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Alternatives: Can-x, Cansema, others
(from Jim Hale and others)
Below is a series of emails that discusses Piorxicam, Can-X, Cansema and some holistic treatments. Jim Email #1: It was three years ago this July that our cat Blondie was diagnosed with cancer. Our local vets said there was nothing we could do. "Bring her back when its time to put her to sleep", they said. So we looked on the internet, and joined the HolistiCat and Feline Cancer groups. Right away we were told about some herbals to try and a human arthritis drug that can shrink certain tumors. We tried Essiac tea, and it seemed to slightly reduce her discomfort with the tumor next to her left eye. A list member told us to consider Piroxicam, and we got the phone # of Dr Haddad DVM at the Univ. of ILL. Our vet called her and we started giving Blondie, (5LB) 1ML of Piroxicam every other day. In 60 days the tumor shrank about 20%. It has remained stagnant for over 2 1/2 years. Blondie's tumor (ameloblastoma) was never tested for the cox-2 enzyme, but we have since learned about this tip. Piroxicam seems to be effective in tumors that stain positive for cox-2. We are now trying a product called Cansema. It comes in several forms. We started with C. Tonic III, a liquid. Months of that, and no results. The Alpha Omega Labs people sent us a free bottle of the C. capsule formula, and we started that. This formula is along the lines of the famous Hoxsey herbs. In under 60 days the tumor changed from dark pink to a off white color. We are optimistic. More and more people are going to the Cansema people for help and advice for cats with cancer. But they are already overwhelmed by people with cancer. So the herbalist there asked me to help him create a FAQ for small animals with cancer. I'm emailing you for two reasons. 1st to tell you about the "success" we have enjoyed so far with Blondie. The Piroxicam when managed correctly in an otherwise healthy cat can be very effective. * I attached some info on Piroxicam to this email FYI * This attachment follows this email 2nd to ask you for any ideas you can suggest that might help people manage small animals with cancer. My wife and I have a shelter here for 40 something throw away cats. We have learned some things we can add to the FAQ. Like how to get nasty tasting herbs, and meds into a cat. How to syringe these into the mouth, and avoid gagging the cat, or getting the meds all over the place. When to use products like Pet Tinic. And how in the bleakest times, a feeding tube can be a good tactic. You can get herbs and bad tasting meds into the cat, with no less trouble. I hope you can take the time to look over the message below. If any ideas come to you, we would be very grateful. Already this morning I sent this message to the list owners of HolistiCat, and Feline Cancer. At the very bottom you will see a URL link to my website. There you can see our cancer cat, Blondie, her story, and pictures of the cancer. Thank you for your time. Jim Hale -------------------------- I've been asked to help create FAQ's for the Cansema web site. I have no commercial interest in Alpha Omega Labs. Just a consumer, and personally dedicated to helping cats battle cancer with all means. My main interest is herbal, and non destructive treatments. Cansema products are primarily aimed at humans with cancer. The Camsema email support is strained to the max dealing with humans fighting for their lives. But they still do a good job helping in animal cancer cases. Cansema Salve, and capsules are formulated along the lines of the Hoxsey cure. The herbs are listed at this site. FYI. We want to create a FAQ for people who are treating small animals with cancer. Please think about the kind of information a new member might need to help them manage this illness. James Carr, the Herbalist and email support person for Alpha Omega Labs is going to create a dosage table for small animals. People who know exactly what product they want can buy it, and obtain the correct dosage without need to ask for email support, or delays. We will attempt to list FAQ's to cover as many areas as we can think of. Some subjects are as follows. Management of cats with cancer. Ways to get the medicine into the cat. Getting a cat with cancer to eat. And what foods are the best to support a cat being treated for cancer. Other ideas? Are there other good FAQ sites around that have helpful information we could borrow? With permission, naturally. You don't need to have all the answers to suggest topics for the FAQ's. If you can suggest other people I should contact for help, please refer me to them, or forward this to them, plus a note from you. What are the most common cat cancers? If we can give Mr Carr a list of the most common small animal cancers, he will look at this and try to create a guide to help us choose the best formula for each type of cancer listed. They have seen what product works best in certain human cancers. This information can help give is direction. But we suspect we will see differences, and another product may be better in small animals. As the FAQ grows we may well gather data that will improve treatment in small animals. For example. Blondie has ameloblastoma. This is fairly common in dogs, but rare in cats. The 1st formula we tried was Cansema Tonic III. We used it for months, and no results. We then up'd the dosage for a couple more months and still no results. Mr Carr sent us a free bottle of Cansema Capsules, which is a different formula. In under 60 days the herbs were already reaching the tumor site. The color change in the tumor leaves no doubt that this formula is the right treatment for ameloblastoma. One list member from the Feline Cancer group reported seeing this kind of dramatic response in her cat she treated for mammary cancer. She used Cansema Salve and reports the same color change in the cancer. Followed by healing of the tissue and regrowth of fur where the cancer once was. So now we know that when a mammary cancer is exposed on the surface, the Cansema Salve is what you want to try 1st. If a person buys Tonnic III and it doesn't work, they will get a different product free to try. We hope to add information to the FAQ that will help people decide when its time to switch products. Cats are my area of knowledge. But we need to cover dogs as well. If you have any ideas on where I can go for help, we can add this to the FAQ is well. Thank you! Jim Hale Blondie - dx ameloblastoma July 1999 Piroxicam (Feldene) email: Below is the statement of Dr K. Hahn ============ Jim, Here's the best and latest that is accurate and known. 