1. From Ann: A question about Homosexuality.
2. From Lillie: Why does the Church cling to the Celibacy Requirement? (With Response from Ricardo.)
3. From Chas Walker: "How can you base your arguments on a religious myth?" (This refers back to the women's ordination article.) Reply
4. From Kevin: "Why are some people born with physical disabilities?" and "Why does God not answer prayers with certainty?" Reply
5. From Ken Stuart: Further questions on birth control. (Cf. previous article and correspondence.) Reply. Also see response from Eric
6. From Felix Meyer (Chile): A question on Overpopulation. (With Reply).
7. Also on the subject of Population from Bill Hoogsteden Father of Nine.
8. Pedophilia re-visited.
9. What does the Catholic Church teach about the Death Penalty?
10. Follow-up letter on Birth Control from Ken Stuart to Art Lytle and Response from Art.
11. From Bill: How can the Virgin Mary be Sinless?
12. From a Wisconsin College Student: Has Medicine gone too far? Includes question about the environment.
13. Bob asks: How do dinosaurs fit into the seven days of creation? Response from Eric based on City of God by St. Augustine.
14. A letter challenging my position on overpopulation.
15. Religion and Science (from T.S. Nyunt).
16. Fr. Armando: the Priest Shortage.
17. The kind of letter I love receiving!
18. From Chris: Dialogue and dissent.
19. Carlos: On Immigration.
20. From Clayton (Boulder, CO, high school student) on Overpopulation.
21. Jim Owens: a question about social nudism.
22. Questions from Bobbi about Heaven and Hell. "I have been talking to a Jehovah's Witness..."
23. Ken Lester: Cornell student discerning vocation to the priesthood.
24. Andy McAlpin: Entering seminary in Minnesota.
25. Susan: College student with encouraging words re: role of women, birth control, etc.
26. Joe: Abuses in Liturgy and Theological Teaching.
27. From Fran: A question about raising Teenage Sons in the Catholic Faith.
28. Brian Carnell: On Overpopulation.
29. Ravyn: If heaven is so great, why are you against abortion?
30. Charlotte: A Question about Annulments.
31. Can you give me Biblical quotations that prohibit Pedophilia?
32. Scott Rogge: Priesthood and Fatherhood.
33. The Disney Boycott.
34. Letter from Eric on Natural Family Planning. "My wife and I decided to live in accordance with the church's teaching regarding this matter..."
35. From Tarlac Philippines. Charismatic Renewal.
36. From Joe: in favor of Women Priest.
37. Testimony from local Young Adult.
38. To C.: How to become a Catholic, plus question about marriage case.
39. Responding to "shock" questions.
40. From P.H.: Can you tell me if Jesus ever drank wine himself? And if he did drink, was the wine he drank alcoholic?
41. Fan mail from a Baptist.
42. From George: Science and divine punishment.
43. Correspondence with Rick about our relationship to the dead.
44. From "Reyna": "What makes you so egotistical...?" (Do we have a right to impose our abortion views on others?)
45. From Fr. Joe: Misuse of the term science.
46. Why should I believe in Christianity?
47. From Rich S.: Should B.C./A.D. be replaced by bce/ce?
48. Correspondence with T.: Abortion and Forgiveness.
49. Divorce second wife to be able to receive communion?
50. Question about the Mission statement "The Church proposes. She imposes nothing.
51. From Jim, re: What Every Catholic Couples Should Know.
52. From Aaron (ucsc) Project Rachel (post-abortion healing).
53. From Zev Lagstein, M.D., Re: Evolution
54. From Wanda: Should I leave the Church if I disagree with its teachings?
55. Question about Liturgical abuses.
56. From Marcelo-Brasil: An accusation of homphobia.
57. From Seth: Mary as "Co-Redemptrix".
58. From Kathleen T. Choi: Vatican Wealth
59. Where do I find the papal statement on Women Priests
60. Response to "What girls everywhere dream about..."
61. From Joyce: Communion for Divorced and Re-Married?
62. From Margarita: How would you define Contraception? (Includes comment on "Morning-After Pill")
63. From T.: A friend's suicide
64. From Daniel: Please recommend a handful of books on Catholicism for my future reading
65. From P.: Valid Form for Consecration at Mass?
66. From L.: I am a non-practicing Catholic. Can I Get Married in the Church?
67. From Susan: Confession of Sins Before Easter Sacraments?
68. "I disagree with your views on Women Priests
69. From a Catholic Journalist
70. From Skip in Nova Scotia. Re: Miracles--Touched by God
71. Re: Confession before becoming Catholic (When one has commited a sin which would cause excommunication)
72. From Larry: Did Jews Kill Christ?
73. From Steph: Necessity of Baptism and Confession?
74. From E: Re: Birth Control & Confession
75. From Chris: "Stop Being Judgmental!"
76. From John: A question about Self Disclosure
77. From Don: Is there an after life for dogs?
78. From T.: Lawfulness of oral sex?
79. From Erik: A list of books about St. Augustine?
80. From Janet: The goal of Man's Search
81. From Eileen: Would Meatless Fridays be a real Sacrifice?
82. From Fr. Daniel Adner: A Catholic Website from Sweden
83. From Chrishan: A question about Purgatory
84. From Heidi: Your views on women priests are certainly outdated.
85. From Bruce: Catholic Biblical Quarterly on Women Priests.
86. From Patrick Coffin: Priestesses?
87. From Josh: Authority of the Church: "How are we to know whether we should follow the Church or not on any given matter? If there is a teaching of the Church that an individual disagrees with, must that individual leave the Church?"
