It is important for women to understand risks that cause breast cancer and it is also ideal if women also are familiar with ways to prevent breast cancer from even occuring. There are some factors that may not even be controllable, but the ones that are should be taken into consideration, and effort should be put into preventing those factors. Risks
- Being female
- Getting older
- Carcinoma in situ (LCIS)
- Confirmed genetic mutations (BRCA1 or BRCA2)
- Family history of breast cancer
- High breast density
- Benign breast disease
- Exposure or frequent X-rays during youth
- High levels of estrogen in the blood after menopause
- High bone density
- Menopause at age 55 or older
- Not having children
- First child after age 30
- Being overweight or weight gain
- High socioeconomic status
- Lack of exercise
- Drinking alcohol (excessive amounts)
- Current or recent use of birth control pills
- First period before age 12
- Being tall
- Not breastfeeding
- If you are of Ashkenazi Jewish heritage