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--------Our trip to Grenada 1996

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We went to Grenada me and my wife Tara in 1999. We arrived in the capital of St-Georges when our cruise boat stopped there. It was beautiful as we saw the town from far away. The colorful houses of the capital of the island were spread on the hills. Derek our cousin who was with us mentioned that it looked like Vancouver I agreed but the mountains were quite a bit smaller. One great difference there was a European feel to it the roofs were red.

We had to take a ferry because the port was full. There were big clouds hiding the summit of the mountains if I dare to call it that way. We make our way to Grand Anse. We saw a Fort George Fortress. A lot of the houses like in Europe had red roofs. Some had metal roofs.

Grenada is one of the lushest islands in the Caribbean. It is also nicknamed the “Spice Island” It produces many varieties of spices, more than anywhere in the world.

From St-George, we took a taxi boat with one of the locals to the most popular beach on the island. On our way there a lot of flying silvery fish were jumping near our boat. It was pretty cool. We finally arrived Grand Anse Beach, two miles of white sand; it is one of the best of the Caribbean and also a water sport mecca. The taxi boat trip was short and inexpensive. We were going fast enough I was a bit scared od not having a life jacket.

Once at the beach Tara and my aunt Mary tried the Banana boat. They did not regret it. We stayed there tanning on the hot sun; only the saleswomen interrupted us trying to sell us all sorts of trinkets. I did not mind the first salesmen but after many encounters I started to be greatly annoyed.

One guy we particularly enjoyed was a fellow with a funny hat and a lot of pictures glued to his guitar. He was a charmer singing about sun in sunshine. He made up words to flatter you so he could get more money. Tara was laughing uncontrollably... this guy deserved every penny. While we sang we got some braids done to our hair. I was starting to develop a bald spot and I did not have enough hair to do anything serious so I had a little braid with a little bead.

We really enjoyed swimming in the clear blue waters even Tara who does not swim much in the sea was enjoying herself. This was the same waters where the Americans had disembarked to put an end to a Coup d’Etat.

In 1978 after the Coup M.Bishop a friend of the Cuban regime took control of the Island. Some radicals of his party later killed him. The United States in order to protect the eleven hundred citizens of their country sent the armed forces. This action was condemned by the United Nations. In 1984 a more moderate government, more suitable to the US was put in place.

We left on a water taxi again but before getting into the cruise boat we visited the spice market in St-George buying gifts and spices.

To me Grenada was absolutely everything that a Caribbean island should be: sand, sun incredible water and better people yet...Perfect.

Derek Sharp and myself on the Grand Anse Beach
Derek Sharp and myself on the Grand Anse Beach

Derek in St-Georges
Derek in St-Georges

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