88. From Sommers: Overpopulation, Environment and Evolution: "as far as I'm concerned, preserving the planet that supports us should be our number one priority."
89. From Audra: Some questions on overpopulation
90. From Howard: A novelist with a question about cloning
91. A question about my review of Man of the Century (The "embarrassingly external" piety of Pope John Paul II).
92. To a Woman who Had an Abortion
93. From Richard (re: my comments on Secular Humanism): Accusations of "arrogance" and "canned rhetoric."
94. From Godwin: about Moral Law Essay ("the reason I became an atheist...")
95. From James: A question about Overpopulation and Environment. "Personally, I believe that we humans have a negative impact on the environment."
96. From Rev. Sarah Wood ("Witches For Life"): in support of article on abortion.
97. From David Carey, Professor of Philosophy (Whitman College) The Great Book of the Twentieth Century.
98. From Craig Nim: A Response to Dave Stark
99. From Pete: Nothing Sacred and St. Patrick's Breastplate
100. Question about Masturbation
101. From Sarah: "Do you honestly believe that making abortion illegal will solve the problem?"
102. Is masturbation a mortal sin?
103. From L: Does the Bible teach Reincarnation?
104. From Andrew: "one point that everyone seems to overlook in the abortion debate. We as men should have no say."
105. From Alex: Moral Law and the Existence of God
106. From Donald: "Obviously, extramarital activity in any form is immoral, but I am a bit fuzzy on what is permitted within marriage."
107. From Mark: Science vs. Religion? "...why then is science so denounced by the catholic church?".
108. "it (the fetus) is a part of the mother, and she should have the right to make whatever decisions she desires about her body."
109. Are we here by Accident or Design?
110. From Beth: Does the Catholic Church allow Girl Servers?
111. From Angelo: Mortal Sin and Salvation Outside the Catholic Church.
112. From Mary: Is Baptism Necessary for Salvation?
113. A letter about pedophiles & priests and the absence of visible evidence of the Holy Spirit in the Catholic Church.
114. From Tom: Re: dinosaurs and Bible as history.
115. From Paul: Confused about your bridegroom analogy
116. From Bryan: The punishment of a Sabbath Breaker and the Compassion of God.
117. Dialogue with Jane: Evolution & Morality
118. From Niall: About Hollywood and the movie The Apostle
119. From Kirsten: About Initiative 694 to ban Partial Birth Infanticide
120. From Phil: Universal moral code and the implications that this fact has on the question of the existence of God
121. From Stephanie: Not Hate Mail (Scripture quotes and the need for a Go Between)
122. Atheism, Belief in God and Wishful Thinking
123. Chaos Theory, Free Will and Existence of God
124. From Sage Vann: "in response to your emphasis on the fact that there is a lot of square feet on the earth for people to fill, I would invite you to examine how much land we all use outside of our living areas."
125. From Donald: Re: Social Nudism
126. "The statement in the document about abortion being an absolute no, even the case of medical necessity has left me betrayed and confused."
127. From Maria: On Animal Rights "I'm afraid you and the Catholic Church are still operating under the idea of domination rather than cooperation."
128. Response to Sarah: "I'm afraid that she also may be right about the futility of making abortion illegal."
129. From JMS: Rock Music and Abortion
130. JH: Back Alley Abortions
131. Nate: "I'd have to conclude that the Bible is silent on Pedophilia."
132. Jean: "how then can a catholic couple with 4 children and 11 years of marriage get an Annulment?
133. From Donald: Reasons for Priestly Celibacy
134. From Tom: Limbo and the fate of unbaptized babies
135. From Jim: I feel like I am being pursued by God
136. From Roy: Questions about Defending the Faith
137. "I had an abortion 18 years ago."
138. From Daniel: Errata (Mormon birth Control)
139. From Patrick: "Fr. McBrien purports to serve the weak by abandoning what protects them—what protects us."
140. From Bob: "One of them says that Catholicism is a worshiping of the Antichrist and that all Catholics are going to hell and will suffer damnation because they follow Mary and not God.
141. From Roger: Any suggestions on good books about Dogmas?
142. From Patrick: About Peter Kreeft Books & Tapes.
143. From Carlos: Is Mexico Overpopulated?
144. From Donald: Is Atheism Self-Contradictory?
145. From Steven & Chris: Questions about Liturgy (Hand Holding, Eucharistic Ministers, Kneeling, etc.)
146. From Michael: You have missed the mark as Voice of Orthodoxy (The Chariot Analogy)
147. From C.: Against Submission of Women.
148. From Amanda: "Flimsy Bride Analogy" vs. Women Priests
149. From Mark: Is Atheism Courageous? Irrational Motives ("The Carrot & Stick Principle") for Belief
150: About Sylvia Brown and other Psychics
151: From Josh, Martin & Rose Marie: about the review of Everlasting Man
152: From K: Is Birth Control a Mortal Sin?
153. From Deb: Who is to Blame for the Littleton Killings?
154. From Lisa: What can a Wife do about an Abusive Father?
155. From Mark: If the embryo is just a blueprint, why is Abortion Murder?
156. From Theresa: Tridentine Mass in Seattle?
156. From Kathleen: Speaking the Truth with Love
157. From Rose: Work's Theology in Catholic Church
158. Obedience to God and Women Ministers
159. Is Natural Family Planning Catholic Contraception?
160. From Mikkel & Morten: About Guilt and Christ's Blood: "you talk of 'receiving Jesus´ blood upon us'..Is there not a hint of Vampirism in that...?"
