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Sherlock's SCC of the Jaw
Meds and Treatment
Saving Sherlock


My 18 year old, cat, Sherlock, had Squamous cell carcinoma in his lower jaw.  He lived 8 months and one day from the date  I found the tumor on August 4th, 2004.  I treated him with vitamin and herbal therapy.

I am not a professional.  I’ve read about supplements then tried them.  His story is for information purposes only and is not intended to be veterinary advice.  Although this therapy helped Sherlock, I cannot guaranty how effective it will be for your pet.  I would like to offer a little hope to those of you who also have a cat with SCC.  I can’t offer a cure, but perhaps an extension of you pet’s time left with you.  If you do try any of the supplements I used for Sherlock, only introduce one new item at a time.  This way you will know if your cat has a bad reaction, so you will know which supplements to avoid.  I have been unable to locate an RDA chart for cats so I have no idea what the exact dose should be.  I added a few sprinkles of each supplement to an entire can of cat food.  I separated the food from the cat food juice.  I mixed the oils, herbs and vitamins in the juice to disguise the meds.  It had to taste and smell good for Sherlock to eat it.  After all the ingredients were mixed into the juice I blended it into the cat food.  I put about three or more squirts of colloidal silver in the  water dish one or more times a day.  Whenever I changed the water I added colloidal silver.  Just a note, do not give your cat colloidal silver while giving the cat pharmaceutical antibiotics.  I’m not sure why, I just remember reading about it but I can’t find the article.  I think it’s to prevent too quick of an overkill of the infection which can cause flu like symptoms.  It’s called the herxheimer effect, it’s caused because pathogens are killed quicker than the body can eliminate them.  



Saving Sherlock

An awakening adventure of choices


Early October  2004

Sherlock is a beautiful, loving gray and white, long haired, geriatric cat.  I’ve had him since college.  He’s approximately 18 years old.  Fifty or so days ago our vet found a suspicious tumor growing in his jaw during a dental cleaning.  On Wednesday 8-4 I had found a small lump on his left cheek by the lower jaw.  The next afternoon I tried to take him to the vet.  When I got there the place was empty, they had closed at noon.  I asked my husband to take him to the vet the next day.  He forgot and it was the following Tuesday 8-10 before he made it to the vet.  Initially the vet just gave him an antibiotic shot and oral antibiotic drops for home with a scheduled cleaning for Friday.  We assumed it was probably just an infected tooth.  Even though in hindsight we should have known something more was wrong.  His hair was matted in spots and he drooled occasionally and slept more often.  But as Sherlock had gotten older this was a common occurrence a couple times a year.    We called his illness yuck mouth and we would take him in for a cleaning and it would go away for a few months.    He also usually got two or more cortisone shots a year for scabby patches on his body.  The first time he had the itchy patches he lost a lot of his hair and looked like something from the movie pet cemetery.  A simple shot or two from the vet cleared it up and we knew what to do if it happened again.

Sherlock just seemed to get yucky ailments as he got older; it was just an accepted part of his life.  He’s an old man.  We’ve always just taken him to the vet and the vet would fix his problems.  This time was different.  We took him in on Friday 8-13 for his cleaning.  When my husband called that evening to see if he was ready to come home, the vet informed him that he had found a tumor and did a biopsy.  He said it looked like cancer, but could be just an infection or nothing major.  I looked up information on the internet and became convinced that Sherlock had squamous cell carcinoma.  The hair matting and drooling are classic signs.  A few days later on 8-18 the diagnosis was in.  Sherlock has SCC, squamous cell carcinoma.

My vet has given up and accepted defeat.  He believes there is nothing to do but let him die.   That as long as I put him to sleep before his suffering becomes too unbearable for him, then, I have done my best by him.  I can’t accept that.  The vet has said this is a very rapid and horrible death and there is nothing I can do to stop it.  The rapid part I saw first hand with how quick the tumor was growing larger on Sherlock’s cheek.  He said this is such a horrible disease that we will put him to sleep before the cancer kills him.

