FNS Edition 1

"Whoa, Nebari girl, I don't think I want mental pictures."  Alien

FNS Edition 1.2

"I'll have a Big Mac, please."  John

FNS Edition 1.3

"Raslac, sounds like strong stuff...or is it named after the sound one makes after tasting it?"  NIBB

FNS Edition 1.4

"Painkillers and Raslac. This outta be good!"  LeatherGirl

FNS Edition 1.5

"Scapers. Everyone knows who they are. And I intend to catalog them. Each and every little brain with a memory ch..."  Scorpius

FNS Halloween Edition

"Whoof that mifteriuff awien at the end of the phbar?"  Chiana

"Hey, I slaved for hours on that part of the anatomy!"  Rygel

“Spooky.”  D’Argo

FNS Birthday Edition for Gigi*

"I really outdid myself this time."  D'Argo

FNS Quickie Edition: Bad Boys

"I've not even seen that much dren in a Hynerian Donkey!"  Crais

"You still robbing that baby Leviathan of his childhood innocence?"  Scorpius

        "Hey! Evil villains. Carry on your evil plans elsewhere. I have customers to serve here." Bartender

FNS Edition 1.6

"Ooooh! I really do enjoy making you blush, John!"  EowynAeryn

"Not so bad when you're drinking, huh?"  John

FNS Thanksgiving Edition

“Thanksgiving Day…a day set aside to thank your lucky stars that you’re alive.  A big frelling meal is prepared, a football game is playing on TV, and the relatives come to remind you of how humiliating life can be.”  John

FNS Celebration Edition

"What do you guys call the bathrooms around here, anyway?"  John

"I think I lost my appetite."  Rygel

"Boogie Oogie Woogie! That's what its all about. Let's dance and shout. Boogie Oogie Woogie!"  D'Argo and Chiana

“Boogie Oogie Woogie!  Dance the night well.  Let’s get together and…Boogie Oogie Woogie!”  D'Argo and Chiana

"Hey Aeryn, wanna check out the storage facility?" John

"If only my genetics would allow me to love." Scorpius

FNS Birthday Edition for Ben

"Is that IBD?" John

"Hmmm. Who do you think will win? My bet goes to Scorpius and Crais." Rygel

"Raslac's getting low. I'm for the humans." Pilot

FNS Birthday Edition for Lani

“I’ve decided to give him the PeaceKeeper’s Guide to Frelling You Over in Less Than Nine Hundred Microts.  I figured he needed a little help in that area.”  Scorpius


“I wanted that!”  Crais


“Ah, hello?  You’re him he’s you.  You’ll be getting the frelling book, okay?”  John

FNS Edition 1.7

"You don't even know what I'm talking about, do you?" John

"Not really. No. Do I care? No. Your move." Rygel

FNS Edition 1.8

"You are one frelling bitchy woman...but I love that about you." John

"We've made it this far and I'm still alive. That is, you haven't killed me yet." John

"Don't tempt me." Aeryn

FNS Christmas Edition

“So Santa is on this roof and looks to his reindeer and says ‘I said the Wren house!  Not the dren house!’”  John

“It’s not easy being multi-tasked and separating myself from Moya just to deliver all this.  Next time, you all come to my den to celebrate, please!”  Pilot

FNS New Year’s Eve Edition

"Scorpius, the whole point of the new year is to start over. Clean the slate. Open new doors. Out with the OLD; in with the NEW." John

"Raslac! More Raslac or I shall dance without my robe!" Rygel

"Wanna try something even more wild than levitation?" Stark

FNS Edition 2.2

"It's a well known fact that main characters can't die. They're invincible. Well, Superman is an exception, but he came back!" John

"I heard Talyn’s in the impound cause of a little accident involving the captain and Raslac shooters!” Chiana

FNS Edition 2.3

“Meow!”  Flip

“AUGH!!”  Rygel

“Look, we’re all in our underwear…well, most of us…”  Aeryn’s Soul

FNS Edition 2.4

“I am soooo sorry!  I didn’t know that when Aeryn’s Mind touched the left hemisphere of my brain that it would set off a chain reaction of events leading to an explosion.”  John’s Mind

“Watch out!  The Aurora Barstool!”  Chiana

FNS Edition 2.5

"I don't know what you're talking about. I was simply enjoying my meal when this inconsiderate fur ball walked past leaving behind a fowl odor and a rather large hairball in my mojules!" Rygel

