Email me! Cabbage Patch Ranch
"Down here on the farm, all us varmints play with dolls!"

**In the process of attempting a huge update of this site. Stay tuned...**

I started this site to attract that rare breed, the Cabbage Patch Kid Collector. New to the CPK frenzy, I've somehow managed to amass 150+ dolls, two Koosa cats, 3 cpk pets, 6 Furskins, and a partridge in a pear tree. My boyfriend is now lamenting the loss of precious open space to CPK Farmland.

Oh look, here he is lamenting now! Actually, he's been a good sport, posing now and then with my "babies." Here he is with Ernie Guy, a replica of my 1st Cabbage Patch. My mom threw out all my toys, CPKs included, a few years back. I saw this little guy on eBay and it rekindled my love. I have him dressed now in the outfit I remember him in -- jean romper, red shirt and striped shoes.

Here's my collection as it looked earlier this year. I haven't actually counted lately, but I'm sure it's well over 100!! There are so many now it's getting hard to get one family portrait, so I took a few pictures so you can appreciate the vast expanse of my Ranch. :^) Go to my "Collection" page to see more close-ups, and learn about my kids.

A few more kids hanging out on my bookshelves. These are directly across from the kids in the pictures above.

These are the chosen few kids who grace my bedroom. They all have different reasons for getting this honor. Periodically I change them, so everyone gets a turn.

Chuck and Mikey get the extra-special-super-duper privelage of sleeping on the bed. Mikey keeps his PJs on all day, while Chuck is in his jeans and socks. Oh, and can't forget his "Dad's Best Friend" shirt.

Go to Collection Go to Honorary Cowpokes Go to Adoptions Go to My First Kids Go to Cabbage Land
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**Last Updated January 22, 2002**

© Copyright 2000-2002 Desiree Hardcastle