Speak in Tongues ! Fragments
of Messages Edited from Google Newsgroups Talk:
From: Mark Bassett (mbasset@iconn.net) Date: 1997/10/10 |
The controversy that exists among Theologians concerning
"speaking in tongues" is not a new subject.
It is about as old as the Christian Church itself.
Paul dealt with the problem of tongues with the Corinthian Church
around 57 A.D. Writers following the apostles continued to deal with
it. It is not the intention of this writing to prove a biblical
existence of tongues, for the Word of God clearly defines itself on
that subject. But much of the contention of tongues lies in their
continuance following the first century.
Many would like to say they ceased with the apostles. Others
contend they lost their usefulness and therefore disappeared.
The fact is that they did neither. The following is an accumulation
of evidence concerning tongues as found in history.
The Bible is not only a book of Theological knowledge,
but also a book of history. All references given in the Word of
God are evidence of tongues in the first century. But all Bible
students will agree upon the existence of tongues in the New
Testament Church. Where the problem lies in the existence of tongues
following the death of the apostles.
What is presented here is a history of tongues as it was
recorded by numerous men throughout Church history. According to
Philip Schaff, a well known writer of Church History, tongues
was not confined to the first century.
"The speaking with tongues, however, was not confined to
the day of Pentecost. Together with the other extraordinary
spiritual gifts which distinguished this age above the
succeeding periods of more quiet and natural development, this
gift also though to be sure in a modified form, perpetuated
itself in the apostolic Church. We find traces of it still in
the second and third centuries."(1)
Among the Church fathers that lived following the death
of John the Revelator in 98 A.D., Montanus of Phrygia stands as a
leader in the support of tongues. Eusebius, a fourth century
Church historian writes that the followers of Montanus would be
"carried away in spirit, and wrought up into a certain kind of
frenzy and irregular ecstasy, raving, and speaking, and uttering
strange things."(2)
Because of his teachings, and the practices of his
followers, they were forced to withdraw from the accepted church of
the early second century and were ultimately labeled as
Irenaeus, a disciple of Polycarp who was in turn a pupil
of the Apostle John, wrote in his book "Against Heresies"
"In like manner do we also hear many brethren in the
Church who possess prophetic gifts, and who through
the Spirit speak all kinds of language and bring to
light for the general benefit the hidden things of
men and declare the mysteries of God, whom also the
apostles term spiritual "(3)
Tertullian, who lived about the same time as Irenaeus in
160-220 A.D, writes a passage in his book "Against
Marcion" which challenges Marcion to produce anything among his
followers such as was common among Tertullian's.
"Let him exhibit prophets such as have spoken, not by
human sense but with the Spirit of God, such as have predicted
things to come, and have made manifest the secrets of the heart;
let him produce a psalm, a vision a prayer, only let it be by
the Spirit in an ecstasy, that is, in a rapture, whenever an
interpretation of tongues has occurred to him "(4)
A few years later in the third century, a certain
Pachomius was able to "after seasons of special prayer, spoke the
Greek and Latin languages, which he had never learned, under the
power of the Spirit."(5)
Saint Augustine, who lived in the fourth century (354-430)
also wrote: "We still do what the apostles did when they laid hands
on the Samaritans and called down the Holy Spirit on them by
the laying on of hands. It is expected that converts should speak
with new tongues.(6)
The introduction of the fifth century marks the beginning of
the Dark Ages. It is here that the Catholic Church rules with an
iron hand and people were killed for not following its
The absence of writings other than those of Roman Catholic is not
surprising. It is the authors opinion that the church was in hiding
concerning this time, for I feel that God has always had a Church.
Nothing could dare be published or written concerning tongues for
fear of it costing their lives. Alexander Mackie in his book, "The
Gift of Tongues: puts in this way:
"From patristic times until the power of Reformation had
made itself distinctly felt the gift of tongues is an almost
forgotten phenomenon. The attention which the Reformation drew to
the Scripture is the reason for the reappearance of the gift.
Men do not usually have the gift of tongues unless they know
there is a gift of tongues."(7)
The first time that tongues appear in the Dark Ages is
in the Life of Saint Hildengard, who lived in the twelfth
century. She was a German Abbess who was raised in a Catholic
cloister but was not educated because she was sickly.
Nevertheless, it was recorded that she was able to "interpret Latin
scriptures, and speak and interpret an entirely unknown language." Her
first experience with this gift is said to have came as a part
of a "strange and powerfully moving religious experience, and
following a long series of visions which she had not discussed
with anyone." This also corresponds to the Encyclopedia
Britannica which states that tongues or "Glossolalia" was
present "among the mendicant friars of the thirteenth century."
One of these friars was a young Spaniard by the name of
Saint Vincent Ferrer, a native of Valencia, who supposedly spoke
Limousin the local dialect. The Biographers of Ferrer tell of
his ministry reaching and converting people all over Western
Europe, many in isolated areas. He was reported to have been
understood in the Alpine regions and other parts of Switzerland,
in Brittany and Fanders, in the Savoy and Lyons, by people who know
only the local tongue. While in Genoa he spoke to a group of men and
women of mixed linguistic backgrounds, all of whom were said to
have heard him in their own language.(9) The Catholic Encyclopedia
notes that many biographers of Saint Vincent have held that he
was endowed with the Gift of tongues. This is perhaps the
closest parallel of Acts the second chapter that we find recorded
in early Church History.
In the first half of the sixteenth century we find the
same report about the two Catholic saints, Saint Francis Xavier
and Saint Louis Bertrand. Both men were reported to have spoken
in foreign language they did not know in the course of their
missionary work. The bull by which Berland was canonized for his
success in missionary "asserts that to facilitate the work of
converting the natives, the apostle was miraculously endowed with the
gift of tongues."(10)
With the birth of Reformation, the Catholic Church no longer asserts
iron rule among the Church world. The instances of tongues becomes
more and more frequent, beginning with Matin Luther. In a German work,
Sourer's History of the Christian Church" it is stated that, Dr.
Martin Luther was a prophet, evangelist, speaker in tongues, and
interpreter, in one person, endowed with all the gifts of the Holy
"Soon following Luther came the French sect known as the Jansenists.
This group arose in the Roman Catholic Church after the Council of
Trent and was subjected to persecution following the issuance in 1705
of a bill condemning them. After persecution began, speaking in
was reported among this group."(12)
Another group in France that exercised the use of tongues were known
as the Cevennes. Among them in a revival of religious enthusiasm
occurred similar to that of the Jansenists. Newman in "A Manual of
Church History" tells us that:
Respecting the physical manifestations, there is little
discrepancy between the accounts of friend and foe. The persons
affected were men and women, the old and the young, Very many
were children, boys and girls of nine or ten years of age. They
were sprung from the people for the most part unable to read or
write, and speaking in everyday life the patios of the province
with which alone they were conversant. Such persons would
suddenly fall backward, and, while extended at full length on
the ground, undergo strange and apparently involuntary
contortions; their chests would seem to heave, their stomachs
inflate. On coming gradually out of this condition, they
appeared instantly to regain the power of speech.... From the
mouths of those that were little more than babes came texts of
Scripture, and discourses in good and intelligible French such
as they never used in their conscious hours.(13)
Some of the French prophets emigrated to England and
made converts there, with tongues being a part of the British
revival also.
In this same period of time the Encyclopedia Britannica
tells of tongues "among the converts of Wesley and
Whitefield." John Wesley once wrote a protest against a Dr.
