Khojaly massacre

Khojaly massacre.
10 years passing...

   Khojaly used to be an Azeri town in Mountainous Karabakh with population of approximately 6 thousand people. Situated in a strategic place in the middle of the region, the town was surrounded by Armenian populated areas and was in blockade since the beginning of the Armenian-Azerbaijanian conflict. The only connection with the rest of Azerbaijan was helicopters. The pilots under fatal danger tried to escape civil population - children, women and old men - from the town and succeeded to escape some of them. Despite the total encirclement the heroic resistance of Khojaly people continued - they fought for their Motherland and had no intention to surrender to enemy.
    Late at night on February 25-26, 1992 the town underwent a massive assault by Armenian military units supported by Stepanakert (Khankendi)-based 366th Motorized infantry regiment of the Russian Interior Ministry forces. Despite firm resistance the forces were too unequal. Civilian population escorted by defense forces split into several groups and began to flee the town and move to the north-east - towards the Azeri populated town of Agdam situated in the Lowland Karabakh. Agdam was their only hope and only way to escape...
    Many of these people couldn't reach Agdam. Most of them were trapped in halfway by Armenian guerillas in vast field between Agdam and Khojaly...
   The next day the whole Azerbaijan was terrified by Armenian atrocities that had no limits and no compassion. Only in one day more than 200 lifeless corps of mainly little babies and children - shot point-blank to head, women - raped and disfigured, old - ruthlessly killed and outraged, were taken from the cold fields, witnesses of the pitiless massacre and brought to Agdam. Even more corps were left, as it was virtually impossible to take these corps because of Armenian shooting.
   Today there is no exact figure of victims of the Khojaly massacre. The figures change from more than 600 to up to 2000. Many are still considered missing or taken into hostage.
   Today no matter what arguments the Armenian party might propose, it is obvious that the seizure of Khojaly was an inhuman massacre and the aim was not merely to seize the town but to destroy the civilian population and thus to force the rest of Azeris in Mountainous Karabakh to flee their homes.        
   Today 10 years pass since the act against humanity committed in Khojaly. 10 years of impunity!  After Khojaly massacre the 366th motorized infantry regiment had been immediately called back to Russia and dissolved to conceal the criminals, the Armenian guerillas who committed the worst atrocities are far from being punished by the Armenian authorities.
Now the Khojaly people - a few who survived, are scattered in all around Azerbaijan. Most of them live in refugee camps throughout the country. They are waiting for justice and they are waiting for the day when they can return to their homes again. May God let their wish come true...

Written on February 26, 2000 on the occasion of 8th anniversary of Khojaly tragedy. Last ed. Feb. 23, 2002


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