This is where the story gets interesting because this time it’s up to me to fix his problems because modern medicine has nothing to offer my poor beloved, dying kitty.   Although I love him dearly and have the best of intentions, I am not a vet.  I have a degree in accounting and one in management and administration but nothing in the sciences.  Why does his life have to be in my hands?  What if I fail him? Or even worse, what if I accidentally kill him?  I am not qualified to play God.  I don’t believe in these things, or at least I didn’t use to. 


When the vet said it was hopeless, I didn’t want to believe him.  I know I can’t save him, but I want Sherlock’s final days or months to be pleasant ones.  I had been reading about nutrition and the benefits of supplements in improving my own health before Sherlock got sick.  I’d been having some luck with supplements.  I was able to wean myself off  Nexium and antacids just by taking L-Glutamine and Biotin once a day.  With $5 a month in supplements my stomach feels better than it ever did on a $35 co-pay prescription.   I am fighting my fatigue and brain fuzz with fish oil, flax oil and Evening of Primrose Oil (EPO) and am feeling more energetic. 

I refuse to believe that feeling this tired is just a normal part of aging.  Since my body doesn’t do well with pharmaceuticals, I had to find a natural solution.  I am just a beginner in natural healing.  I liked how the flax, EPO and Fish oil made me feel better, so I starting giving the flax and Fish oil   to Sherlock.  Within a few days the tumor had quit growing and started shrinking.  It didn’t go completely away but it didn’t get any bigger.

I slowed down his cancer simply by accident.  I wanted him to feel better and he does.  The following is his treatment information.


8-7-04 added to his routine of canned and dry food ½ can of tuna and plain yogurt once a day.

8-9-04 added Fish oil, flaxseed  oil and ground flaxseeds to his tuna and plain yogurt.

8-10-04 switched one canned feeding with Hills A/D with flax & Fish oil  s and ground flax seeds added.

8-11-04 same but quit putting flaxseeds in food.

8-12-04 tried to feed him cottage cheese with the flax and Fish oils.  He didn’t like it very much.  His tumor is feeling smaller today.

8-13-04 added evening of primrose oil to the above.   Tumor still feels smaller.

8-14-04 same but no EPO

8-15-04 same

8-16-04 same tumor feels smaller

8-17-04 instead of tuna I added his oils to mackerel and sardines.  He seemed to like it.  We treated him for ear mites since he kept digging at his ears.  (Very, very stupid thing to do)  The tumor is feeling smaller.

8-18-04 the tumor has grown.  I put a couple drops of flax oil in his ears to help counter-act the pesticides from the ear mite meds. Gave flax oil and EPO in milk by eyedropper to make sure he drank it.  (At that time I was reading about Johanna Budding’s theories and Flax was king and the only thing I knew to have ‘healing powers’.)  Washed sardines & added the oils and milk.  He doesn’t seem hungry and slept most of the day.

8-25-04  9 Lives is the only cat food he will eat with the  oils added.  Added EPO, Fish oil and Milk Thistle to his food.  The tumor is pea sized.  Made a meow hiss kind of action today.  He will meow & then hiss like something is bothering him.  Like he was fighting the air.   I noticed him doing this a couple times.

8-26-04  EPO, Fish oil and Milk  Thistle in his food.  AM the tumor felt pea sized.  PM tumor is more grape sized.  Seems happy, being active.  Saw one meow-hiss episode.

8-27-04 AM feeding  9 Lives, Fish oil, EPO, and a small amount of flax oil, PM feeding 9 Lives, Fish oil  , EPO & CO Enzyme Q10

8-31-04 doubled the Co Enzyme Q10 to 100mg

9-2-04 same but put coconut oil on his ears and mouth, he started coughing and sneezing shortly afterwards.

9-3-04 added coconut oil to his food.  The tumor feels smaller.