Middleton who wrote "after the Apostolic time, there is not, in all
history, one instance...of any person who had even exercised that
gift (tongues)." Wesley replied, "Sir, your memory fails you
again, it has been heard more than once no further off than the
valleys of Dauphiny."(14)
The atmosphere of the revivals that followed the
Wesleyan movement was one of informality, spiritual fervor, and
religious enthusiasm. Crying out with groans and sobs in prayer,
shouting and uttering of "unintelligible sounds" were common of
this early period."(15)
Another movement that displayed Pentecostal characteristics
developed in England during the seventeenth century. They were
called the Society of Friends or Quakers. W.C. Braithwaite, in
"The Message and Mission of Quakerism," quotes from
Burrough's preface to Great Mystery:
"While waiting upon the Lord in silence, as often we did
for many hours together, we received often the pouring down of
the Spirit upon us, and our hearts were glad and our tongues
loosed and our mouth opened, and we spake with new tongues as
the Lord gave us utterance, and as His Spirit led us, which was
poured down upon us, on sons and daughters, and the glory of the
Father was revealed. And then began we to sing praise to the
Lord God Almighty and to the Lamb forever "(16)
The Quakers were followed in the eighteenth century by a
group that surpassed them in religious emotionalism. These were
called the Shakers. The roots of the group extend back to both
Quakers and the Cevennes, the early leaders having been
Quakers who accepted the teaching of the Cevennes when they
emigrated to England. Their conduct of worship was much like
Pentecostlism in nature:
Some who attended confessed their sins aloud, crying for
mercy; some went into a trance-like state in which they saw
visions and received prophecies of Christ's imminent second coming.
Others shouted and danced for joy because they believed that the day
was at hand for wars to cease and God's kingdom on earth to
Along with other spiritual gifts, speaking in tongues
was prominent among the Shakers.
Of all the groups mentioned during the Reformation, none
has received as much notice as the Irvingites, a sect
which developed in Great Britian about 1825. Edward Irving, a popular
Presberterian minister in London played an important
role in the movement. When several demonstrations of religious
enthusiasm occurred in his services, he encouraged them, believing
they were of divine origin.
"The Gift of Tongues" was soon to follow and became a
part of his services. A strong faction formed against Irving and
his followers and ultimately they were turned away from the
Presbertarian Church, The result was the formation of the Catholic
Apostolic Church, often called "Irvingites" because of the
leadership of Edward Irving. This body wrote a "tongues" tenet in its
Coming over to America, we find another religious sect
called the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter-Day Saints,
commonly known as the Mormon Church, founded by Joseph Smith in 1830.
The seventh article of faith of the Latter-Day Saints states that
they "believe" in the gift of tongues, prophecy, revelation, visions,
healing, interpretation of tongues, etc." Herber Grant, the Seventh
President of the Church, commented on this article of faith:
Now, we have had many men who have had the gift of
tongues, out in the world, preach this gospel in a language of
which they had no knowledge....
Unless the gift of tongues and the interpretation
thereof are enjoyed by the Saints in our day, then we are
lacking one of the evidences of the true faith.(19)
Back in England, the report of tongues began to appear
in the wake of the preaching campaigns of Dwight L. Moody. Dr. R.
Boyd, who was a very close friend of the famous evangelist writes
concerning one instance:
When I got to the rooms of the Young Men's Christian
Association in Victoria Hall, London, I found the
meeting on fire: The young men were speaking in
tongues, prophesying. What on earth did it mean?
Only that Moody had been addressing them that afternoon:"(20)
As the nineteenth century come to a close, space limits
me from listing all the instances of tongues that took
place. In 1875 R.B. Swan writes that he and others spoke in
tongues. 1879 - W.J. Walthall also receives the baptism of the Holy
Spirit, speaking in tongues. In 1880 in Kara Kara, Armenia a strong
Pentecostal Movement breaks out with speaking in tongues.
The same year tongues is reported in Switzerland, and on and on. This
also includes the revival of Topeka Kansas in the 1900's.
All of them are a part of the vast spreading movement of the spirit of
God as these last days grow to a close. No one can deny that there is
definite historical proof to the presence of tongues in the
Church throughout the centuries. God has always had a people
called out for his namesake. His word has always been a part of
the hearts of men, and so it continues today.
1 Philip Schaff, History of the Apostolic Church, New York: Charles
Scribner's, 1853, pp. 197-198.
2 Klaude Kendrick, The Promise Fulfilled, Springfield, Missouri Gospel
Publishing House, 1961, pg. 19.
3 Irenaeus, The Anti-Nicene Fathers, Ten Volume, New York: Charles
Scribner's 1885, Book III pg. 531.
4 Tertullian, The Anti Nicene Fathers, Ten Volume, New York: Charles
Scribner's 1885, Book III pp. 445-447.
5 Carl Brumback, What Meaneth This, Gospel Publishing House,
Springfield, Missouri, 1947 pg. 91.
6 John Sherril, They Speak with Other Tongues, Revell Company:
Westwood, New Jersey, 1964 pg. 76.
7 Alexander Mackie, The Gift of Tongues, New York: Doubleday and
Company 1950.
8 Encyclopedia Britannica 24 Volume, Chicago: Encyclopedia Britannia
Inc. 1951, XXII, pg. 283.
9 The Catholic Encyclopedia, 15 Volume, New York: Robert Appleton Co.
1912 XV, pg. 438.
10 Ibid, pg. 439.
11 Carl Brumback, What Meaneth This? Springfield Missouri: Gospel
Publishing House, 1961, pg. 20.
12 Klaude Kendrick, The Promise Fulfilled, Springfield Missouri:
Gospel Publishing House, 1961, pg. 20.
13 Albert Henry Newman, A Manuel of Church History, 2 Volume
Philadelphil: American Baptists Publication Society, 1903 II pg. 478.
14 Carl Brumback, What Meaneth This?, Springfield, Missouri: Gospel
Publishing House, 1947, pg. 92.
15 Klaude Kendrick, The Promise Fulfilled, Springfield Missouri:
Gospel Publishing House, 1961, pg. 23.
16 Carl Brumback, What Meaneth This?, Spingfield, Missouri: Gospel
Publishing House, 1947, pg. 93.
17 Marguerite Melcher, The Shaker Adventure, Princeton: Princeton
University Press, 1941, pg. 5.
18 Klaude Kendrick, The Promise Fulfilled, Springfield, Missouri:
Gospel Publishing House, 1947, pg. 93.
19 Ibid, pg. 24.
Brumback, Carl, What Meaneth This?, Gospel Publishing House.
Catholic Encyclopedia, The, 15 Volumes, Robert Appleton, Co.
Encyclopedia Britannica, 24 Volumes, Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc.
Irenaeus, The Ante-Nicene Fathers, 10 Volumnes, Charles Scribner's.
Kelsey, Morton, Tongue Speaking, Doubleday and Company.
Mackie, Alexander, The Gift of Tongues, Doubleday and Company.
Melcher, Marguerite, The Shaker Adventure, Princeton University Press.
Newman, Albert Henry, A Manual of Church History, 2 Volumnes, America
Baptists Publication Society.
Schaff, Philip, History of the Apostolic Church, Charles Scribner's.
Sherril, John, They Speak with other Tongues, Revell Co.
Tertullian, The Anti-Nicene Fathers, 10 Volumes, Charles Scribner's
From: EHighleymn
(ehighleymn@aol.com) Newsgroups: talk.religion.misc |
>What are tongues?
Tongues are other languages, whether human or
angelic, that the Holy Spirit miraculously enables
Christians to speak.
>What are tongues for?
Tongues are given to edify our own spirits, and,
with interpretation, to edify the Church.
Pray for the gift of tongues. Then pray in them daily
to strengthen your spirit.
1 Cor 14:2
Anyone who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men
but to God. Indeed, no one understands him; he utters
mysteries with his spirit.
1 Cor 14:14
If I pray in a tongue, my spirit prays...
1 Cor 14:4
He who speaks in a tongue edifies himself...
1 Cor 14:15b
I will pray with the spirit, and I will pray with the
understanding also: I will sing with the spirit, and
I will sing with the understanding also.