"Talk to it. Talk to it so long that it wants to kill itself. You've already accomplished that many times on Moya." D'Argo

"Fine...but if he rips my arms off, I'm gonna have to tell him who's idea it was." John

"Meow Mix, Tofu, Eggnog, Dog Chow...ooh baby...Baby Back Ribs. Hmmm. You look like you'd enjoy red meat, am I right?" John

FNS Edition 2.6

“My translator microbes must still be thawing out.” Aeryn

“…New ways to die and live yet again. Kind of catchy if you ask me.” D'Argo

FNS Edition 2.7

“I just have to look at you and I get a good laugh!”  Rygel

FNS Edition 2.8

“This is the Federation Starship S. S. Butt Crack. Surrender now!” John

“No! I can’t risk your lives for something I alone am responsible for. I’m going after Mr. Wiggles…alone.” John

“If anyone needs to show who’s boss, it’s me. I’m the toughest of you all! I can handle Mr. Wiggles!” Aeryn

FNS Edition 2.9

“Never ending chases, battles, and the worst—Taking a shower or a crap during starburst.”  John, D’Argo, and Chiana


“Yes.  If I can’t beat you, then I’ll join you.  Cheers.”  Aeryn

FNS April Fool’s Edition

"I knew it! You always wanted me. Unfortunately for you, a Dominar such as myself deserves much more than you." Rygel

"My throne sled is gone." Rygel

"Where'd you last see it?" John

"I was sitting on it." Rygel

FNS Memorial Edition

“We had our own special place under the booth….” Stark

“Sure she had her moments of insanity but doesn’t everybody?”  John

“I had to laugh when she told me she was a plant.  I mean really.  A plant with a breasts?” John

  “For an eight-hundred-cycle-old plant, she sure could kick some eema!”  John

FNS Easter Edition

“Aside from the alien creatures with bad skin or the fact that the bar we’re in at the moment is floating free in space, yes, I think you’ve got it pretty much on the nose.”  John

“Once a snurch, always a snurch.”  John

“Again, Aeryn, they are rabbit ears and a fluffy rabbit tail.  He [Rygel] was the perfect height to play the Easter Bunny.  The kids would have been scared of D’Argo.”  John

“My throne sled was beginning to hover in lower hemispheres of unspeakable disgust.”  Rygel

“Yeah, it had a huge neon sign…couldn’t miss it.  Freebies.  If there’s one thing Rygel’s attracted to, it’s Freebies.  If it weren’t for him, we would have passed that place by.”  John

“They’re Fluffables!  Candy.  Food cubes with a kick…” John

“Hyblets.  Soft and cuddly on the outside, hungry and ravenous on the inside.  I’d stay away from them if I were you.”  Aeryn

FNS H.S.E.U.F. Edition

“Honored Soldiers of Equa at Uni Fest is so sacred, we honor them by saying the entire phrase.  Besides, are you that lazy to not be able to say Honored Soldiers of Equa at Uni Fest?”  Rygel

“You know what, just forget I mentioned it.  Let’s go on with this ‘Honored Soldiers of Where ever the frell who cares Festival’ all right?”  John

“Come on, we already told you what we do for Honored Soldiers of Equa at Uni Fest.  The Honored Soldiers of Equa at Uni Fest Feast and a simple salute to the Equa at Uni.  That’s what Honored Soldiers of Equa at Uni Fest is all about.”  Aeryn

FNS Edition 3.0

“Is the lotion effective?  It’s specifically designed to prevent radiation burns from the three suns.”  Stark

“Hey, I only named it The Big Bangalow because the bartender told me this was the official center of the universe.” John

 “Looks like my work here is done.”  Rygel

FNS Edition 3.1

“Well, if you had another eye, maybe you’d be able to design our sculpture better.”  Aeryn

“Jool!  I found another one of your hairs in here.  You’ve got to try some new hair cleanser or I’m gonna…”  Chiana

“I honestly don’t understand how these beings can live with each other.  Such a meaningless simple task as this one should be easier than loading a pulse pistol.”  Scorpius

“Who do you think will win?”  Zhaan’s Spirit

“As long as John obeys me, I’ll let him win for all I care.”  Scorpius

*FNS Edition 3.2

“Hey, look at that.  The booth’s still here, the stand’s still here, and Rygel’s still hungry.”  John