9-4-04 His tumor is feeling smaller today.  Took Sherlock to the Vet, he was surprised how well Sherlock is doing.  He said he couldn’t tell if the cancer was getting any better but it wasn’t getting any worse.  He was interested in the treatment I was giving him.

9-5-04  The tumor feels bigger today.

9-6-04   Added Milk  Thistle and coconut oil to his food.

9-7-04  Added Milk  Thistle, double EPO (2softgels), flax, Fish oil  , CO Q10 and coconut oil to two of his meals.  Sherlock  started coughing and sneezing after eating the supper meal.  I took away the rest of the plate.  I will discontinue the coconut oil.  For his bedtime feeding I gave him Iams with nothing added.  He ate the Iams even though there was no  oil in it.  Lately he prefers to have the  oils in his food.  He’s been a picky eater lately.

9-8-04  AM feeding added flax, EPO, Fish oil  , Milk  Thistle and CO Q10. 

PM feeding added flax, Fish oil  , Milk  Thistle and CO Q10.

Bedtime (BT) feeding  added EPO, Fish oil   and CO Q10.

9-9-04    AM feeding added EPO, Fish oil   and CO Q10.

PM feeding added flax, EPO, Fish oil  , Milk  Thistle and CO Q10.  The tumor feels smaller.

9-10-04  AM feeding added flax, EPO, Fish oil  , Milk  Thistle and CO Q10.

PM feeding added flax, EPO, Fish oil  , Milk  Thistle and CO Q10.  The tumor feels smaller.

BT feeding I added Fish oil   to tuna.  He ate all of it.  He is coughing some tonight.


9-11-04  AM feeding added flax, EPO, Fish oil , Milk  Thistle and CO Q10.

PM feeding added EPO, 2 Fish oil  softgels and CO Q10. 

BT feeding I added Fish oil .  The lump feels about the same and he’s acting fine, but he doesn’t want to eat.  He ate the BT feeding.

9-12-04   Happy birthday to me, Sherlock is still alive and his tumor feels

smaller.  AM feeding added EPO, 2 Fish oil  softgels and CO Q10. 

 PM feeding added EPO, 2 Fish oil  softgels and CO Q10.  The tumor feels larger this evening.

9-13-04   AM feeding added flax, EPO, Fish oil  and CO Q10.  He ate most of it.  PM feeding added flax, EPO, Fish oil  and CO Q10.  The tumor feels smaller.  He snubbed the supper feeding so I fed him again at 7:18 PM and added  flax oil only.

9-14-04  AM feeding added flax, EPO, Fish oil  and CO Q10. 

PM feeding added flax, EPO, Fish oil  and CO Q10.  BT feeding added flax  oil and Milk  Thistle.  He woke me up at 3:00am because he was coughing.

9-15-04 AM feeding added flax, EPO, Fish oil , Milk  Thistle and CO Q10. 

PM feeding added flax, EPO, Fish oil , Milk  Thistle and CO Q10.  BT feeding I gave him Iams with nothing added.

9-16-04  AM feeding added flax, EPO, Fish oil , Milk  Thistle and CO Q10. 

PM feeding added flax, EPO, fish oil , Milk  Thistle and CO Q10.  BT feeding added flax oil and Fish oil .

9-17-04  AM feeding added flax, EPO, Fish oil , Milk  Thistle and CO Q10. 

PM feeding added flax, EPO, Fish oil , Milk  Thistle and CO Q10. 

9-18-04  AM feeding added flax, EPO, Fish oil , Milk  Thistle and CO Q10. 

PM feeding added flax, EPO, Fish oil, Milk  Thistle and CO Q10.   

9-19-04  AM feeding added flax, EPO, Fish oil  and CO Q10. 

PM feeding added flax, EPO, Fish oil and CO Q10.  Hasn’t wanted to eat much today.  I cleaned his mouth and put coconut oil on it to protect his skin.

9-20-04  AM feeding added flax, EPO, Fish oil  and CO Q10. 

Sherlock's Treatment