1 Cor 14:18-19
I thank my God, I speak with tongues more than ye all...
1 Cor 14:5a
I would like every one of you to speak in tongues...
1 Cor 14:39b
Do not forbid speaking in tongues.
1 Cor 14:27-28
If anyone speaks in a tongue [in church], two-- or at
the most three-- should speak, one at a time, and
someone must interpret. If there is no interpreter,
the speaker should keep quiet in the church and speak
to himself and God.
1 Cor 12:7-11
Now to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given
for the common good. To one there is given through the
Spirit the message of wisdom, to another the message of
knowledge by means of the same Spirit, to another faith
by the same Spirit, to another gifts of healing by that
one Spirit, to another miraculous powers, to another
prophecy, to another distinguishing between spirits,
to another speaking in different kinds of tongues,
and to still another the interpretation of tongues.
All these are the work of one and the same Spirit,
and he gives them to each one, just as he determines.
1 Cor 14:13b
Anyone who speaks in a tongue should pray that he may
interpret what he says.
1 Cor 14:26
What then shall we say, brothers? When you come
together, everyone has a hymn, or a word of instruction,
a revelation, a tongue or an interpretation. All of these
must be done for the strengthening of the church.
>Aren't all tongues today from demons?
No. And to ascribe the work of the Holy Spirit to
demons is the most serious blasphemy.
Mark 3:28-30
I tell you the truth, all the sins and blasphemies of
men will be forgiven them. But whoever blasphemes
against the Holy Spirit will never be forgiven; he is
guilty of an eternal sin. He said this because they were
saying, "He has an evil spirit."
From: Bonnie
H (bonnieh@cdsnet.net) Newsgroups: alt.christnet.public,
alt.religion.christian.calvary.chapel, alt.org.promisekeepers,
alt.christnet.bible |
There is speaking in the tongues of angels, and the tongues of man. I
have known of many instances where one speaking in tongues, not knowing
what he was saying, happened to be speaking perfectly in a language he
had never learned. The result was the salvation of a person or persons
within hearing. One instance was of a man speaking an ancient Mandarin
dialect that he could not possibly have known. It was solely for the
benefit (via the Holy Spirit) of an old man who absolutely knew that
this American could not have known that language. The Bible says that
one of the reasons for tongues is as a sign to the unbelievers.
Message 11 in thread |
From: S & R (bywaters@nidlink.com)
From Rene'e
From: Bonnie
H (bonnieh@cdsnet.net) Date: 1997/01/24 |
> In <32E90E16.3327@cdsnet.net> Bonnie H <bonnieh@cdsnet.net> writes:
> >
> >Libertarius wrote:
> >>
> You say "you have known of many instances". Was that your
> PERSONAL EXPERIENCE or a story you've heard from someone else?
> Can you give us any details, such as place, time and names
> that could be verified?
> Libertarius
I have known several people this happened to, including the man who was
speaking in perfect Mandarin dialect. This man has passed away now,
about ten years ago. I have also read such accounts in many books, all
available in Christian book stores. I did not write down place, time and
names as to me this would be ridiculous. I was not out to do a
documentary of God's actions or keep a log of every time I saw the gifts
of the Spirit at work. I see those gifts every time I attend a
full-Gospel church, and see them working in my life all the time. Many
people insist on a "sign." The Lord wants people to take a little step
of faith, and then He will show them many signs.
While I appreciate the gift of tongues in the Church, it is also misused
by people with a religious spirit who just want to be seen, heard, and
thought to be spiritual. The greatest blessing in my life in the gift of
tongues is in my personal prayer life. Through the Spirit, one prays the
perfect prayer to God, not a selfish prayer. Praying in tongues
"edifies" a person, which means it builds one up in the Spirit. It
causes one to be able to understand the Bible like nothing else can do.
It causes one to grow spiritually.
Documented? No, I've never done that. But it would make an interesting
book. I don't know if anyone has written such a book.
From: Dale
Sanger (regnaston@oocities.com) Date: 1997/01/24 |
106 Los Angeles ...Azuza Street Mission.... a Reporter for the LA
Newspaper reported on the events in the mission. And in the particular
meeting he was in a person spoke in tongues and was speaking perfect
From: Joseph
David Chiodo (joseph.chiodo@brunel.ac.uk) Date: 1997/01/29 |
I went to some seminars on the Holy Spirit in Canada just over a year ago and was
prayed over and for a split second believed I could receive the 'gift' of tongues
and in that split second, I received it… I can start doing this any time when I decide,
it is at that point that the words come out without my choice of utterances.
And I was still wondering about the credibility of so I asked some Jewish friends of mine
(after explaining what I was going through) to see if they understood any of it.
Guess what!… as I had done many times before… started speaking in tongues
and they understood what I was saying.
The important point here is that I've never taken a course in learning to speak Hebrew
and I've never heard more than a few seconds of it. Certainly not the words I
spoke in tongues of.
From: Peter
Dolman (peter@technologist.com) Date: 1997/01/25 |
…the logic:
1. "The initial Pentecostal 'sign' was tongues."
2. "This reoccurred several times as the Spirit 'baptized' certain new
believers -- Samaritans, Cornelius, Ephesians, etc.
3. "Tongues occurred when the Spirit came upon them"
4. "Tongues is THE evidence of the 'Baptism of the Holy Spirit'.
5. "All Christians baptized by the Spirit speak in tongues".
6. "Therefore, speaking in tongues is THE evidence of being a Christian".
I am a Pentecostal who accepts the spiritual gift of tongues as a valid
expression of the Sprit's manifestation and work in the life of a believer.
I belong to a church in which people are encouraged to express their
worship to Jesus in tongues, prayer, song, preaching -- and silent
reverence. I believe that the New Testament specifically provides for the
exercise of this gift both in private and in public.
…ALL Christians are saved by His Grace.
Do I speak in tongues? I did a few times many years ago, and many years
before I joined a Pentecostal church. In fact, the primary reason for
joining was that they welcomed me and my family IN LOVE long before I ever
told them I spoke in tongues -- it only came up when I asked about it.
As for tongues being a 'sign' of the Spirit's presence, I agree it is…
Changes in the recipients of the Spirit (frightened disciples became bold preachers)…
Spirit convicting the hearers ("what must we do to be saved?")…
Repentance and contrition resulting in the salvation of thousands…
Massive growth of the new Church.
From: Hardane (hardane@ix.netcom.com) Newsgroups: alt.christnet.public, alt.religion.christian, talk.religion.misc,
alt.religion.christian.calvary.chapel, alt.org.promisekeepers, alt.religion.mormon, alt.christnet, alt.christnet.bible |
..." We receive because we believe.
(Biblical and Historical Proof)
The phenomenon of "speaking in tongues" has created
widespread controversy among modern Christendom today. Without the
knowledge of the truth, which only comes to an honest heart by divine
revelation, many have misunderstood the purpose of tongues. Do not be
confused by theories and ideas of men: learn the truth about this
important subject.
The Bible teaches three principal ways in which tongues are manifested:
as the initial evidence of the Holy Spirit baptism,
as one of the nine gifts of the Spirit in the church,
and in a believer's personal devotion to God.
Isaiah prophesied, "With stammering lips and ANOTHER TONGUE will he
speak to this people." Is. 28:11. In the great commission, Jesus said,
"And these signs shall follow them that believe...they shall speak
with NEW TONGUES." Mark 16:17.
"The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the SOUND thereof,
but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it goeth:
so is everyone that is born of the Spirit."
John 3:8. As the sound of wind blowing is the evidence of its presence,
so is the sound of speaking in tongues evidence of the Holy Spirit baptism.