1 - Various tumors, animal and human, produce an enzyme (cyclo-oxygenase 2 or COX-2) that accelerates the production of prostaglandins that inhibit or alter the immune response to the tumor, thus allowing tumor growth and spread. 2 - Pain relief drugs, such as Piroxicam (Feldene) inhibit the action of this enzyme. 3 - Objective tumor shrinkage has been observed in various tumors, animal and human, when a COX-2 inhibiting drug has been used for treatment. 4 - Various canine tumors - bladder cancer, oral cancer, melanoma, soft tissue sarcomas - have decreased in size when Piroxicam was the sole medication used. 5 - COX-2 enzymes have been identified in various canine tumors in higher than normal tissue amounts. What is not known: 1 - What is the best COX-2 inhibitor in animals and humans with cancer. 2 - Is COX-2 inhibition the sole mechanism for the tumor response. 3 - Is COX-2 inhibition and tumor reduction proportional, in other words, if you give higher doses to you get a better response or can a little bit of COX-2 expression be just as damning has excessive expression? My opinion - every pet with cancer should have their tumor stained for the presence or absence of COX-2 AND if found to be positive (>50% of cells stain positive for COX-2), then a COX-2 inhibitor such as Piroxicam should be consider. It's what I do ALL the time. Kevin Hahn Kevin A. Hahn, DVM, PhD Diplomate ACVIM (Oncology) & Overall Nice Guy Gulf Coast Veterinary Specialists 1111 West Loop South, Suite 150 Houston, TX 77027 P: 713.693.1166 F: 713.693.1167 Jim Email #2. I found some links there I may want to use if thats alright. And we may very well want to link your site too. Like I said, the herbalist at alpha omega labs is super busy with humans fighting cancer. So he is interested in doing some FAQ's for their site. They sell herbal cancer treatments, that afew on the feline cancer list have tried. What caught our attentiuon was when one of the current members used the Cansema Salve on an exposed mammary cancer in her cat. She told me that the cancer site healed up, and regrew fur. No sign of the cancer there anymore. However this cancer did spread to the lungs and she lost the kitty. So we started with one product, had no luck, and they gave us the other formula. Its closer to the true Hoxsey formula. There are already signs of progress! And the list member friend confirmed the signs as the same she saw when she cured the breast cancer in her cat. So we are optimistic. Feeding a cat these nasty NASTY herbs is a big management issue. The Cansema people dont understand this, and so I steped up to working with them to get some FAQ's they can add to their site. Great site you have. Thaks for that, and hope its ok to add some of those links we like. If anything pops up in your mind you think is worth mentioning we'd apreciate hearing more from you. Squamous cell is one of the worst cancers of all I think. I've been on the feline cancer list a long time, and it just never seems to turn out right. It just may turn out that one of the 3 major Cansema products will do the job on SCC. If you've ever done any reading on the Hoxsey formula youve seen all the people who say they were cured of stage 4 of this and that kind of cancer. They cant ALL be lieing can they? Hoxsey ended up in the US court system decades ago. He brought in so many real witnesses and cured patients that he won his case against the FDA. Hope you looked at the attachment I sent on Piroxicam. When it works its a blessing. Its related to the cox-2 enzyme. This cox-2 you will hear about in TV commercials about arthritis drugs for humans! Strange thing that is. Take care Jim Jim Email# 3: This is a work in process. The salve was applied yesterday. The person is on my list (Yahoo- feline cancer-holistic) and sent me this report this morning. We will watch progress, and hope for the best. The link below shows how I used this stuff on myself. Plus the web on the donkey whos cancer was cured the same way. The FDA has banned Cansema but folks can buy it from down under. Squmous is so deadly! Jim Jim Email #4: OK, here's one thats over a year old. I just finished this page but think its working ok..... The vets who did the most recent case had to tape the tongue up and knock the cat out for an hour. But from the reports they saw the tumor react in a big way to the herbal salve. If you want to know the source of this salve I can get it for you. The FDA stopped it but its available from down under. Feel free to contact Elmo, and his human at the address on my site. I sell no products, just run a Yahoo feline cancer group. Jim Jim Email #5 7/19/2004 Sorry I lost your email and then lost this URL!! Very busy with our trials, and all. But have learned allot... lost 1 of the cats when as the visible face of the tumor was being wiped out by the salve, the tumor took the path out the back side and more tumors came up under each ear. She was afraid to apply more salve and get those tumors, as there might not be much head left once the cancer was gone. Our human SCC survivor told me privately that had she continued, the wound might not have been so bad, and would have healed. But thats debatable, and irrelevant, as the