161. Priesthood and Mary: "I am a Catholic-born Protestant with an undimmed, growing even, appreciation for my Catholic heritage."
162. From Jacqueline: Should we take back Married Priests?
163. From Lee: Promoting Vocations in the Home
164. A question about abortion. "Ten years ago I got a girl pregnant..."
165. From Steve: Secular and Catholic Universities
166. From Brian: Recommended Books
167. From Cristina, A New Catholic "I am a single mom, working very hard to raise devout men in an ungodly world."
168. From Timothy: "I have spend the past few hours reading all the homilies you have posted!"
169. From Mark: Is Abortion Permissible in case of Rape or Incest?
170. From Laura: Re: Women Priests (A College Girl's Perspective)
171. From Pat: "Reading one of your homilies, I came upon the following, rather scary, passage." Eternal Separation from God or Hell
172. From Carl: A question about Overpopulation & Food Quality
173. From Lisa: Submissive Wife and Abusive Husband
174. From Larysa: When Will Jesus Judge Us? (Heaven, Hell, Purgatory)
175. After Abortion: How do I confess my sin to a priest?
176. From Baptist Minister Peter Green: Reaction to the Movie The Apostle
177. From Carly: Teen Pregnancy, Name Calling & Abortion
178. From Karen: American Catholics & Women Priests "It is prejudice, misogyny, patriarchy and other ancient Vatican interpretations of the Old Testament that rule the Pope's false assuptions. It is time that an American Catholic Church be established independent of the the Vatican."
179. From John: Catholics in Military: "I am a life-long catholic (42 years) and a lieutenant colonel in the Army, presently stationed down the road at Fort Lewis. I have been looking for a website, book(s) etc. that would address the special obligations of christians in military service."
180. From Ava on Overpopulation: "Your argument about the number of square feet per person on the Earth is very unsettling and unsatisfactory to me."
181. From J. Vasectomy: "If I don't have the surgery reversed would having sexual relations with my wife be sinful?"
182. From e: Is masturbation just a normal way to relieve tension?
183. From Steve: "He wonders how he can trust the Gospel to tell the truth when there are so many seeming contradictions (like this one) between one Gospel and another."
184. From Michael: The Embryo & the Human Person "Estimates for the number of zygotes which do NOT make it to parturition range as high as 80%, many zygotes dying soon after fertilization and others failing to implant for any of a variety of reasons."
185. From Mistica: "I am Catholic and was wondering about premarital sex...why do we believe that it is wrong to do this? Where in the Holy Bible does it discuss this?"
186. From Tammy: "How do Catholics, and the other world religions who claim to be the only path to God, explain life on other worlds?"
187. From Ken: on women priests: "Are not your arguments based on old notions about women being inferior to men and weaker and more gullible than men"?
188. From Spencer: Overpopulation: What is a Comfortable Carrying Capacity?: "When we reach that capacity how do you propose that we convince people that having more than two children is both illogical (from a group perspective) and immoral?"
189. No Salvation Outside Church?: "I just read an e-mail response you posted concerning 'outside the Church there is no salvation'. I gather from your response that if one is to come to believe that the Lord founded a church, then a person has an obligation to join up."
190. From Lillie: New Age Religions: "As far as I can see, these New Agers take the most convenient aspects from several world religions and arrange a personal "religion" that involves no deep beliefs and no sacrifices."
191. From Ruth: Is Yoga Dangerous?: "My concern is whether or not getting deeper into the practices could be considered practicing a religion contrary to the Catholic faith. My sister had a seriously bad experience while doing some yoga meditating..."
192. From T.: Unnatural Sex in Marriage: "what does unnatural sex in the Bible mean? A friend wanted to know if she had to do things her husband wanted even though she did not like it."
193. From Tim: "Has Luther won? (The Lutheran-Catholic Joint Declaration)
194. From T. P. Uschanov (University of Helsinki) Does God Exist?
195. From JoAnne, Rediscovering the Sacrament of Confession: "I warned Him not to love me, not to be part of my life..."
196. From Andrew Transhumanism and Extermination of Species
197. From Kareem: What is the Christian view on Islam?
198. From Regina: Was Limbo Rescinded?
199. From Dan: PBS & the Pope
200. From Patrick: Desiderata and Spiritual Best Sellers (Chicken Soup for the Soul, etc.)
201. Sexual Activity Before Marriage: "Can you please tell me if any or all of these things are sinful: french kissing, fondling, fellatio...?"
202. From Chris: "As I grew up I developed a strong Fear of Hell..."
203. From Daniel N.: "would very much appreciate any additional information on the Holy Year Indulgence"
204. From Joe: I'm thinking of changing the name of my site to Mere Catholicism. What do you think?
205. From Doug: A Response to John Irving on Abortion.
206. From Jenny: Sexual Boundaries and Mutual, Peer Relations (Rev. Marie Fortune)
207. From Daniel H.: "is there a Catholicism for Dummies book or website that could clear things up for me?"
208. Letter to Brill's Content, Re: Hitler's Pope
209. From Barry: "looking at a woman with lust is a sin. So why does my local parish not have a Dress Code?
210. From Katie: "Why is Homosexuality considered wrong?
211. From Felix: Concerning Overpopulation and Extinction of Species
212. Christian Reincarnation?
213. From Jennifer: Can I be forgiven for Tubal Ligation?
214. From Lila: Frankenstein at the University of Washington
215. From Colin: Isn't it possible that God created us through Evolution?
216. From Dolores: "Your thinking (Women Priests?) makes women less than men."
217. From John: "Why is the church so hard on this subject (Annulments and Communion)?"
218. From Brian: "Jesus has not been with us for 2000 years."
219. My husband and I..would like to know the Church's position on this procedure (In Vitro Fertilization)
221. From Rev. Hollis E. Wright: On Anglican Female Priests - "What you have not considered is that God might actually call women to be priests."