"And when the day of Pentecost was fully come, they were all with one
accord in one place. And suddenly there came a SOUND from heaven as of a rushing
mighty wind, and it filled all the house where they were
sitting. And there appeared unto them cloven tongues like as of fire,
and it sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy
Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them
utterance." Acts 2:1-4. The initial evidence of the Holy Ghost, upon
the 120 disciples, was witnessed by devout Jews, out of every nation.
They said one to another, "Behold, are not all these which speak
Galileans? And how hear we every man in our own tongue, wherein we
were born?" Acts 2:6-8. Then Peter preached, "But this is that which
was spoken by the prophet Joel (See Joel 2:28). And it shall come to
pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon
all flesh...Having received of the Father the promise of the Holy
Ghost, he (Jesus) hath shed forth this which ye now see and hear."
Acts 2:16-33.
Cornelius and his household spoke in tongues when they were baptized
with the Holy Ghost. "They of the circumcision which believe were
astonished...because that on the Gentiles also was poured out the gift of the Holy Ghost.
Peter confirmed, "...The Holy Ghost fell on them as on us at the beginning." Acts 11:15.
The believers at Ephesus spoke in tongues when they received the Holy
Ghost baptism. "And when Paul had laid his hands upon them, the Holy
Ghost came on them, and they spake in tongues, and prophesied." Acts
When the Samaritans received the Holy Ghost by the laying on of the
apostles' hands, there was a miraculous evidence of God's power which
exceeded the miracles and signs already experienced. This prompted
Simon the sorcerer to offer money to buy this power: that on
whomsoever he laid hands, he may receive the Holy Ghost. According to
the Biblical signs that follow believers, and the experiences received at Pentecost,
Cesarea and Ephesus, there should be no doubt that the Samaritans received
the Holy Ghost with the same initial evidence of speaking in tongues. Acts 8:5-25.
The apostle Paul was filled with the Holy Ghost and spoke in tongues.
Acts 9:17, I Cor. 14:18.
History also proves that speaking in tongues was the evidence of the
Holy Spirit baptism in the early church, and has not ceased to be a
Biblical experience among believers today.
Encyclopedia Britannica, 1972 Edition, Vol. W, p. 75 –
Tongue-speaking manifested itself early in the Christian experience.
At Pentecost (Acts 2) the gift appeared as a sign of the indwelling
of the Holy Spirit which marked the character of the earliest Christians...
During later church history, glossolalia (speaking in tongues)
occurred among the mendicant friars of the 13th century, little prophets of Cevennes,
the Jansenists, and the Irvingites. Tongues were found also among the early Quakers,
as well as among the converts of John Wesley and George Whitefield...
In modern times glossolalia has been found chiefly among Holiness
and Pentecostal groups.
The Saturday Evening Post, May 16, 1964, p. 32 - Praying in tongues
has recurred at intervals throughout the Christian era, although it
did not affect large masses until early in this century.
Its advocates were quickly expelled from the established churches,
whereupon they established the Pentecostal churches.
For 50 years it remained the almost exclusive possession of the Pentecostal churches.
Newsweek, June 25, 1973, p. 80 - The Pentecostal phenomenon has spread with
surprising speed through all of the world's major Christian churches.
Why did God choose tongues for the initial evidence of the Holy Spirit baptism? Note the following reasons:
1.Isaiah asked, "Who hath
directed the Spirit of the Lord, or being His counselor hath taught
Him?" Is. 40:13. God is sovereign to choose as He will without being
accountable to anyone!
2.Such a marvelous experience as the baptism of the Holy Ghost demands a marvelous evidence.
So God chose to speak through the believer in a language foreign to him as the outward
evidence of the marvelous infilling of the Holy Ghost!
3.The tongue is the most unruly member of the body and full of deadly
poison, which no man can tame. It is a world of iniquity and is set on fire of hell.
Therefore, the tongue is capable of defiling the entire body. James 3:6.
Before man can be fully sanctified, the tongue, which defileth,
must be brought under control. Who can tame the tongue?
James compares the tongue to the bit in a horse's mouth which gives the driver
complete control. James 3:3. So whoever controls the tongue controls the person.
How beautiful is this glorious truth! God chose tongues,
as evidence of the Holy Spirit baptism, to symbolize His complete control of a believer.
And this is important for the sanctification of the individual's body.
4.Although other signs were manifested at Pentecost, God chose tongues for the uniform
sign of the Holy Spirit baptism. (Compare Acts 2:2-4, 10:46, 19:6.) Jesus said that this
SIGN shall follow every believer of the gospel. Mark 16:16,17. The Jews were
convinced that the Gentiles at Cesarea had received the baptism of the Holy Ghost, FOR
"For by ONE SPIRIT are we ALL BAPTIZED into one body." I Cor. 12:13.
"Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit." I Cor. 12:4.
The gifts of the Spirit are as follows: "the word of wisdom, the word of knowledge,
faith, the gifts of healing, the working of miracles, prophecy, discerning of spirits,
divers kinds of tongues and the interpretation of tongues.
But by one and the selfsame Spirit, God divides these gifts severally to every man
as He will". I Cor. 12:8-11.
Since the gift of tongues is a manifestation of the Spirit (I Cor.
12:7,11), it cannot operate in a person without the Holy Ghost being
resident within him. Therefore this gift is only given to believers
who have been baptized into the body of Christ by the Holy Spirit
evidenced by tongue-speaking.
The gift of tongues is different from the tongues as the initial
evidence of the Holy Spirit baptism. Compare the following:
•1. These tongues differ in purpose. The gift of tongues along
with the gift of interpretation of tongues has been given unto some in the church to
convey a message from God to the congregation as the
need requires. I Cor. 12:7, 27, 28. But the tongues as evidence of
receiving the Holy Ghost, is the believers personal experience with
God, and is not designed to convey a message to the church.
•2. Also these tongues differ in operation. The gift of tongues
in the church is limited to two or three messages and that by course:
and one (the same person speaking in tongues) must interpret I Cor. 14:27.
But the tongues as evidence of the Holy Spirit baptism is an
unlimited manifestation and requires no interpretation.
[1 Cor. 14:13 “Therefore let him who speaks in a tongue pray that he may interpret”;
1 Cor. 14:5 “…he who speaks with tongues, unless indeed he interprets…”]
Paul said, "He that speaketh in an unknown tongue edifieth himself;
but he that prophesieth edifieth the church I would that ye all spake
with tongues but rather that ye prophesied: for greater is he that
prophesieth than he that speaketh with tongues EXCEPT he interpret
that the church may receive edifying." I Cor. 14:4,5. Certainly the
apostle did not try to discredit or do away with the importance of
tongues. Because, in comparison, he illustrated that the less honorable members of the
body are necessary, and receive more abundant honor. I Cor. 12:22,23. Each gift of the
Spirit has as its proper time and place in the church, and when tongues is interpreted they
become as important as prophecy! So Paul emphasized, "...Let all things be done unto
edifying." I Cor. 14:26. To edify the church, the manifestation of tongues must be
coupled with the manifestation of interpretation of tongues. To avoid confusion, Paul
gave instructions to follow for the use of tongues and interpretation of tongues in the
church. (See I Cor. 14:27.) He said, "If there be no interpretation let him keep silence in
the church: and let him speak to himself, and to o God." I Cor. 14:28. Also he said, "IN
THE CHURCH I had rather speak five words with my understanding, that by my voice I
might teach others also, than ten thousand words in an unknown tongue." I Cor. 14:19. It
is better for the edification of the church to speak five words of understanding than ten
thousand words in an unknown tongue without a divinely inspired interpretation.
However, lest anyone misunderstand the importance of tongues, Paul concluded,
"Wherefore brethren, covet to prophesy, and FORBID NOT TO SPEAK WITH
TONGUES." I Cor. 14:19.
