Due to a lack of respect from Felissa I decided to no longer host her web site. Upon my request for an interview from her for a horror film site, she didn't respond and then later she agreed to an interview from my colleague at our site, www.racksandrazors.com instead showing a total disregard for my feelings and completely disrespecting me both as a person and as her fansite manager. There were other occasions as
well of disregard for my personal feelings and of hurtful
things that she did without thought; these things also
involved friends of hers whom I no longer have dealings
with either. Felissa authorized another person to be her official webmaster after I had many times requested that very honor; she ignored me and my feelings and it is now time for me to ignore her and anything around her and/or to do with her and her life. |
Felissa, should you read this or hear of this, I want you to know that you should be loyal to all your fans and especially your fansite builders, because without them all, you are a 'nothing'. Special thanks to all my web site fans for their staying power and I want you all to know that your appreciation of my hard work that I put into keeping the site updated kept me going.... it certainly wasn't thanks from 'herself' !! Special thanks also to all of the directors who accepted my interviews and who related their experiences while working with Felissa Rose. I truly appreciated the time you gave and the information you gave your fans through me! I
apologize to all the Felissa Rose fans for going to this
length to make myself heard ...but I felt I had no