pet owner has the final call, anyway. Now our approach to all head and internal cancers is to start with INTERNAL escharotics 1st. Cansema capsules are not available due to the FDA issues with other meds sold by that company. The escharotics at AOLabs are not part of the FDA problem with AOLabs. Can-X sells a tablet that is an excellent internal escharotic, and thats what we are using right now. This feeds the anticancer compounds to all sides of the tumor via the blood supply. The 2nd cat is still doing fine, eating well, and tumor smaller and harder. The vet says he see's it "pulling into itself" as a result of him applying salve on the tumor. The cat is sedated naturally while he does this. This approach came to us following my phone conversation with SCC oral cancer survivor Kent Estes. In the last 2 weeks we have several more new oral SCC cases join our group. I talked to a veterinarian yesterday, Sunday, and another will be calling me today or tomorrow. These are exciting times. The best example of escharotic cancer treatment in the USA is the old Dr Nichols Sanatorium that ran from 1896 to 1956, and claims to have cured something like 20,000 to 70,000 people of "outer cancers" with escharotics. They didnt touch lung cancer, and such, but seem to have done very well with other cancers. They published a annual book, and I have 2 of them here. One for 1948 and another for 1955. In the 1955 book there are 7 people listed for the closest town. Our county seat here in Arkansas, and the pop now isnt more that 15,000. Back in 1955 it had to be allot less. I found 5 of the 7 names listed, and I am tempted to contact the descendants to chat. I took pics of the major pages of the 1948 book. Have a look. Jim Hale Related Email: Hi Dan, Just wanted to say that I would have gladly used this for Effie. The most important thing is to relieve the pain of SCC. I agree with Susan, advise them there is no guarantee. However, even doctors for humans guarantee nothing when it comes to treating cancer. I'm sure you know that from having gone through your brother's death. I certainly know that from having gone through several deaths of people close to me. Just give them another piece of hopeful advice. Thanks, again, for all you do. Joyce Evans (See Effie's story) Subject: Re: SCC and Cansema Please forward to Dan. Hey Joyce, sorry to use you as a messenger but maybe it's good because it keeps you aware of what is going on with SCC. Dan, a little more on the salve. Firstly, you can now only get Can-X not Cansema. The Can-X can be ordered from Debbie at Smart Health Center. She can also help with administering. But I will come back to that point a little later. There are testimonials on the Can-X website whether true or false I don't know. I really don't think that there is much empirical data out there especially relating to cats. Dr. Lhasa in Yardley PA ( an alternative vet ) is using this salve. One of Dr. Jan's staffers went to Dr. Lhasa with her Persian who had Oral SCC and got this. Her cat died but take into consideration that this cat was extremely run down and low in weight upon starting the protocol so I don't think this cat should be used as a benchmark. From my vast experience with alternatives, I now tend not to take all in print at face value even if it is written by Dr. Goldstein as I have found that he also embellishes the positives. Given that the only thing I can supply is first hand experience with this stuff. This is where we are at now. Tess was diagnosed 4 weeks ago with SCC in upper left jaw given a poor prognois. Dr. Jan, who had never actually used this product before but knew about it contacted Dr. Lhasa and asked her how to administer. She shaved site of tumor, because this stuff is transdermal, and injected a small amt. in the middle than I applied a lightly caked layer topically. Since that first dose, I have applied again topically on that tumor 2X. Now each time you apply, you know penetration has occurred because a red ring circles the area and a scab also forms. When the second scab fell off there was actually a hole in the middle of the tumor and the rest of it looked raw and fleshy but did not bleed at all. Also during that time it spread backward so we are now treating the spread. Make no mistake about it this stuff needs to be treated with care and not used as "a more is better" scenario because that is far from the truth. This stuff is not a gentle healer but actually invades the abnormal cells and burns them so one must be very conscious of it's use. Tess has never been in pain but if the tumor is larger or there is more than one you need to treat them at different times to avoid a painful situation. I am very careful to do that and am always mindful of her initial interests first. I don't want to kill her with the cure. Right now, she is eating with no pain and on no meds. Dr. Jan looked inside of her mouth last week and it only looked like dead tissue, there is no bleeding or the such. I am waiting a couple more days to treat that second tumor again. Her first tumor has a scab for the 3rd time and is considerably smaller. Yes, in my opinion this will be hard and long to beat if that is possible because of the caution one must take. I truly believe that this is a good find and at best will cure; at worst will prolong with quality life. My vet Dr. Jan said she will continue to use this in her practice. There is a place, I think protocol has to be refined in general and to each case. Sorry so long winded and I certainly won't tell you what to put on your website but I feel that there are people out there now that could at least get this to extend a quality of life situation when they are hopeless at the least. You should give them no promises to anything, just tell them it is available and if they need help just give them my contact information. I am still in the leaning process also but will help where I can. Regards; Susan