"Wherefore tongues are for a sign, not to them that believe, but to
them that believe not..." I Cor. 14:22. This Scripture deals with
God's speaking to man. (See I Cor. 14:21.) Of course, the believer
should know when the Lord speaks, whether by tongues or not. But as a
proof to the unbeliever, or anyone who doubts the Word of God,
tongues are manifested for a miraculous sign of His presence.
Paul asked the question, "Do all speak with tongues?..." I Cor. 12:30.
The context of this Scripture requires a negative answer, because Paul is discussing the
use of Tongues in the Church, and not all should Speak with Tongues “at the same time”,
because if that was the case, it will be like a “mad-house” (1 Cor. 14:23)
Tongues are also manifested in a believer's personal life of prayer
and worship. They serve as a means of his secret communication with
God in the Spirit. These tongues are not meant to be understood by
men: therefore, they need no interpretation. "He that speaketh in an
unknown tongue speaketh not unto men, but unto God: for no man
understandeth him: howbeit in the Spirit he speaketh mysteries." I
Cor. 14:2. "The Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with
groanings which cannot be uttered." Rom. 8:26. Paul said, "If I pray
in an unknown tongue, my spirit prayeth, but my understanding is
unfruitful. What is it then? I will pray with the spirit, and I will
pray with the understanding also: I will sing with the spirit, and I
will sing with the understanding also." I Cor. 14:14,15.
These devotional tongues are also for the personal edification of the
believer. They are for self-encouragement and uplifting of his spirit.
Paul said, "He that speaketh in an unknown tongue edifieth himself..." I Cor. 14:4. So the
apostle gladly stated, "I think my God, I speak with tongues more than ye all."
1 Cor. 14:18.
How long will tongues continue to be manifested?
"Whether there be prophecies, they shall fail: whether there be
tongues, they shall cease: whether there be knowledge, it shall vanish away. For we know
in part, and we prophesy in part. But when that which is perfect is come, then that which
is in part shall be done away." I Cor. 13:8-10. The phrase, "when that which is perfect is
come," is translated from the Greek phrase "to teleion". The word
"teleion" is a singular neuter term which refers to Jesus Christ.
Thayer's Greek-English Lexicon, p. 618, defines the phrase "to
teleion" as used in I Cor. 13:10: "The perfect state of all things, to be ushered in by the
return of Christ from heaven." Paul said, "Now we see through a glass, darkly; but then
face to face: now I know in part: but then (when that which is perfect is come) shall I
know even as also I am known." I Cor. 13:12. When the church, having reached her state
of perfection, stands face to face in the presence of God, there will be no need for
prophecies, tongues and knowledge. But until that which is perfect (Jesus Christ) is come,
that which is in part will remain. And as long as there remains prophecies and
knowledge, tongues shall not cease. So Paul instructed the church to COME BEHIND IN
Believe the Truth! The Speaking in Tongues is for you today! If you desire the greatest
experience God has offered to mankind, I urge you
to repent, and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for
the remission of sins, and receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost,
evidenced by speaking in tongues!
Acts 2:4,38,39
------------------------------- :) ---------------------------
Hardane - A servant of the Lord.
Do your best (study) to win full approval in God's sight, as
a worker who is not ashamed of his work, one who correctly
teaches the message of God's truth...The Lord's servant must
not quarrel. He must be kind toward all, a good and patient
teacher, who is gentile as he corrects his opponents. It may
be that God will give them the opportunity to repent and come
to know the truth. (2 Timothy 2:15,24-25 TEV).
From: Alpha
One (alpha@one.net) Date: 1997/01/25 |
…even I experimented with glossolalia… and could, with a little practice, become rather
fluent… [however] when you can demonstrate that you can speak in various terrestrial
languages which you had never studied, you will have my attention.
From: Peter
Dolman (peter@technologist.com) Date: 1997/01/26 |
Alpha One,
You make the error of "tarring all with the same brush".
The magicians of the court of the Pharaoh were able to mimic Moses'
miracles. Using your logic, Moses miracles are now invalid! That's silly.
What of bad preaching -- does it invalidate good preaching? How about
those who study so they can fleece the sheep more efficiently -- do they
invalidate all studying (which you propose all should do!)? Of course not.
So, keep the good, and throw out the evil -- but don't throw the baby out
with the bathwater!.
In Christ,
From: Bonnie
H (bonnieh@cdsnet.net) Date: 1997/01/29 |
Mr. Smith wrote:
> Tongues
> "Love never fails. But whether there are [gifts of] prophesying,
> they will be done away with; whether there are tongues,
> they will cease; whether there is knowledge, it will be done
> away with." 1 Corinthians 13:8
Bonnie H wrote:
It is always dangerous to take Scripture out of context. In the
original, there is no punctuation. To quote part of a passage of
Scripture and leave it without reading the entire thing can lead you off
in strange directions. It goes on to say in I Corinthians 13:9-13, for
example: "For we know in part, and we prophesy in part. But when that
which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be taken
away. When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I
thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I
know in part, but then shall I know even also as I am known. And now
abideth faith, hope, charity, these three, but the greatest of these is
charity (love)."
"That which is perfect" has not yet come, and that is why tongues have
not ceased. That which is perfect, is Jesus, and He will return. When He
does, there will no longer be any reason for tongues, because we will
see him face to face. We will no longer "see through a glass, darkly" -
we will see clearly. We will no longer know "in part", but we will know
even as we are known. And Thank God, we will no longer be childish.
From: Bonnie
H (bonnieh@cdsnet.net) Date: 1997/02/03 |
Alfred A. Kuhnert,
Bonnie H wrote:
Yes, I would say that you might be a bit confused, Al. For example, when
Paul wrote those verses, had Jesus come already, or Not? He was speaking
about when He returns. Do we have a perfect world today? Do we see
clearly? Do we know as we are known? NOT. Was He perfect when He came?
Of course. Paul was not speaking about He who had come already.
Tongues are STILL a sign to bolster the developing Church. Take a look
around. Look at these newsgroups. Do you consider the Church well
developed???? Yes, we have the Word, thank God. And no one has said to
my knowledge that we cannot build and grow without tongues. It does
teach that tongues EDIFIES the Church. Builds it up. And builds up the
person using this gift. This does not mean as in the sense of ego, but
in understanding. You are kicking around a precious gift from the Lord,
shamefully, and just because you don't care to indulge in what is
foolishness to you, you might at least acknowledge that you don't have
all of the answers. If you did, you would express kindness, not
self-righteousness. Whoever said, anywhere, that tongues was a sign to
the believer, that he was really saved? Where did you dream that up? The
Bible says that tongues is a sign to the unbelievers, and additionally,
it edifies the speaker when he prays.
What on earth does drinking poison have to do with any of the gifts of
the Spirit????
If you stop and think a bit about any of these things, and God is able
to shake up your dogmatic theology a little, it will be the best thing
that ever happened to you. God has much more to teach you, and all of
us. The very fact that Paul tells us that we see through a glass,
darkly, should give you a clue that there is more to learn, and you
could just possibly be wrong.
From: Alfred
A. Kuhnert (akuhnert@misnet.com) Date: 1997/02/05 |
Actually the GLOBE Missionary organization is one in particular which
declares that salvation is evidenced by 'tongue speaking'. A New Covenant
Church member spoke at a Bible Study about his work in Guatemala and
he is receiving support thru GLOBE. This has also been stated by other
charismatics I've met personally.
I don't think God's voice is void in a church which has 'tongue speaking'…
From: Ferfer
(clittlef@lonestar.jpl.utsa.edu) Date: 1997/02/16 |
Prophesying, or proclaiming the will of God edifies the church.
Look here: 1 Corinthians 14:4 "He who speaks in a tongue edifies himself,
but he who prophesies edifies the church."
