Oh-Ki Corral -Even though it's almost completely
in Portuguese, this cute site will give you an excuse to brush up on your
foreign language skills!
Sailor Moon Page -You will love the Transformation
animations. You will love the informative biographies. You
will jam to the MIDIs, and you WILL enter
Nyanko's Fanfic contest!!
World -Do you love nekos? (Cats, that is)Well
this is the place to go if you love the felines of the anime community!
Anime Art and RPG Site -This site is a recent
anipike addition. If you want to see some extravagant fan art, check this
place out! (I sure hope she sends me some!)
Ronin Warriors Petition -You must visit this site
if you were ever a fan of the Ronin Warriors! Sign this petition to get
a Ronin Warriors OAV released in the USA!!!!
Gaming Sites
Bub And Bob Website -The first, the biggest, the
best site on the 'Net that features Bub and Bob, stars of "Bubble Bobble",
and the like. Find info on new Taito games, pics and multimedia files.
Palace -Attention Pokemon Trainers: If you love
Pikachu as much as me, you gotta see this brand-new site...kawaii!
Gamer -Grrl Gamers Unite! This just goes to show
that there really are female gamers out there!! (Like mysef)