By Violet Dutra, Secretary

President Terri Torres called the meeting to order at 10:30 A.M. at the Annex, Dameron Hospital. Others present were members Melvin LaGasca, Eva Corpuz, Maria Vea, Norma Espiritu, Deanna Balantac, Moreno Balantac, Suzanna Mangrobang, Donald Manalo, Evangeline Kilmer, Anita Navalta-Bautista, Virgie Zambra Melear, Violet Dutra, and visitor Bob Hong.

Minutes from August 2, 2003, meeting were approved as distributed-- (D. Balantac/M. LaGasca)


President Terri Torres reviewed the August 30 Museum Benefit. It was successful, enhanced by the co-sponsorship of the Bahala Na group and the presence of Guru Danny Inosanto. Terri described the success of the souvenir photo table. It was moved to keep the photo printer for future use, buying it out of operating expenses (Anita/Deanna). Motion carried. It was discussed whether or not we should buy our own digital camera to continue to take photos at events instead of using Terri's, and it was decided that the money for it would best be spent on a digital video camera instead for future videotaping of oral histories. Terri said her camera could be used for the October event unless someone else would like to volunteer.

Violet Dutra reported the income for sale of tickets and donations totaled $2634; income from souvenir photos, $288, with a total of $2922. As of this date the expenses totaled $1121.98, leaving an income of approximately $1800.02. All expenses have not been reported.

Terri reported that at the fund-raiser, Art Villarruz presented a historical photograph to the museum, and Anita Bautista on behalf of the Vance Family, donated a WW II artifact - a knife and scabbard (found to be a Muslim knife), taken from a dead Japanese soldier in the Philippines. Anita Bautista had also presented a check for $10,000 to the Museum Fund in memory of her father, Jose Navidad Navalta, to be used for computer equipment in the museum. She handed over the actual check at the meeting. The check will be deposited into a 12 or 24-month CD to earn greater interest.

Terri and Violet attended the Sacramento chapter meeting on Thursday, September 4, to encourage their involvement in raising funds for the National FANHS museum, and to sell specific FANHSing items for the Museum Fund. $38.00 was received for license plate frames and for Fred Cordova's book. One of the members also donated a $100 check as a memorial to the museum fund.

Vice President Mel LaGasca presented an overview of the museum project, circulating a sample booklet submitted by Tony Ogilvie, Dean of Seattle City College, who has offered to assist us in obtaining grant funds. Mel will be convening the museum committee, which will meet at Virgie's home at 2:00 P.M. on Saturday, September 13.

Mel called upon Norma Espiritu to bring everyone up-to-date on the fund-raiser being planned with FILMAPS with the University of Philippines Choral Chorus (UPCC) on October 28th at the Scottish Rite Temple, which holds 850 persons, with about 50 more seats on the front if needed. Costs would include $5000 honorarium to UPCC, $1000 bus transportation for the group to and from Stockton, $1170 for rental of Scottish Rite, $1000 printing of tickets, posters, program booklets, etc., and about $500 for food for the group. The group won the competition in Rome and three gold medals in Germany during their recent international tour. 200 seats will be set aside for sponsors at $100 per couple. More seats will be added as needed. Other FANHS chapters will be encouraged to obtain two donor sponsors each (donate even though cannot attend). General admission in advance will be $15, $20 at door. Tickets will be color coded to designate seating. Deadline for donations is October 21 so names will appear in program. Norma estimates target income to be $15,000-16,000.

Treasurer Virgie Melear reported $11,942.84 in museum CD; $99.97 in savings, and $3733+ in checking, which includes funds for museum. The $10,000 donated by Anita will be placed in a separate museum account designating its use. FANHSing items this month brought in $190. She also announced that National has donated $500 worth of Fred Cordova's book with those sales as a donation to the museum fund.

Virgie circulated an announcement from Seattle in which Fred Cordova was listed as one of those being ordained as a deacon of the Catholic Church on September 13, 2003. Our chapter will send a congratulatory card. Also, the Cordovas will be in the Stockton area around October 10, 2003. Virgie will make plans for their visit.