222. From Dawn: "What exactly is an Internal Forum?" (Re: Annulments)
223. From Couples for Christ: "Why did God choose to humble himself and become present in the bread and wine?"
224. From C: Does the Bible Forbid Vasectomy?
225. From Elizabeth: Why the Debate about Women Priests?
226. From M: "In one word, please answer this: Is Masturbation a mortal or venial sin?"
227. From Paula: "Is Anthroposophy Secular Humanism?"
228. From Kristen: "Which Sins are Mortal Sins?"
229. From Andrew: "Why do we give up meat on Ash Wednesday and Fridays of Lent?"
230. From Adam: "Is Ash Wednesday a Holy Day of Obligation?"
231. From Josh, Heather & Zoe: "So what happened to all those Catholics who ate meat on Fridays and went to hell?"
232. From S: A question about choosing godparents?
233. From Jim, re: legalization of abortion: What about victims of rape?
234. How can I get into heaven?
235. From Jamie: What is Overpopulation?
236. From Roy: Is Guilt a Temporal Punishment for Sin?
237. From Tony: A "Christian" who Believes in Reincarnation
238. From Mary Beth: Sunday Obligation - Is Missing Sunday Mass a Mortal Sin?
239. From Yury: Does God Love Us for what we are or what we do?
240. From a college girl: How Far is Too Far?
241. From Roy: Is Tube Feeding an Extraordinary Measure?
242. From Angel: Questions about Overpopulation
243. From John: Why Does the Church Keep Promoting Birth?
244. From Clare: "Your article on women and the priesthood came as close as any to a fair treatment of the arguments. However, I would like to humbly convey to you my own understanding which I have yet to read anywhere and which may bring healing on this issue for your readers."
245. From Derek: "Your critique (of Durant's Story of Philosophy) made sense."
246. From Kay: "There are many more people who are psychic than you may be aware of."
247. "I found your website by accident, and having lived for a couple years in Seattle, was actually expecting the worst..."
248. From JoAnne: "I was quite touched by The Bridegroom, the homily of Feb. 27."
249. From Ken: "I am not Catholic, however I do believe that Roman Catholics often get a bum rap from Evangelical Christians."
250. From Kathie: To the woman thinking of throwing in the towel after Three Children
251. Some Positive Feedback
252. From Art Lytle: Evidence for God's Existence from Life Experience
253. From John: About Immigration - "Time to Pull Up the Gang Plank"
254. From Tom: "...the Bible does not support meeting in a formal church building"
255. From Eric: Article on Women Priests "Just What I Needed"
256. From Brenda: "Confession over Phone?"
257. From Dave: What is "Center of Mass?"
258. From Joe: "I don't think you gave Stephen Hawking enough credit."
259. From Richard: "I do have a bone of contention to take up with you."
260. From Mark: "My impression was that purgatory was only for those who were already saved." (About C.S. Lewis' Great Divorce)
261. From Socorro: "Why are we, as Catholics, not to eat meat on Fridays during Lent?"
262. From Rich: "This question came from a Mormon friend after I explained Celibacy to him."
263. From T: "Is it okay to take medication to help stimulate healthy egg production?"
264. From Bill: "Can you comment on Papal Sins?"
265. From WP: Is Maturbation to relieve tension a sin?
266. From David: Why Have a Law Against Abortion?
267. From J.: "Just Obtained the Reverse Vasectomy...Is Masturbation OK to Obtain Sperm Sample?"
268. From Mystic Rose: Is John the Baptist the Reincarnation of Elijah? (What about John 1:21)
269. From C: I want to become a Catholic, but am concerned about Annulment Process.
270. From Barbara: Will Everyone Go to Heaven?
271. From S - A Teenager Struggling with Same Sex Attraction: Helped by David Morrison Beyond Gay
272. From Fr. Matthew: Was Carl Sagan a Wishful Thinker?
273. From Lorraine: Did Saint Christopher (St. George, St. Valentine) Exist?
274. From K: Where do Aborted Babies Go?
275. From Pastor Jenkins: Martin Luther's Teaching on Free Will
276. From Elizabeth: The Problem with Male Priests as Confessors
277. From C: "I am beginning to feel that the Church is no longer the true Church..."
278. From Stephen: "the position of the Catholic Church on population has done incalculable harm to the very human beings you profess to love..."
279. From Chris: "Following your recommendation, I have been reading Peter Kreeft's edition of Blaise Pascal's Pensees..."
280. From Lonely & Confused: "I haven't been able to forgive myself and I'm so scared of going to confession..."
281. From Adam: A Scientist with questions about Religion & Science
282. From Toni: The population in poor countries is growing faster than in rich countries. Why is this?
283. From T: "My doctor is concerned I may be having a Miscarriage..."
284. From C: Baptist Husband Seeking Annulment: May I Receive Communion?
285. From Greg: "Boy, do I have a different view of Catholicism now!"
286. From Mike: "religion must be merely a cultural artifact, since an omnipotent and loving God would reveal Himself equally to all His children."
