A close-up of my new buddies. Standing, Left to Right -- Wynton Parker, Ralph Brian, Chloe Soleil, Ernie Guy & Mario Crispin. Sitting, Left to Right -- Freddie Erik, Amanda Ellen (from Mel's Doll House!), Schroeder Linus, Lucy Belle, Eddie Theodore & Sammie Jo.
The last few original members of the fam. Left to Right -- Anne Shirley, Phoebe Rosette, Starletta Susannah & Fabrizio (my 1st Jesmar!)
Wynton wanted to show off some of his skills on Daddy's Drums. He sounds pretty good, for a little guy.
Starletta and puppy Jack know the importance of naptime! Here they are, snug as bugs in a rug on the futon.
Jack looks almost as excited as Freddie to be in this photo. Actually, this photo is just for Freddie to show off his new style. Mommy made him a new pair of shorts, just in time for spring! Then she decided that pink glasses just wouldn't hold up on the playground, so they were re-painted red. He's just couldn't wait to show off.
This little Hasbro boy is now living with my mother's fiance. He was complaining about how there were never any Asian-looking toys while he was growing up. I found this kid at Goodwill and decided to fix it up for him. He turned out so cute I almost couldn't part with him! Here he is showing off his computer skills.
Here are my two newest additions, Gemma Noreen and Scarlett Andreen. They looked so cute in their bubble bath I just had to snap the ole nudie obligatory baby photo. Gemma is indeed using her right holding hand to grab that toothbrush. I didn't know she was so talented when I adopted her! Meanwhile Scarlett is trying to steal the limelight by exhibiting her devilish side.
Since Gilbert and Lara both got some fresh new outfits, as well as a new big wheel tricycle and bankie, I decided it was time for another photo! Don't they look too cute? Just a couple of rough and tumble mini Hell's Angels!
Yet another new outfit shot. Here are Adele and Odessa posing in their Easter outfits. Odessa's is a bit nautical for Easter, but how can you deny that sweet face the outfit she wants?
OK, this is the last Easter picture, I swear! As you can probably tell by now, I received a LARGE lot of CPK clothes from an auction. Included was this cute set of twins dresses. Gemma and Scarlett felt close enough to be twins, coming from the same "adoption agent" and all, so I decided why not? I even found some tights at Goodwill that I altered to fit the girls.
I just HAD to share my newfound love with everyone! This is a new little boy who just came to me in a lot of 4 kids I won on auction. His sisters that made the journey with him were too embarassed to take a picture before their baths. (Doggie Jack provides a good temporary backdrop.) He doesn't have a name yet, but let me tell you for a boy he is just SO CLEAN AND MINTY! He even came with an original hard pacifier -- my first one.
I know I'm not supposed to play favorites with my kids, but these two boys are just irresistable! The #6 headmold is fast becoming a favorite of mine, and I fell in love with Benny Artie as soon as he came out of the box. Hugo Rolando is my 3rd Jesmar, who I waited about a month and a half for! (I made the mistake of sending a personal check to Canada, which takes 30 days to clear the bank.) I had almost forgotten he was coming to me, so his arrival was a pleasant surprise.
Little Simon was missing quite a few pieces of his snowsuit. He only had to top! Now he has pants, thanks to mom, and a new hat thanks to Tammy! Isn't the hat great?!
Another favorite kid, Miette! Sh, don't tell the others. How can I possibly resist the hypnotic pull of those green eyes?! And the freckles -- don't even get me started on those.
Mini CPK Wrangler Redford Butch. I found this outfit on clearance at a craft store. It has jeans, the shirt, chaps, boots, vest, and even the little rope! Can't get much cuter than this! I named him after Robert Redford and Butch Cassidy from the movie "Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid."
Cory Lynn likes to help mommy put her pictures in the photo album. She's such a big girl with her holding hand, I let her do it all by herself! Her she is holding a picture of me and Daddy.
This little baby went to live with my mom. She's trying to have another baby, and if it's a girl she wants to name her Isabella. This girl is named Isabella Carmen, so I couldn't resist.
Here comes the bride...and bridegroom! My aunt made a last-minute request to have a cabbie wedding set for my cousin's August 6th wedding. The patterns are very hard to come by, so I decided to take a chance and manipulate some patterns I already had. I think it turned out OK.
A close-up of the happy couple. Actually, the boy is just my model -- the cabbie groom is still with my cousin's fiance. ("Cabbie groom" Little Louie was a gift, since he always wanted a cpk and didn't get one as a kid.) The girl, Anna, is a replica of my cousin's 1st kid. My aunt actually still has the original Anna, but no one wants to climb up into the rafters to retrieve her!
Can you spot the cabbie jungle cat in this picture? It's a toughie. Let's see, monkey, lion, tiger, elephant, another monkey, and in the center of it all the Cabbage Patch King of the Jungle Drew Liona!