“Jool, the yellow pills, not the red ones.  The yellow ones are best for hangovers.”  D’Argo

“Why didn’t we ever go there before, Pilot?  I’ve been here nearly three cycles.  All that dren we went through and we could have been relaxing at the Big Bangalow?  Is there anything else I should know?”  John

“Chiana’s pregnant with D’Argo’s child.”  Rygel

“So that’s what happens to my clone.”  John

“Ha!  You’d like that, wouldn’t you?  Less competition.”  Aeryn

“Frell, I wanted to see the Shameless Hussie Posse.”  D’Argo

“I’m going to find a Dren chamber.”  Jool

“I hope she meant the bathroom.”  John

FNS Birthday Edition for Anthony

“Oh, sorry.  I was just telling D’Argo about this movie on Earth, called Jaws.  You’d love it, really.”  John

“Sit down already.  You’re blocking my second and third sun.”  Crais

“Relax, Scorpy.  No one’s ever invited you to one of these things anyway.  You just tag along because John’s here.”  Chiana

“You know, you should really think about some down time in the shade, Crais.  I’d hate to see you with a sudden case of skin cancer.”  John

“Well, now that we’re all here, where’s Anthony?”  Aeryn

“How should I know?  It’s not like we have some special connection or anything…we just look a little alike.”  D’Argo

“Close your eyes and count to 20 will ya?”  John

“Hey, that’s easy.  Let me teach you a good way…one mippippippi, two mippippippi….”  D’Argo

FNS Special Edition for EowynAeryn

“Where is everybody today?”  Ben

“Fortunately, they heard you were coming so they left.”  Rygel

“I instructed for her not to arrive until the second sun has set and the fifth moon is parallel with the Rietus Nebula.”  Pilot

“Two microns.”  Rygel

“Oh.” Ben

“That stuff hits your skin and you absorb it faster than water.  That’s why it’s called Pilot’s Leviathan Concoction Number 4.  The drink’s strong enough for a Leviathan yet gentle enough for a human.”  John 1

“WHOA!  That really IS slicker than snot!”  Ben

“FRELL!  This is almost as good as staring at Ben, er John, er all three of you all day!”  EowynAeryn

FNS Edition 3.3

“Luxan sized Happy Meal with a Leviathan sized Fellip Nectar.  And a couple hamburgers with fries, please.”  John 2

“Would you like Keedva with that?”  Alien McD

“I suppose I will be paying.”  Captain Crunch

“PeaceKeeper style or Trade?”  Alien McD

“I’m beginning to see why the humans can’t stand this place.”  Captain Crunch

“Get the wax outta your ears, Crunch…it’s a metaphor.”  John 1

“There is no wax in my ears…I’ll have you know I cleaned them twice this morning!”  Captain Crunch

“Clean as a whistle, eh?” John 2

“I’ll be six feet under before my momma’d get me to clean my ears TWICE!”  John 1

“Hey, Crunch, pass me the Budong Sauce, will ya?” John 2

“I refuse to.  There isn’t such a thing.”  Captain Crunch

“Not even for a Scooby Snack?”  John 1

FNS Independence Day Edition

“Another frelling holiday John?  I’m beginning to think that you’re making these up.”  Aeryn

“Root Beer…is that like Fellip Nectar?”  D’Argo

“Holy Flying Frell!  What is this stuff?  Moonshine!?”  John G

“A ‘cloth’ represents your country?”  D’Argo

“Different paces for different races.”  Stark

“Hey, I may have made it to History 101 every day but that doesn’t mean I was listening to the teacher.”  John B

“I don’t think we should tell them about the Statue of Liberty.”  John G

FNS Edition 3.4

“Hey, don’t worry.  I’ve got 20/20 vision and I still can’t find the bathroom in the dark.”  John B

“Never stoop to scoop.”  Rygel

“And that means what???”  John B

“Don’t get off your throne sled for a fallen mojule.”  Rygel

FNS Super Edition 3.5

“You always know how to calm down a gunship, don’t you Aeryn?” Crais

“I’m good with men.” Aeryn

“Crichton one or Crichton two, Crichton one or Crichton two…” Stark

“Frosted Wheaties have two sides, one plain, one frosted. So what’s your point?” John M

“Beat around the bush? Is that some sort of ritual?” Scorpius

“No, but I think Beat around the evil villain would be a much better one.” John M
