Some Coleco tips and tricks that I've learned so far...


Laundry detergent (I use Arm & Hammer Perfume & Dye Free)
Gritty cleaner, like Comet or Ajax

*Scrub Brush (I use toothbrush for everything)
*Small pair sharp scissors (If kid has hair fuzzies)
*Maximum Strength Clearasil (For tough facial stains **ONLY FOR CAUCASION KIDS, WILL BLEACH DARK SKIN TONES!!)

Add about 1/3 cup laundry detergent to sink, and fill with warm water. Add kid. If kid is really dirty let soak for a while. (Anywhere from 15 minutes to 1/2 hour, depending on severity of the situation.) Scrub body thoroughly with a toothbrush, or regular dish scrub brush. For particularly nasty stains/dirt, scrub using gritty kitchen cleanser on area. This is usually necessary on the toes and fingers!

I generally do the face after the body scrub. For facials, scrub face with toothpaste. This generally takes care of most surface dirt, but in the event of pen or tough stains try Maximum strength Clearasil. Apply to area and allow to sit for a day or two, preferably out in the sun. Wipe clean. You should notice the stain fading. May take a few applications to get stain completely out.

I haven't shampooed/conditioned any of my kids hair. I find that the detergent takes care of most dirt. Most sites recommend this, however, so it is up to you.

When you are satisfied your kid is presentable :^) rinse thoroughly. Squeeze gently to get rid of all the soapy suds. **NOTE: Soap left in your kid may resurface and leave marks, especially if a colored cleanser is used, so RINSE 'EM GOOD!**

If there are hair fuzzies lurking about use a small pair of scissors to trim the fuzz. I do this while the hair is still damp. Pull up gently on the fuzz and trim. This may take some time, but it's worth it!

To dry, place your kid on a towel face down. Prop their bum up in the air so they make a V-shape, to allow the air to circulate. Leave your kid in a warm, dry place. The best is out in the sun, or in a heated room. In a few hours your kid will be pretty as a picture!


Using a regular needle and some tan colored thread most body repairs can be done. I use 2 strands of DMC floss for cross-stitching and needlework, which can be found at most craft or fabric stores. I've also heard of tan colored quilting thread being used. Knee and elbow surgeries are fairly simple. Knot your thread and push through the knee/elbow. (Usually the old holes from past stitching can be found. If not, use your best judgement.) Pull to make the pucker, and knot. For the back of the knee I make a knot and go through the leg. Then I come around the outside and go back in at my initial starting point, going through the leg again. Pull gently to make the slight indention and knot. For finger and toes I look at existing ones on my kid, or others, and follow the best I can.


None of this would have been possible without the helpful information gathered from the following sites...

How To Wash Your Cabbage Patch Kid From the Magical Cabbage Patch

Bathtime for CPK's From the Second Chance Orphanage

CPK Treatment Center From My Own Little Cabbage Patch

Drew's CPK Orphanage & Hospital Email Drew with specific questions about washing

Reni's Kids Basic Cleaning Tips Has info on doing facials, and just added full-body washing!



"Baby Shop Fun Wear" for 18-21 inch dolls fits Coleco's well. I've only seen girl's clothes. They are available at Toys R Us, and I've seen them at WalMart as well.

Drew offers handmade CPK clothing on her site at great prices. Check it out!

I found a great shoe replacement at Michael's Craft Store. They are called "Bear Wear," and are said to fit standard 12" bears. They look very similar to the white lace-ups and only run about $2.79!

Socks for preemie babies warm up your kiddies toes.


Huggies Newborn diapers prevent unwanted accidents.

Replacement pacifiers (blue-green) and glasses (pink) and 15th Anniversary Kids can be ordered from Babyland General Hospital. Just call (706) 865-2171. They are located in Georgia. Pacis and glasses can also be purchased from Drew's CPK Orphanage & Hospital in Colorado. Second Chance Orphanage in Illinois also sells replacement pacis.

Glasses can also be purchased at most craft stores.

Names for Kids:

Reni's Kids has a collection of name suggestions, in case you have CPK name-block. is also a great source for names.

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