From: Mark
Fuller (mark_fuller@qmgate.anl.gov) Date: 1997/02/03 |
Alfred A. Kuhnert,
I think you misunderstand the purposes of tongues. There seems to be
two types that were present in the early church -- one was a gift for
the edification of the church when practiced in combination with
interpretation, and the other was for the edification of the individual
when no interpretation was available. I personally don't believe
that either of these have ceased, since the section of Scripture
talking about tongues, knowledge and prophecy ceasing seems to clearly
indicate that "when the perfect comes" equals "when Jesus comes back
again." I also wouldn't want to box God in and say "God does not give
the gift of tongues anymore." Clearly, the church does not need any
more SCRIPTURE (we have no record of any prophet saying, "I spoke in a tongue
and then wrote down the interpretation God gave me"). But, the church
surely needs EDIFICATION, both individually and corporately. When done
within the framework of orderly worship, both tongues and prophecy
should be exercised -- Paul says "do not forbid speaking in tongues"
and "do not treat prophecies with contempt."
From: Bonnie H (bonnieh@cdsnet.net) Date: 1997/02/03 |
Paul taught that everything should be done decently and in order. If
someone goes into a church that does not believe in tongues, it is very
uncharitible to do such a thing. I don't personally know of a person
doing that - but it probably has happened, and more than once. And I am
certain that many have been rebuked in such a case, and asked to leave,
and in such cases, they should have been rebuked. I have also many times
seen a person not use wisdom and start speaking loudly in tongues right
while the pastor was speaking. That is not of God. The message may have
been, but the timing of the person was out of order. This is why Paul
stated "The spirit of the prophet is subject to the prophet," meaning
that the speaker is in control. In such a case, I have seen that person
rebuked. The Holy Spirit does not interrupt Himself. That tongues has
been misused by people who let spiritual pride carry them away, does not
mean tongues is not a valid gift of the Holy Spirit. "Decently and in
order" is the key phrase here. It simply means that they were not
willing to love, and do things decently and in order. Such people should
be rebuked.
The thing is, there is misuse of every gift God has given to us…
On the other hand, if you visit a "full-gospel" Church where
they believe in speaking in tongues, you should not be offended because
of it. One could learn a lot in such a church...
…Christians can ask for wisdom and receive it, and we need to learn to
pick the bones out of the fish…
…I personally know two Christian people who visited such a church, (separate occasions)
tongue-in-cheek, who had been praying very much about a specific thing.
No one in the church knew them, or about their prayers. Both times, the
prophecy that came was specifically about that very thing in such a
personal way, the listener was convinced and now goes to that sort of
Church. In both cases, these people were visiting churches in a town away
from home.
From: Bonnie
H (bonnieh@cdsnet.net) Date: 1997/02/04 |
It is true that some people who speak in tongues are demon-possessed. It
is also true that many who do not speak in tongues are so possessed, or
controlled by demons. It is not tongues that is an indication of their
possession, but their overall behavior and manner of life. One
disrupting a service by speaking out during the preaching in a service
may, on the other hand, simply be "in the flesh" and unlearned about
proper conduct or doing things "decently and in order," and it may have
nothing to do with demon possession, and more to do with spiritual
immaturity, or spiritual pride.
From: Mark
Fuller (mark_fuller@qmgate.anl.gov) Date: 1997/02/04 |
I agree. The main point is that some churches DO maintain order when
tongues and other gifts are being exercised.
From: Bonnie
H (bonnieh@cdsnet.net) Date: 1997/02/03 |
…Paul sums up what he is saying by commenting that presently we only know things
partly, see things darkly, (and don't know it all), that is simply where you are. You seem
sure that you have learned the (un-searchable) depths of God and He has nothing more to
teach you. How small is your God? Do you have him well under control so he can't do
anything to upset your theology?
From: Bonnie
H (bonnieh@cdsnet.net) Date: 1997/02/04 |
…I don't need to prove my point, the truth is simply the truth. If you can't handle truth, that's your problem.
However - a LOT of people are interested in this gift of the Spirit.
From: Bonnie
H (bonnieh@cdsnet.net) Date: 1997/01/26 |
… Many wonderful things have come about through the gift of speaking in tongues.
From: Bonnie
H (bonnieh@cdsnet.net) Date: 1997/01/27 |
Speaking in tongues has nothing whatever to do with a "trance" state,
nor is it in any way connected to hypnosis. That is much like comparing
apples to rocks. If you don't believe in the gift of speaking in tongues
- don't speak in tongues. If you don't believe in the gifts of the Holy
Spirit, He assuredly won't force any of them on you. It is a valid
Biblical gift, millions upon millions have received it.
From: Bonnie
H (bonnieh@cdsnet.net) Date: 1997/01/29 |
Libertarius wrote:
> OK. Let us look at it from YOUR point of view.
> (1) What proof do YOU have that the "tongue" is NOT "demonic"?
> A super-intelligent "demon" could cause BOTH types of
> behavior.
> (2) What proof does YOUR "audience" have that the interpreter
> is "actually interpreting" what the speaker said?
> Libertarius
(1) Some "tongues" are demonic. But to believe that, you have to believe
there is a spiritual world. The gift of "discernment of spirits" reveals
to Spirit-filled Christians (not all have this gift) when tongues are
demonic. However, demonic entities do not work through "Spirit-filled"
(2) Christians are able, through the Spirit, to judge prophecy. Demonic
beings do not speak the truth, while the Holy Spirit will never say
anything that is contrary to the Word of God. Anything that is not in
line with sound Bible doctrine is to be rejected. Interpretation of
tongues is not necessarily "translation…"
That person can then give that word "in his own words." The Bible says
"The spirit of the prophet is subject to the prophet." In other words,
God does not force anyone to speak in tongues, or to give an
interpretation. He simply moves on them to do so, and if they refuse, He
will give it to someone more yielded to Him. Sometimes, if God wishes to
give a sign to an unbeliever, the tongue comes in the native tongue of
the listener. The gift of tongues is fully explained in the Bible, and
there is a lot of instruction in I Corinthians 12 $ 14.
From: Bonnie
H (bonnieh@cdsnet.net) Date: 1997/01/29 |
I have no need to prove anything. You asked questions, did you expect
answers? Or, did you simply want to argue about something you obviously
know nothing about? I told you how a Christian can tell when a demonic
spirit is at work. An evil spirit might be able to deceive a Christian
into believing he is the Holy Spirit, but ONLY if that Christian is not
well grounded, does not know what the Word of God has to say, and is a
carnal and not a spiritual Christian. Your questions reveal that you
know nothing about spiritual things - so why do you argue about such
things? If you choose to not believe what the Bible teaches, its simple.
Don't believe it. I doubt very much if you will shake the faith of
anyone who has walked with the Lord any time at all, or who has been
blessed with the gift on speaking in tongues and other gifts of the
From: Bonnie
H (bonnieh@cdsnet.net) Date: 1997/01/29 |
…[Do Speaking in Tongues] ended when the
apostles died off [?], there is no Scripture to support this [!]
For myself, I met the Lord and was baptized in the Holy Spirit BEFORE I even
knew there IS a Holy Spirit, or read my Bible or had anyone tell me
anything, and before I ever went to a Church (except I had gone some as
a very young child). I am not "working within a belief system" - I have
a living experience with a Living God, that has continued for many
years. No one told me what to believe. I believe the Seventh-Day
Adventists are as "saved" as anyone, and I know they love the Lord. I
too have some close friends of that faith. Believing in speaking in
tongues has little to do with salvation of one's soul. Not believing,
however, cheats one out of a wonderful blessing and gift.
… Christians don't just "believe" in Jesus Christ. They invited Him into their lives,
and His Spirit, the Holy Spirit, came to live in their spirits,
immediately. He's wonderful! He's alive. He speaks. He comforts. He
guides. He loves. Once a person meets Him, its impossible to convince
them He's not real… Christians aren't perfect, in any sense. Christians are sinners.
