I thought it would have been fun to write real small and make the credits roll
really fast up the screen like they always do in movies and such. Oh well. So much for that idea.
LeatherGirl owns rights to all graphics and fanfics seen on this website.
All images, backgrounds, and titles on this site created in Adobe Photoshop by LeatherGirl.
All editions imagined and written by LeatherGirl.
Credit given where credit due, otherwise.
Special Thanks to the following for appearing at the Fellip Nectar Stand:
NIBB, EowynAeryn, Amy, DerSnake, _player_(formerly playerplayer), grammykins, PKAnaKerie (formerly
CommanderAnaKerie), SCIFIDCD, Mreen, JilaCosa, and JohnsKeedvaBBQ.
Scorpius would like to have credit for being the evil villain that he is. If you have not
noticed already, he seems to have planted a version of himself within this website...he's
always there, watching you.