Louise Lopez -- Louise reported that the event was successful and very enjoyable. She had photographs of the event and she was glad she was able to attend.

Terri Torres asked if anyone had any ideas yet for the December meeting -- potluck? and where to have it. Terri said she would send an e-mail to the members and also mention it in the October mailer.

Meeting was adjourned at 9:45 PM.

Next meeting will be November 8, 2001, with a presentation at 7 PM by Anita Bautista concerning California's Anti-Miscegenation Law of the past.

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