That's who Jesus came to save… I don't know that I am a
charismatic, or a pentecostal. I am a Spirit-filled Christian…
From: Bonnie H (bonnieh@cdsnet.net) Date: 1997/01/30 |
…I don't see in the above Scriptures where God is leaving out any believers in His desire
to pour out this gift of His Spirit… I have given a message in tongues. I have
1 Corinthians 12:7-11 does say, "But the manifestation of the Spirit is given
to EVERY MAN to profit withal." And read on. If we are all "one body"
and there is only one Spirit, how can some Christians not have the gifts
of the Spirit?????
From: Bonnie
H (bonnieh@cdsnet.net) Date: 1997/01/30 |
Why don't you read the book of Acts, and I Corinthians 12, 13 & 14 very carefully. There
are two ways the gift of tongues is to be used. In the Church, and in one's personal prayer
life… Interpretation is not translation…
Before you read, pray and ask the Holy Spirit to open your understanding, if you are a
From: Raymond
Knapp (rwknapp@hk.linkage.net) Date: 1997/02/06 |
Attila 1 Libertarius,
You are talking about tongues as prophecy, as in Paul's writings tongues is
also a private prayer language and no man understands that, except God. So
this test would not work there. Then I have heard people speak English as
the Holy Spirit come on them, and knew not a word of the English language
in some very remote areas of the Philippines. No schools and not English
speakers, but this one person, I do remember spoke such good English, I
took the time to test it out myself, only language that person knew was her
own native tongue.
Then here in China, I know some that got lost and did not speak Chinese, but as they had
the need, God met it and they spoke in tongues to the native Chinese and they even head
a conversation, which afterward we asked what was going on, and this person told us she
now knew where the train was and would take the party to it, she just knew what
the Chinese person was saying, just like she was hearing it in English and
the Chinese seem to understand her speaking in tongues. The Test is going
on daily in parts of the world that do not speak English, and tongues of God is just that.
The truth has been tested, to keep testing and testing
is to call God a liar, and that would not be too wise a thing to do.
There has been so many testing like you want already. People have heard
tongues of God to the Church and the same message was given by each, even
if they were not in the same room. There is nothing to be afraid of.
Now if the tongues are the prayer language as found in 1 Cor. chapter 14 it
would do you no good to try to test it...
Then of course we have the tongues of Angles and that could be a large list,
since it seems the Angles know all the tongues of man, and been around
thousands of years, who knows what they speak as their native tongue.
Once done, and proven, doesn't mean it has to have your personal approval and your
personal hearing and testing to make it OK. Come over to China and maybe we can get
you in to some remote areas and you can hear for yourself...
From: John
Rivest (john.rivest@teldta.com) Date: 1997/01/28 |
[Note: Attila 1 Libertarius is involved with spiritism, also called spiritualism, and that is
totally different to manifesting holy spirit by speaking in tongues]
If you want to experience speaking in tongues, just attend ANY
United Pentecostal Church Service. This is a gift from God and part of
the New Birth Experience.
From: Mark Bassett (mbasset@not_optonline.net) Newsgroups: alt.christnet.public, alt.religion.christian.pentecostal |
By: Arthur L. Clanton (article appeared in an issue of Gospel Tidings.)
The WORD "TONGUES," as it appears in the King James Version of the
Bible, is undoubtedly familiar to all Pentecostals. They believe that
speaking with tongues as the Spirit gives utterance is the initial
sign or evidence of the Holy Ghost baptism. Those who have not spoken
with tongues have not received the Holy Ghost, though they may have
been blessed of God in repentance or in baptism in the name of the
Lord Jesus Christ.
Tongues at Pentecost
So far as tongues are concerned, what actually happened
on the day of Pentecost?
Acts 2:4 declares: "And they were all filled with the
Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit
gave them utterance." The original word for "tongues" in this
verse is "glossa," which means either "language" or "languages,"
depending upon whether the usage is singular or plural. From
this original comes the modern word "glossalalia," which is
often used today to denote speaking with tongues (languages not
learned, but used as the Spirit gives utterance).
In verse 8, this question was asked by the multitude
that assembled after the Holy Ghost was poured out on the day of
Pentecost: "And how hear we every man in our own tongue, wherein
we were born?" The original word for "tongue" in this verse is
not "glossa," but "dialektos," which means "dialect." A dialect
is defined as "the form or variety of a spoken language peculiar
to a region or community, differing from the standard language
in matters of pronunciation, syntax, etc." The language of one
country may have in it several different dialects, spoken in
different areas of that country. India is a prime example of
Verses 9-11 mention approximately sixteen different
groups present on the day of Pentecost. It is generally thought
that these were descendants of Jews of various dispersions, who
had settled in these countries, and now spoke their languages.
Approximately sixteen languages were spoken, but there could
have been many more dialects spoken, as the Holy Ghost
miraculously have these Galileans utterance. Notice that every
man heard them speak in the dialect (dialektos) wherein he was
Tongues Today
As mentioned earlier, Pentecostals believe that
speaking with tongues is the initial evidence or sign of
the Holy Spirit baptism.
This belief is founded not only upon what occurred at
Pentecost, but upon other records in the Book of Acts. For
example, at Samaria (Acts 8:18) Simon the sorcerer saw something
which made him know that those upon whom the apostles laid their
hands received the Holy Ghost. What was this? It could not have
been the manifestation of joy, or divine healings and miracles,
for these had already occurred. These Samaritans must have
spoken with tongues (languages which they had not learned).
The same was true at the house of Cornelius. Peter and
the Jews with him knew that Cornelius, his kinsmen and his
friends had received the Holy Ghost, "For they heard them speak
with tongues, and magnify God" (Acts 10:46).
Later, Paul found certain disciples at Ephesus who had
not heard of the Holy Ghost. When they were baptized in the name
of the Lord Jesus, Paul laid his hands upon them, and they spoke
with tongues (languages) and prophesied (Acts 19:1-6).
Today, when one receives the Holy Ghost, he will speak
in a tongue (language) he has never learned, as the Holy Ghost
gives the utterance. It is not essential that the individual
speak in more than one tongue (language), though he may do so.
The tongue in which he speaks may be one of the many earthly
languages (perhaps even a "dead" earthly language) or the
language of angels (1 Corinthians 13:1).
This rule concerning speaking in only one tongue is not
meant to apply to the gift of tongues. The Bible says, ". . .to
another (singular) divers kinds of tongues" (plural). One who
has the gift of tongues may, on a given occasion, speak in more
than one tongue (language) as the Spirit moves him. Or he may,
at a certain time, speak in one tongue, and, at another time,
speak in an entirely different tongue.
To be perfectly fair in Scriptural interpretation, one
must admit that the word "unknown," as found in I Corinthians
14 (KJV) is not in the original manuscripts. (This is why the
word is italicized.) But any tongue is an unknown tongue if it
is not known by the one who miraculously speaks it.
Tongues Overemphasized
Speaking with tongues must be kept in the proper
perspective, and rightly related to the receiving of the Holy
Ghost. To do otherwise is perilous, indeed.
In certain circles today, undue emphasis is being placed
upon speaking with tongues. This has led honest
but misguided individuals to "seek" tongues rather than the
baptism of the Holy Ghost.
What emphasis did Jesus and the apostles place. upon
speaking with tongues? Jesus, after His resurrection, said,
"And these signs shall follow them that believe; . . .they shall
speak with new tongues" (Mark 16 : 17 ). In his sermon on the
day of Pentecost Peter said nothing about speaking with tongues.
He emphasized the life, death, resurrection and ascension of
Jesus Christ. And he told his hearers to repent, be baptized in
the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and they
would receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
At the house of Cornelius, Peter preached the same
message. As mentioned earlier, his hearers received the Holy
Ghost, and were heard to speak with tongues, yet Peter had said
nothing about speaking with tongues.