287. From Larry: "I was also impressed by Saved By Grace Alone. I'm a Southern Baptist, and, frankly, did not expect it.
288. From Richard: "Did Carl Sagan ever reply to The Moral Law: A Response to Carl Sagan?
289. From John: "What guidelines do priests observe in restricting receipt of the Eucharist to communicants?"
290. From John Jensen: "'The Catholic Church never taught reincarnation.' It most certainly did..."
291. From J: About Confessing the Sin of Masturbation
292. From A: "I have this obsession, well not obsession, but lust toward male clergy..."
293. From Theresa: A Roseanne Roseannadanna commentary on Pedophiles and Priests
294. From Kelly: "I can't see how NFP and other forms of Birth Control differ..."
295. From J: Genuflecting at Communion - Should I Obey My Pastor or My Conscience?
296. From Anne: A Catholic relative marrying outside the Church - Should I attend the Wedding?
297. From Bong: "Please give me some points in doing a clear, short, interesting and heart-warming homily."
298. From Mark: How Can Jesus Say to both Honor and Hate Ones Parents?
299. From Janessa: Could Cremation be the solution?
300. From Taimoor: Correction - Islam Does Not Prohibit Milk
301. From Joanne: "Does the belief in God, as the Supreme Creator have to be at odds with the scientific notion of evolution?"
302. From Claire: "I have never in my life read such a pile of rubbish concerning the issue of women's ordination"
303. From Virginia: "Exactly what is the Church's teaching regarding the Death Penalty?" (Three Purposes of Punishment)
304. From Murray: "(The Vatican) is one of the wealthiest entities on the earth. Wealth and Christianity? Seems to be a bit of a conflict..." (From a "Modernist" Christian)
305. Can only a bishop absolve the sin of abortion?
306. From Brenda: "I swim three times a week and I don't like having to miss a full week every month." (Re non-contraceptive use of Pill)
307. From Jeff: "My question is regarding the Sacrament of Holy Communion. I am sure you are very aware of Martin Luther's teaching of the Real Presence..."
308. From R: "I am a married male... I have dealt with homosexual tendencies all of my life"
309. From David: "Is not going to Mass on Sunday (or other day of obligation) a mortal sin or a venial sin?"
310. From C: "I am afraid I might die and go to hell" (Married, Addiction to Masturbation)
311. From Bonnie: "Does the Bible prohibit unmarried couples to just live together? I may be wrong, but I think his father has made a fallacy in judgment."
312. From Fr. John Roddy: "I am an Anglican Catholic priest and often feel the strain of swimming against the tide in the fractured Anglican communion."
313. From Al: On use of Catechism in RCIA
314. From D: "My husband believes our daughter should make her own decision about attending church."
315. From David: "I was intrigued to find your brief discussion of Cardinal Ratzinger's new book Spirit of the Liturgy."
316. From "Traditionalist": Question about Organ Transplants
317. From Carol: What Happens When We Die?
318. From Len: "It seems to me that all Jesus wanted was a simple faith filled group of followers. Additionally no where is scripture is the word sacraments used."
319. From P: "Once in a while I give in and masturbate to find some release from the pent-up tension. Then I start feeling guilty..."
320. From Brandi: Is the Unity Candle illegal?
321. From Carl: "Would John Paul I have reversed teaching on priestly celibacy?"
322. From Shawn: "You seem to have forgotten the environmental impact that 6 billion humans have had."
323. From Louie: "I was born a Catholic but still searching for the right religion."
324. From Jennifer: "Could I have my child baptized when it is born--if I am not yet baptized myself?
325. From RJ: "What is the proper way to go about confessing?
326. From Carol: "I married a Catholic boy (I am Catholic too) but we were not married in the church..."
327. From Joachim: "I am an ex-Catholic"
328. From Mike: "Thanks for hitting me between the eyes with this homily"
329. From Karen: "I was married, but not in the Church...are annulments just for marriages which took place in the church?"
330. From Ned: "I am an angry Catholic..."
331. From Joseph: "Is a Priest allowed to prohibit me from genuflecting when I receive the Eucharist?"
332. From G: "I just stumbled upon your website and could not believe what I read about overpopulation!!
332. From Lisa: "I am a lesbian. Not by choice"
333. From Richard: "We have been given an assignment which asks to analyse the stance that the Catholic Church takes on pre-marital sex, then draw to a conclusion, stating whether or not i believe the stance."
334. From Denise: "On a moral level, no, I don't think humans are worth more than animals"
335. From CL: "A medical morality issue has come up...What about in the case of an ectopic pregnancy?"
336. From Ann: "How many doctrines or dogmas has the Church infallibly taught over the centuries?"
337. From Marie: "I am interested in practicing celibacy and would appreciate any information you could provide."
338. From Pierre Cloutier: "this need to believe is a childish instinct that should vanish by itself when one approaches 20 years of age..."
339. From M: "Christian submissive woman...told me that it's not wrong as long as she's doing it with her husband."
340. From Lee: "Many of my more fundamental Christian friends use this verse to claim the inerrancy of the Bible. On close examination, however, I think that it is a clear statement as to the purpose of the Scriptures"
341. From A: "I am Catholic teenager and I constantly have to defend my faith"
342. From Scott: "An atheist I know raised an issue I have difficulty answering...How can God order an intrinsically evil act?
