Cary Daniel Sayegh
DOB: November 12th, 1971                                    Age: 37 years
Height: 4'2" (127 cm)
Weight: 65 lbs (29 kg)
Hair Color: Brown                                                   Eye Color: Brown
Missing since October 25th, 1978 from Las Vegas, Nevada

Circumstances: Cary's photo is shown age-progressed to 34 years. Sayegh was last seen on the playground of the Albert Einstein Hebrew School in Las Vegas, Nevada on October 25, 1978. Sayegh's classmates told authorities that he entered an unidentified vehicle on the school's property during their lunchtime recess. Sayegh has never been heard from again. He was last seen wearing a t-shirt with Las Vegas Quicksilvers imprinted on the front.
Sayegh's father received a ransom call from a male individual three hours after his son disappeared. The man demanded $500,000 for Sayegh's return, then claimed he would call again in two days with instructions as to how the ransom should be paid. The individual never contacted the family again.

Authorities suspected one of Sayegh's father's former employees was responsible for his son's disappearance and the ransom call. Jerald Howard Burgess (nicknamed "Jerry") was eventually convicted of the sexual assault on a woman at the Albert Einstein Hebrew School. The attack had taken place the week before Sayegh vanished from the same locale. Several of Sayegh's classmates identified Burgess as the man driving the vehicle Sayegh entered the day of his disappearance. Others identified Burgess' voice as that of the ransom caller. He told investigators the location of one of Sayegh's shoes, but claimed that the child's abductors gave him the information. Burgess maintained his innocence in Sayegh's case.

Burgess was charged with Sayegh's kidnapping and charges of attempting to obtain money under false pretenses, but he was acquitted. Burgess claimed that he believed Sayegh was alive and residing in Israel after his trial, but he failed to provide evidence to support his statement. Burgess was arrested in October 2000 after he sold an illegal weapon to an undercover agent. During the preceeding 18-month investigation into his criminal activities, Burgess also allegedly offered to dispose of a body near the location of Sayegh's supposed grave. Burgess claimed that he could weld the body into a steel drum, the same manner in which he is suspected of disposing of Sayegh's remains in 1978. Burgess rented welding equipment several days before Sayegh disappeared. He has not faced additional charges in Sayegh's case.

Authorities said that they received a tip that Sayegh was living in Boston, Massachusetts in the 1990s. Investigators continue to believe that he was the victim of foul play.
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