Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.
Alhamdulillah, I'm grateful to Allah S.W.T. for giving me the strength and oppurtunity to create JOURNAL ( Scribes Of Life ).
It is my newest released after,
with the purpose to dump all bitter and sweat memories right here, in this very simple website.Thats why I also name this site
"HARD DISK OF DIARY" cuz here I scratch my daily life. I just wanna make sure mistakes that I've made won't happen twice,
hopin' this could help me recall and fix 'em. . Anyway, thanks for visiting... and I apologize for my unperfection. Alright...
I am not a graphic designer yet, so don't expect much here.. sure someday i'll be like 'em others. 'Bout the theme colour??? Hmmm...
I don't know why I chose "GRAY" as a theme color, it's not my favourite color thought, but it looks nice here! :) . If you don't like it....
Feel free to drop any , comment, idea, words, anything, even bolonies in my Guest it?
Have A Nice Surfing! :))...Peace Out...