343. From a College Student: "Is it better for us to try to wait until marriage...?"
344. From Paul: "What is the proper form of a good confession?"
345. From Roy: "What about poor people who can't afford to have Masses offered up for their loved ones?"
346. From Taylee: "How can, in the bible, they talk about when Jesus was alone?
347. From Kieran: "Here in Ireland abortion is forbidden except where there is a threat to the life of the mother..."
348. From A.S.: "I have read your answer regarding masturbation as being a mortal sin. However, you said that there could be subjective mitigating factors. Could you explain exactly what this means?"
349. From M: "Are there any sins which might 'bar' me from being a priesthood candidate?
350. From A: "in a normal, natural pregnancy, implantation succeeds more often than it fails..."
351. From Mary: "if more people were aware of all these great opportunities for women in the church, they'd be less apt to cry 'injustice'..."
352. From L: Addiction to Gambling - "I feel so guilty and ashamed and I feel the God will not forgive me unless I pay back the money I owe in full."
353. From Pat: Dennis Prager..."if abortion is equal to murder, why not kill abortion doctors?"
354. From Sean: "As I understand the Calvinist teaching on predestination, some people are made for heaven, and others are made for hell."
355. From Jason: "I gave your essay on birth control to a (Protestant) female friend on the pill."
356. From Leona: "How could you possibly know 'what girls everywhere dream of' and what 'upsets women most?'"
357. From Deacon Brian: "If the sexual metaphor is so fundamental why did Jesus say in Matt 22:30: In heaven there will be no marriage or giving in marriage, you will be as the angels (presumably sexless?)"
358. From Sunny: "What is the Catholic Church's stance on circumcision?"
359. From Amy: "For the past year, I have felt an urge to pray the rosary."
360. From Lori: "Since I was a small child I've had recurring dreams."
361. From Aruna: "How do you know what a woman wants?"
362. From John: "I have been suppressing this 'inner voice' in fear that it may be a real and valid calling from God to the priesthood.
363. From Sean: "Have you read Unlimited Wealth or "God wants you to be rich" by Paul Zane Pilzer?"
364. From Richard: "my sister and my mother have memories of various past lives..."
365. From B: "I have confessed the vasectomy, and have asked my confessor about the morality of sex from this point on, but he didn't provide me with any guidance."
366. From D: "If a person has mortal sin on their soul, truly intends to confess, but something happens to them before they can confess, and they die, do they still go to Hell?"
367. From Brook: "The green revolution certainly increased food production in the short term, but are the benefits going to last?"
368. From Walt: "My recommendation would be that the wife masturbate the man to obtain the sperm sample. Would this be acceptable?"
369. From Mary Ann: "I can't but help myself hating the people responsible (for terrorist acts). Does God forgive this kind of evil?"
370. From Mark: "I read your article on The Unforgivable Sin and I have a question for you."
371. From Ann: "I just enjoyed your sermon on Blessed Miguel."
372. From Amy: Nine Quick Questions
373. "Is it a mortal sin to do other sexual things besides 'sex'?"
374. From Beth: "The problem is not truly about how to you feed 7 billion people, but how do you keep 7 billion people from reproducing and creating 12 billion. And so on. It will happen. It will be devastating."
375. From N: Stuggling with Homosexual Attraction - "How will God look at me when I stand before Him at judgment?"
376. From Tyrone: "I am a practicing Catholic who lives in Pakistan since birth."
377. From T (Seattle Teenager): "The Traditional Mass helps to lift my heart up to God."
378. From Lesley Anne: "Your interpretation of morality has made me more resolved to live in the way Christ intended."
379. From Troubled: "Do demons know the temporal future of people?"
380. From M: Does the absolution count? Am I still in a state of mortal sin?
381. From Remy: "i have to protest one of the statements you made about overpopulation and the ability to recycle all matter found on earth, because we can't, some things are irreplaceable, fossil fuels, , for one..."
382. From John: "Richard Sipe's work on sexual issues and the Catholic clergy...is extremely discouraging to me. Is it possible that the Church is asking the impossible from men and women called to the religious life?"
383. From Jean-Claude: What direction "should" the priest be facing? Ad Orientem or Versus Populum?
384. From Ron: The Second Commandment: "Thou shalt not make unto thee a graven image, nor any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above."
385. From Gordon: "I'm a single Catholic man and I'm still looking for Miss Right."
386. From Paul: "I am sometimes shocked by the amount of anger I can find mixed in with my faith."
387. From Peter: "In light of the recent events in Boston I would recommend that you take a deeper look into the history of pedophile priests within the "roman" catholic church and while you're at it the papal atrocities as a whole would also help."
388. From T: "What happens to non-Catholics and those of other religions...?"
389. From Michael: How does one dispose of contaminated holy water?
390. From J: "What do you think of John Dominic Crossan and the Jesus Seminar?"
391. From Discouraged: "How does a Catholic girl stay true to these good laws and release the ever-building pressure inside?"
392. From Matt: "What universities or programs do you recommend that would be a good place for someone like me to receive an advanced degree in theology?"
