"VARA PUJA" - The bridegroom's feet are washed in milk and wiped with silk by the bride's father. As a Brahmachari, the groom represents the male principle of Godhead. The design of "Mangal Sutra" or "Thali" varies in families. |
                    "KANYA DHANAM" -                     The bride sits on her                     father's lap and is                     gifted by him to the                     bridegroom. On the                     bride's head, a ring                     made of "Darbha of                     Kusa grass (dried                     grass of sacred                     variety)" is placed.                     Over this a yoke is                     placed. The gold                     "Thali" is placed on                     the aperture of the                     yoke and water                     is poured. |
The bride is then given an auspicious ablution. A new saree called the "Koorai" chosen. Its color is "Arakku (red - the colour assoicated with Shakthi)". The sari is draped around the bride, by the bridegroom's sister, welcoming her. A belt of reed grass is then tied around the bride's waist. The manthras then chanted: May "She standeth here, pure before the holy fire. As one blessed with a good mind, a healthy body, life-long companion-ship of her husband - "Sumangali Bhagyam" and children with long lives. She standeth as one avowing to stand by her husband virtuously. Be she tied with this grass rope to the sacrament of marriage". |
                    "MANGALYA DHARNAM" -                     The tying of the "Thaali"                     takes place at a                     pre-determined auspicious                     hour. The bride sits                     on her father's lap                     looking eastward while                     the bridegroom faces                     westward. A turmeric                     thread is put around the                     bride's neck. To this                     three knots are tied-                     the first by the |
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