<BGSOUND SRC="Goodmo.wav">
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My other site
it`s only me and my car
and welcome to my new web site.
Im a 36yr old scot who loves to drive I work hard and play little.At the moment i am in a good relationship with someone special.I am in the process of going through forms and checkin web sites for canada,as im applying to stay through there nomination scheme.Hopefully this time next year i will find out if im accepted in.........................
Sister`s page
felix art room
for clans and tartans of scotland
for pic`s of my fav cat cartoon charactor plz visit the art room
the lady on the right is my girlfriend
christina.We have been together long and she means the world to me,she brightens up each day of my life.We send each other e-cards everyday ,and talk  to each other as much as we can.
My sister and her family  emigratedto canada in august so i wish them well.My oldest niece amanda recently had an artical written bout her in may`s edition of canadian news about the move.If you wish to know more about them visit there page or if you want to drop amanda an e-mail .
more links
my cat`s pics
click on here for history of felix the cat
click on pic left for your virtural friend
page 1 to christina

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