393. From M: I do not find the priests that I deal with to be patient, kind, or caring.
394. From R: "I am very distrurbed by the notion of having masses said 'for' the dead or any other intention."
395. From John: "Is it accurate to describe these sexual offenses as 'pedophilia'?"
396. From Tony: "I am Catholic and I also consider myself a socialist."
397. From Tom: "what happens after they (Adam and Eve) reproduce? How do their children get past the act of incest?"
398. From Glenn: "I have a friend who thinks John 6:50-60 is symbolic. He does not accept the Eucharist as the true presence."
399. From E: "Everything is fine: health, material security, marriage, and yet, how can I express the tremendous feeling of emptiness with which I start every day?"
400. From Joe: "To what extent can I reject particular aspects of Church teachings/beliefs (papal infallibility, birth control, purgatory, as examples) and still be considered a Catholic in the eyes of the Church?"
401. From Carlos: "It seems the first question to be asked is whether or not God exists."
402. From Ben: "Recently my home parish has been seemingly invaded by a group from Call to Action."
403. From T: "It was so much easier before the internet. All those struggles I had in growing up with masturbation, pornography have come come back with a vengence."
404. From Len: "I read the entry about Bishop Strossmayer in the Catholic Encyclopedia, and became more troubled."
405. From Shannon: Do scandals (pedophilia, pederasty) deserve lawful prosecution.
406. From Kyle: What are seven offense which bring automatic excommunication?
407. From Pat: Is Purgatory mentioned in the Bible?
408. From Adam: "when i went off to college i met a beautiful baptist girl..."
409. From Ben: "how is it that they can even have the audacity or the right to express their opinion on zero-tolerance in the upcoming Bishops conference?"
410. From Larry: "lets see if i have this right....a priest who rapes a boy can recieve forgiveness....but a hetero male/female canNOT recieve forgiveness if they are divorced....huh???"
411. From j.b.: "on his anniversary I would like Mass to be said for him. Can this happen as he was not Catholic?"
412. From John: Nineteen Questions about Priest Pedophilia Crisis
413. From Anna: Handshake as Sign of Peace: An Unwise Practice?
414. From Marc: "I am writing you to ask you a question regarding an assignment that I am doing for Theology and Gospel."
415. From Joseph: "I have three questions based on statements made by anti-Catholic Protestants"
416. From Michelle: "I have stumbled upon some startling official Church doctrine, from the Catechism, that does not make sense to me"
417. From Ben: Re: The Scandal of the Catholic Priesthood by John F. MacArthur, Jr.
419. From Cecilia: "Will people who feel that they are pedophiles be allowed to go to confession without being scared of being turned into the police by a the Priest?"
420. From Victor: "We have discussions from time to time to explore our faith and are often lack proper guidance."
421. From Patricia: Politically Incorrect Letter to Editor Clergy Sex Abuse Scandal
422. From Pedro: "I think it's important to remind our divorced Catholic brothers and sister that if they remarry they are committing adultery."
423. From Len: "Why did the Roman Catholic Church change the word of God in the Ten Commandments?"
424. From Patti: "said that my fiancé would not need to get an annulment due to the fact that neither he nor his first wife were Catholic and that they were divorced."
425. From J: "I am a beginner and was wondering if you know any books or articles that start at the beginning and explain the Catholic Church and its beliefs."
426. From More: "Since his words were interpreted, recorded and translated ( I guess it has been thousands times ) by normal human beings subjected to all the lowly human imperfections then the Bible surely is fallible..."
427. From Mary: "Do our dogs go to heaven after they die?"
428. From Valerie: "I'm having a hard time understanding why we should pray for mercy and pardon to be granted Osama bin Laden and the hijackers."
429. From Margaret: "I'm wondering how anyone can call themselves a "good" Catholic, and even VOTE for a "Pro-Choice" Democrat."
430. From Joel: "Why don't Catholics ever save the "blood" of Christ?"
431. From Colin: "questions about the morality of software/music copying even for small purposes."
432. From V: "When it came time for the priest to give me penance, the priest said he was going to give me a harsh penance..."
433. From ZD: "I am a 16 year old Catholic who is quite attached to the Mass, Sacraments, and customs of the church prior to Vatican II."
434. From Huong: What are your recommendations for every Catholic's personal library?
435. From Christopher: A question about Richard Bennett and other "former" priests and nuns who have anti-Catholic websites.
436. From Michael: "Can you help me in this crisis of faith I am undergoing.
437. From Diane: "One of the leaders in my RCIA class said that C. S. Lewis had converted to Catholicism."
438. From bg: "I wake up in the morning and feel guilty."
439. From W: Is it wrong to take Viagra?
440. From C: "Is there a book or internet site/chatroom you could recommend for someone who isn't sure about converting to the Catholic religion?"
441. From Lorena: "there's one question about the Blessed Virgin Mary that bothers me for a while now..."
442. From ID: "I suggest a good deal of understandable presumption on your part with regard to the distinguishable difference between the most primitive man and the most intelligent ape."
443. From Shelley: "Why can't this moral law you speak of be attributed to evolution?"
444. From Carolina: How does Church stand on cyrogenics?
445. From Katherine: "How should I explain to my non-catholic friends that priests should not disclose what they hear in confession to the police?"
446. From Arron: "Faith Alone? How can you explain the following verses..."
447. From Susan: "Even St. Patrick Kept the Sabbath"
448. From Lance: "I have taken to reading the Bible quite a lot recently and it has made me wonder if I am right in addressing my priest as father because in Matthew 23 it clearly states it is wrong."
449. From Peter: "What happens if I don't feel anything?" (Dryness in Prayer)
450. From Bob: "I came to a frightening realization that many of these programs have cleverly hidden, subtle elements of the New Age Movement."