The same pattern was followed at Ephesus, where twelve
received the Holy Ghost. The twelve admitted that they had not
even heard of the Holy Ghost. In spite of this, Paul said
nothing about speaking with tongues. Perhaps they had no idea
that they would speak with tongues when they received the Holy
Ghost. And yet they did!
This is not meant to imply that it is wrong to teach
people that they will speak with tongues when they receive the
Holy Ghost. But it is wrong to so overemphasize this evidence,
that those who desire the Holy Ghost will have their minds
overly centered upon the evidence, rather than upon the gift
itself. Such people will seek to speak with tongues, rather than
seeking the Christ who gives the Holy Ghost, and also the evidence of
this divine gift.
By the same token, it is wrong for Pentecostals to try
to "make" those desiring the Holy Ghost speak with other
tongues. What better method can be found than the one in Acts
2:38? One who would receive the Holy Ghost must first repent.
Then, if God does not fill him immediately, he should be
baptized in Jesus' name. He is then promised the baptism of the
Holy Ghost. This gift may fall upon him, or he may receive it
through prayer and the laying on of hands. (It is unscriptural
to so lay hands upon one unless there is the assurance that he
has repented.)
"They HEARD Them Speak with Tongues"
Look again at Acts 10:46--"For they HEARD them speak with
tongues. . . ." If speaking with tongues is the evidence of
receiving the Holy Ghost, if those who have not spoken with
tongues have not received the gift, then we should "listen" for
this evidence. We should not be satisfied, nor should the one
desiring the Holy Ghost be satisfied, until he has spoken in
another tongue (language) as the Spirit gives utterance. Of
course, if one receives the Holy Ghost when he is alone, only he
can be the judge.
It is our prayer that what happened at Pentecost will
occur again in our day, only upon a vastly larger scale. And
what happened on that memorable day? ". . .they were all filled
with the Holy Ghost, and began to speak with other tongues, as
the Spirit gave them utterance."
Taken from Google Talk.
From: Art
Farraway (azuza@cgocable.net) Newsgroups: alt.christnet.public,
alt.religion.christian.pentecostal |
reetings VOJ!
How are on this fine sun-shiny day?
V O J wrote:
> Jerry Bryson wrote in message
> <1dl913v.fmvzdy1i15upkN@pm4-203.richmond.infi.net>...
> >Link <Linkh@bigfoot.com> wrote:
> >
> >> But where
> >> does the Bible teach that all believers who are baptized with the Holy
> >> Ghost with unilaterally speak in tongues? Where is the _promise_ of
> >> tongues in Scripture. There is a promise of the Spirit, but I find no
> >> promise of tongues.
Much scriptural evidence is given in the Book of Acts to show that when
they received the Holy Ghost, they spoke with tongues.
Those who first received the Holy Ghost did...
Acts 2:4 And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began to
speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.
The Gentiles did...
Acts 10:44 While Peter yet spake these words, the Holy Ghost fell on
all them which heard the word.
Acts 10:45 And they of the circumcision which believed were astonished,
as many as came with Peter, because that on the Gentiles also was poured
out the gift of the Holy Ghost.
Acts 10:46 For they heard them speak with tongues, and magnify God.
Then answered Peter,
Acts 10:47 Can any man forbid water, that these should not be baptized,
which have received the Holy Ghost as well as we?
Acts 10:48 And he commanded them to be baptized in the name of the
Lord. Then prayed they him to tarry certain days.
The Samaritans did...
Acts 8:17 Then laid they their hands on them, and they received the
Holy Ghost.
Acts 8:18 And when Simon saw that through laying on of the apostles'
hands the Holy Ghost was given, he offered them money,
Acts 8:19 Saying, Give me also this power, that on whomsoever I lay
hands, he may receive the Holy Ghost.
Remember that Simon was following the disciples around for a while, and
saw a number of miracles. When he saw them receive the Holy Ghost, he
got excited. Why?
John's disciples did...
Acts 19:4 Then said Paul, John verily baptized with the baptism of
repentance, saying unto the people, that they should believe on him
which should come after him, that is, on Christ Jesus.
Acts 19:5 When they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the
Lord Jesus.
Acts 19:6 And when Paul had laid his hands upon them, the Holy Ghost
came on them; and they spake with tongues, and prophesied.
There is also some evidence in prophesy that this would be present...
Isa 28:11 For with stammering lips and another tongue will he speak to
this people.
Though today it would seem that many "would not hear"
Isa 28:12 To whom he said, This is the rest wherewith ye may cause the
weary to rest; and this is the refreshing: yet they would not hear.
> >Where does it say the "gift" is incomprehensible babbling?
> Try reading the letters of Paul, who says it is babbling (and WRONG) when no
> one is there to interpret.
What we need to realize is the simple fact that the Corinthian church
had already spoke in tongues when they received the Holy Ghost. Paul was
speaking about the gifts (plural) of the Spirit in the church. The gift
of tongues and interpretation is not the same as when one receives the
Holy Ghost. Intercessory prayer is not the same either. Worshipping in
tongues is not either.
"The gift of "divers kinds of tongues," mentioned by Paul in 1 Cor.
12:1-10 and concerning which he gave regulations in 1 Cor. 14:1-40, is
given both for self-edification (1 Cor. 14:4) and for the edification of
the church (1 Cor. 14:27-28)."
"In church meetings the gift of tongues is used to give a public
message, and it is to be interpreted. Since this gift can be misused in
public, it needs proper regulation (1 Cor. 14:23-28). Not all believers
exercise the gift of tongues, which is different in function from
tongues given by God as the initial witness of the baptism of the Holy
"Paul said, "Forbid not to speak in tongues" (1 Cor. 14:39) and "I thank
my God, I speak with tongues more than ye all" (1 Cor.14:18). Who dares
to preach anything to the contrary?"
The above quoted text is a portion of a small booklet I have that is
entitled, "The Apostle's Doctrine…"
> >Failure doesn't mean you can't;
> >It just means you haven't
I like that one!
Best Regards!
From: rco3@my-dejanews.com
(rco3@my-dejanews.com) Date: 1999/01/07 |
When Paul
says in 1 Cor. 12, "do all speak with tongues??", he is referring to the public
gift of tongues in the church setting. The context makes this clear. He had
just finished mentioning the nine gifts of the Spirit, that are dictated by God. I pray in
tongues in my private prayer life, but have
NEVER… give[n] a Public message in tongues in a church setting.
Don't confuse the gift of tongues in the
church setting with the private prayer use of tongues. Even Paul said..."I
thank my God I speak with tongues more than you ALL, YET IN THE CHURCH".
Obviously there is a difference between public and private use of tongues.
From: James
Walden (jwalden@arkansas.net) Date: 1999/01/11 |
…God lets us have control over our tongue. But speaking in tongues
is a sign of man being obedient to God. God can make us do whatever he
wants us too, but its that submission to God that is important.
Taken from Google Talk.
Go to the Bible, as the Bible is the only source for the truth.
It is a blessing to see other born again believers striving to Share with others
the blessed truth of "Speaking in Tongues", as you can corroborate, there are
"Thousands of Postings on Speaking in Tongues” in Google or in any other Message
Board dealing with “Speaking in Tongues”.
To go to the previous page: http://www.oocities.org/fdocc3/sit.htm
Tasters of the Word (YouTube), videos recientes: "Astronomía y Nacimiento de Jesucristo: Once de Septiembre Año Tres A.C.", "Estudio sobre Sanidades" (en 20 episodios), "Jesus Christ, Son or God?" and "We've the Power to Heal":
Tasters of the Word (the blog, with: "Astronomy and the Birth of Jesus Christ"):