The Purple Heart (1944) directed by Lewis Milestone
Featuring : Dana Andrews; Richard Conte; Farley Granger
Following their capture by the Japanese after being shot down on a bombing run, eight American fliers are placed on trial as war criminals and tortured for information. Harrowing tale of courage, based on true incidents.

Strangers on a Train (1951) directed by Alfred Hitchcock
Featuring : Farley Granger; Robert Walker; Ruth Roman
This restored edition includes two minutes of extra footage not shown in American theaters, plus the original theatrical trailer.

Rope (1948) directed by Alfred Hitchcock
Featuring : James Stewart; John Dall; Farley Granger
Hitchcock's ``filmed play experiment,'' shot in continuous 10-minute takes. Two school friends kill a man for the ``intellectual thrill'' of it, then hide the body in their apartment while giving a party. James Stewart stars as the boys' ex-teacher who uncovers the crime.

Small Town Girl (1953) directed by Leslie Kardos
Featuring : Farley Granger; Jane Powell; Ann Miller
Big city playboy Granger runs afoul of the law after speeding through a sleepy hamlet, and is released into the custody of judge's daughter Powell.

Senso (1953) directed by Luchino Visconti
Featuring : Farley Granger; Alida Valli
Luchino Visconti's classic story of love and war, set amidst the war between Austria and Venice in the 1860s. Farley Granger and Alida Valli star as a member of the bourgeoisie and an aristocrat in this study of emotional relationships. AKA: "The Wanton Countess."

Hans Christan Anderson (1952) directed by Charles Vidor
Featuring : Danny Kaye; Farley Granger, Gil Perkins
Danny Kaye stars as the Danish cobbler-turned-storyteller extraordinaire in a fanciful family favorite, loosely based on Andersen's life. Lavish sets and ballet sequences and a Frank Loesser score that includes "Inchworm," "Thumbelina" and "The Ugly Duckling" add to this timeless fantasy.

The North Star (1943)
Featuring : Anne Baxter, Farley Granger, Dana Andrews, Walter Brennan

Hollywood's answer to President Roosevelt's call to arms to support our Russian allies was this war drama depicting one Ukrainian village's efforts to survive the atrocities imposed upon them by Nazi invaders.

Behave Yourself! (1951) 

Featuring : Farley Granger, Shelley Winters, William Demarest, Lon Chaney, Jr.
Comedy-thriller stars Shelley Winters and Farley Granger as a couple on the run when the stray dog they take in turns out to be a trained "crime dog" that the bad guys want back.  

The Man Called Noon (1973) 

Featuring : Richard Crenna; Stephen Boyd; Farley Granger; Rosanna Schiaffino
Crenna stars in the title role, as a feared gunslinger who loses his memory after an ambush and is aided by an outlaw who is certain Crenna can lead him to a fortune in hidden loot. Based on a novel by Louis L'Amour.

The Prowler (1981)

Featuring : Farley Granger; Cindy Weintraub; Christopher Goutma.
A girl's school is terrorized by a bizarre bayonet killer. Hideous murders supplied by make-up artist Tom Savini ("Dawn of the Dead").


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