Waking Up With the House In Flames

A Bit About the Novel

...With Some Brief Chapter Summaries

This is a cyber novel, based on characters from the Law and Order television show. Its title is, "Meet Me At Ground Zero and We'll Toast the World Away" and, in Chapter One, we are introduced to a number of characters who will play integral parts in the body of this story. Not all of the players have been revealed yet, but will be later on in the novel.

To do a quick, "thumbnail" summary: The main plot centres around the story of former detective Mike Logan and his estranged, younger sister, Kelly Logan. Twenty-eight-year-old Kelly suffers from an emotional illness called borderline personality disorder, primarily caused by early childhood abuse, be it sexual, physical and/or emotional. Mike has always been ashamed of his sister's bizarre behaviour, such as slashing her body with sharp implements such as razor blades, abusing drugs and alcohol, developing severe eating disorders and attempting suicide, sometimes very seriously.

While their alcoholic mother beat the living daylights out of Mike and younger brother Patrick, their idolized and revered father was sexually molesting Kelly, from the time she was four years old until she ran away from home at fifteen. She lived on the streets, became a prostitute to support herself, developed a serious heroin habit and was finally found in a crack house and returned to the Logans' highly dysfunctional family. Kelly never told either of her brothers about their father's incestuous actions toward her, and even though her mother knew and did nothing about it.

The mixed-up matriarch figured, deep into her alcoholic stupor, that Kelly came on to her father and thus, deserved the abuse. She was insanely jealous of the slim and attractive Kelly, while she was dumpy and looked cheap and used-up.

When Mike left home and became a cop on foot patrol, he was shot with his own gun while attempting to apprehend two perps robbing a pawnshop. Logan's partner had not observed proper protocol and Mike was gravely wounded.

As he was recovering, Kelly came to visit him in the hospital. She was thirteen, a prisoner of their father's sick lust for the past nine years and she desperately wanted to tell her brother that his wonderful father was, in fact, a sick and twisted pedophile. Kelly knew about Mike's experiences with the perverted priest, Father Krolinski, when the boy was twelve, but by this time there were so many ugly little secrets in the Logan household that it was hard to tell the good guys from the bad.

This is as far as I have gotten with my project. The first several chapters are just about completed but I wanted to give you an idea of where they are going. I will not divulge anymore of the plot now---it gets rather complicated---so by reading what I have written so far, perhaps you will be able to tell whether or not it is something you feel you would like to keep reading.

There are to be many twists and turns of the various plots within plots and some characters are set up to be foils for the others. If you wish to comment on the novel at any time, I will post my address at the bottom of this page. I love getting mail, be it positive or negative, or even, just middle-of-the-road comments. I love "Law & Order" and, although this delves much deeper into many of the show's characters, past and present, there is also a subplot involving a number of tough cases that are tried by both Benjamin Stone and Jack McCoy. The marked differences in these two men and how they work will, I hope, astound you. These attorneys are nothing like one another and there will be quite a bit of friction and character-bashing.

The characters of Jamie Ross, Claire Kincaid, Adam Schiff, Phil Ceretta, Donald Cragen, Elizabeth Olivet, Emile Skoda, Reynaldo Curtis, Anita Van Buren and Abbie Carmichael also figure as the story progresses to unearth a multitude of family skeletons. Secrets, relationships and a climax involving a death penalty case with a shocker of an ending The details still have to be worked out, but the action grows ever more intense and violent as the chapters progress.

Also, Anne Hollingsworth, the woman who took Kelly's 911 call, figures prominently in the story and that will become evident later on. It was no accident that the chapter opens with her. Hollingsworth is Anita Van Buren's maiden name and there will come to pass that Anne's severe problems turn her sister's life completely upside down.

Let's get some graphics up here, so we can more easily picture who is who:

Here's Chapter One, for your reading pleasure (I hope, anyway). Just click on the link below:

Chapter One
Fraying Threads

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