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Yes, I watched the episode. And Here is my feelings towards it: A complete waste of time and money. It was just an oppurtunity to hype up the show and get spring breakers, along with MTV viewers, to watch Fear Factor. The contestants: A bunch of party-goers, who probably had no idea what they were doing (Could they survive a minute without a Boom box?) A waste of my time to watch, and your time to read about.

Therefore, I shall only mention the stunts briefly, which will probably sound familiar...

FIRST STUNT: Get in a tank full of squid, search for some trunks to put on, get out with them on, and ring a bell. Searching for an item in squid...remember?

SECOND STUNT: Eat a Smoothie with nasty items blended in with pig intestines, including Rooster Jewels, Spleen, and more. They even had the exact same ingredients! Slowest drinker is out.

FINAL STUNT: Bob for plums in a tank full of water snakes. Most apples wins. Okay, thats it. That was IDENTICAL!

Some guy named Dee-Morris won. Congrats, you just made yourself look like a complete idiot. Why not audition for the real thing next time?