450. From College Student: "I'm very curious about how the Church and God feels regarding tattoos and body piercings."
451. From Peter: "Do you agree that this helps to scuttle the lure for others of the traditionalists' fallacy that portrays insurmountable contradictions between "Extra Ecclesiam, nulla salus" and Vatican II, on salvation?"
452. From Doreen: "What is the Catholic church's position on Mary the Mother of God?"
453. From Mary: "Can you tell me anything about the Light Mysteries that some say has been or will be added to the rosary?"
454. From Eileen: "Are there any GOOD books on church history that aren't anti-pope, yet don't skim over the real details of how the church was formed after the death of the original twelve apostles?"
455. "it is frustrating because of all of the sexual tension building up inside of me, needing to be released. Am I allowed any kind of sexual outlet whatsoever?"
456. From GW: "Is there a list of what constitutes a grave sin?"
457. From Jennie: "I found one passage in the bible stating only 144,000 people will ever go there. Is there anything passage that contradicts that statement?"
458. From Victor: "Is this a 'JUST WAR', or approved by the Pope in any manner?"
459. From Maribeth: "My view was that demons are real, and do exist - the other viewpoint was that demons are symbols of our inner struggles with sin - and not seperate, real entities."
460. From John: "My parish priest holds a general confession service (with general absolution at the end) that he specifically asks the faithful at the beginning to specifically only confess one sin."
461. From Janet: "'why do I have to join the Church? Isn't following Jesus enough?'"
462. Can you direct me to Bible verses that indicate the necessity of the sacraments for salvation?
463. From Kelly: "I'm a parishioner at Cathedral of the Holy Cross in Boston, where we are all trying to get used to our new pastor, a fine priest named Bishop Lennon..."
464. From S: "We have been planning our wedding in Florida on the beach. Is this permissible?"
465. From Ryan: "is it really your place to impose your morality on anyone?"
466. From Jonathan (Lutheran Pastor): "Are the saints in glory permitted to have personal contact with saints in purgatory?"
467. From A: "I also found out that the form of birth control I've been on, Depo Provera, is an abortifacient, which I did not know.
468. From N: "It a sin to have thoughts about sex enter your mind...?"
469. From Malwina: "I have spent more, many more years than you did in an oppressing society, where suffering meant more - as you say - than for women not being admitted to priesthood.
470. From E: "Is also ok for married loving non-contraceptive couples to use aphrodisiacs?"
471. From Dave: "I've often been faced with the dilemna of whether or not to enter into the priesthood."
472. From Ben: "The difference between you & I Phil is that I know there are problems that exist in my "Protestant" church. But these problems can't be hidden..."
473. From Noel: "Is it an occult practice or is it really a science?"
474. From E: "I know that I love this guy and he means the world to me...I know the Church's teachings on sex..."
475. From Noel: "Is this situation ethics, or what?"
476. From Maryann: "Do you think that it is ok to pray for satan to change his ways, repent?"
477. From Anguished Catholic in New England: "I recently became somewhat of a lapsed Catholic..."
478. From Elliot: "I have in the last year gained a tremendous respect for Catholic history and dogma."
479. From Erin: I personally have a strong belief that anything men can do women can do better.
480. From Frank: "Hell is God's great compliment to the reality of human freedom and the dignity of human choice."
481. "I write the After abortion website and I'm a friend of The Raving Atheist."
482. From JoAnne: "Many Catholic people I know here in Florida have been writing letters to Governor Bush, asking him to intervene in this case."
483. From Doug: "it is possible for even a Jack Chick-type of anti-Catholic Fundamentalist to come to the grace that is offered us in the Roman Catholic Church."
484. From Thuan: "Is it true that the Church teaches us that on Judgement Day that our physical bodies will be resurrected?"
485. From Tammy: "what is the difference if they use natural family planning or a little pill or condom? They all result in the same thing... NO BABY!!!"
486. From Mark: "If the law that makes an illegal immigrant 'illegal' is an illegitimate law, could you share with me why that is? If the law is legitimate, then why not honor this law?"
487. From Sister Rose: "How do you prepare for your homily?"
488. From Maryellen: "the Pope seems bound to launch an international hate campaign against homosexuals..."
489. From John: "I have a very painful secret; I am struggling with my sexuality."
490. From Timoteus: "I am curious how this practice, seemingly contradicting Jesus commands, came to be generally accepted?"
491. From Jose: "How then can we justify the baptism in children?
492. From Josip: "I was almost in ecstasy the first month, but it all ended in a terrible fall."
493. From Mike: "Does the Catholic law state that non-Catholics go to Heaven? For example, do people of Buddhist and Muslim faith backgrounds go to Heaven?"
494. From Ruby: "how do I portray a nun, so that I can do a realistic portrayal?
495. From Christine: "I have a LOT of questions and I really need them answered..."
496. From George: Contrary to your faith in penitence, I cannot imagine a God who would value contrition for a lifetime of wrong over a lifetime of deeds of virtue.
497. From Juliana: "How is it possible that with all of the billions of people in this world and in history, that God could have made each of us unique?"
498. From K: "Recently, my adult niece moved in with her boyfriend."
499. "I'd love to hear what you have to say about the book The DaVinci Code"
500. From Anna: "The doubts in my mind about the morality of birth control were probably the first steps on my way to Catholicism."
(Updated March 9, 2004)
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