Secretary Violet Dutra circulated a letter about UOP's Asia Day 2003 to be held on October 8 at which time FANHS can man a booth without charge. On October 9, at 11 A.M. the "Untold Triumph" will be shown free at Delta College Warren Atherton Auditorium. The Stanford student visitors sent us a thank you card and a photograph, which was turned over to the Historians. We have received notices of an Asian Chamber of Commerce event at Weber's Point on October 25, and an event on the same day at Sherwood Mall. Since both have offered booth space for FANHS, the information was passed onto Virgie Melear for response. On Saturday October 4, there will be "A Literary Garden of Filipino American Writers" Festival in Oakland, sponsored by the Oakland Asian Cultural Center. The event will feature the book written by the East Bay Chapter - "Seven Card Stud/Four Wild Manongs". A letter was received from member Gary Giovanetti, who is running for Board of County Supervisors. As an organization, we do not sponsor a candidate, so each member is to make his/her decision. A newsletter from the San Diego chapter and another from the Sacramento chapter were circulated.

Terri reported that Allison Varzally of UC Irvine is interested in information from the bridge generation Filipinos and interactions with other non-white individuals during the 30's through the 50's for a book she is writing from her dissertation. Anyone interested in being interviewed by her can contact Terri with their name and phone number, which will be passed on to Allison.

Docent Mel LaGasca announced that the county museum would hold a Festival of Trees on the first week of December for Christmas with groups decorating trees as a fund-raiser for the county museum. It will be discussed at a later date if FANHS would like to participate.

Terri appointed a New Officers Nomination Committee consisting of Virgie, Anita, and Sue. The election will be held in November through the December 6th meeting, and new officers will take over in January 2004. Current officers and committee chairs are to outline their duties and bring to the next meeting. Members are encouraged to send in their nominations for new officers.


Membership: Violet reported a membership of 159. We have 11 new members this month: seniors Catalina Navarro, Francisca Aquino, Juana Cudal, Lourdes Domingo, Lyn Guillermo, Felisa LaFuente, Felicidad Padron, Anastacia Timbreza, Juanita Valoroso, Aurora Venida, Oliva Viloria. Violet commended Maria Vea for her recruitment of new members. Three of these new members are first cousins of the late Frank Acoba of our chapter.

Exhibits: Terri stated that we've had a good showing of our exhibits this year and requested members to submit their photographs to be added to the various exhibit themes - farming, Little Manila, Bridge Generation, community organizations, etc. Original photos would be scanned and returned to the owner.

Historians: Moreno and Deanna displayed the current album. Photos from August 30th have already been included. Each day new photos are being added.

Fundraising: Violet brought flyers and tickets for the October 18th Fourth Annual Recognition Awards Dinner/Dance. Terri circulated a sample program of the event and received suggestions for additions. Tickets were distributed to those present. Members will be mailed tickets to sell or purchase. Awardees this year will be Violet Dutra, Eudosia Juanitas, Sue Mangrobang, and Flora Mata, with Claro Candelario as the posthumous awardee. Frank LaGasca agreed to DJ again. Virginia Navarro's Maharlika Dancers have agreed to perform. Mel LaGasca will make the food arrangements. Mary Louise Lopez is already working on the decorations. She is requesting photographs of Filipinos wearing hats and the actual hat with a history of the photo to use as table decorations. Photos between from the early 1900s through 1950s are preferred. Photos will be scanned for the archives and the original will be returned to the owner, as will the hats unless the owner wishes to donate the items to the chapter archives.

Terri announced she would be out of Stockton for the rest of September and for part of October, but would be back for the October 18 event.

Visitor Bob Hong was introduced and spoke about his interest in the development of the area known as Gleason Commercial Development Area. He spoke of how his group was interested in putting a cultural center in that area, but not necessarily a museum. We explained to him of our commitment to the Little Manila Foundation and of our desire to have the National Filipino American Historical Society Museum in Little Manila. He thanked us for giving him time to speak.

Meeting was adjourned at 12:30PM. Next meeting will be October 4, 2003. If Conference Room A is still being remodeled, we will probably meet in Conference Room B.

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