In Memory Of
Marciana Ringo
Ringo was last seen at 7:30 a.m. on Tuesday, December 3, 2002. Her mother's boyfriend, Jamal Abeokuto, says he dropped her off at school and saw her walking toward the building and left. School officials say she never arrived. Police immediately began searching. Ringo's parents pleaded for the little girl's return and the community went to work to try and find out what happened, but few clues were unearthed. Police did find a pair of blood soaked jeans near Ringo's home, but no sign of her.
On Saturday, police arrested Abeokuto on unrelated gun charges, but he was released on bail. That night, America's Most Wanted aired a short segment highlighting the search for Ringo. A few dozen tips came in, but none with the information that police needed to locate the little girl.
Days after the disappearance, Ringo's mother received a ransom note which demanded $5,000 for the return of the eight-year-old. Police took the note seriously, and went to the drop location mentioned in the note, but no one arrived. Police now believe the note was a red herring. They found Abeokuto's fingerprint on the underside of the letter. On Tuesday, December 10, 2002, police obtained a warrant for Abeokuto's arrest for sending the note, but have not been able to locate him.
Then, the worst outcome was realized. Two elementary school students walking home found Ringo's lifeless body in a wooded area near Ringo's school. Police quickly arrived and are now trying to develop clues to determine Ringo's killer.
Meanwhile, police are still trying to locate Abeokuto, both on the warrant for sending the false ransom note and also to talk with him about Ringo's killing. They are also trying to determine if the blood they found on the jeans is that of Ringo and to whom the jeans belonged.
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