Life is there just below the surface. There, that's it...



  What do people really want? They want to be happy. I just want to  be  happy












I am nominated at the Wakey-Wakey Awards.

In other news Feel Deeper has some awards to announce! The Writings On The Wall Fanfiction Awards:

The Like A Prayer Award (Best Brian)


The Running Award (Best Series)


The Invisible Man Award (Best Unrecognized Author)


9/05/04 12:06 am



If you want to join the update list just drop me a note. Simple? Yes? Yes.















Click on the faded pics of the guys to follow the links.


Links to some of my favorite pages and stories on the net. 

Some fanfics, fansites, and various other things I picked off that internet that I thought were good.

 Hey, every site is wonderful, or else they wouldn't be on my list. Simple as that. 

I'm always updating this section and clearing out dead links and I've made sure every site here is current and updates often.<


Some really beautiful work here. 

Drop me a note at my email address if you'd like to see your stuff here.>



Raw, passionate, emotional stories. 

None of that chance meeting and fall in love type or perfect romances. 

Real life is never that way, is it?<

Because you should already know this. 

But some of you must be told anyway so here goes...>    


And if I can't then I won't stop trying

And if I don't then I won't live lying...

~A.J. McLean




All of this work if fiction that has come from either my brain or the minds of the hosted writers. Please show some respect.

Feel Deeper is a fanfic site dedicated to the Backstreet Boys and their music. 

Send all thoughts and comments to or to the individual hosted authors. Thanks!

This site and contents, unless otherwise noted,  © AA 2002-2004 all rights reserved


  +DESTINY review