Welcome to the FNS Regulars Page. Here, you will find all the information you could ever ask for regarding who a FNS Regular is, why the frell he/she is a FNS Regular (besides getting free refreshments), where you can find FNS Regulars (in editions, that is), and how you can become a FNS Regular.
My loyal companion, NIBB, suggested to me a long, long time ago, in a universe far…sorry, got onto a tangent there. NIBB suggested to me to start something like a society, a group of regulars who often visit the Stand/read editions week in and week out. I contemplated the idea and then stuffed it far into the dusty, cobweb-infested corners of my brain. About half a cycle later, my brain was in serious need of some house cleaning. I called Scorpy up to get the job done and there was that word again…regulars. NIBB reminded me that since I was frustrated with low feedback and the fact that the birthplace of the editions, the scifi bboard, was becoming too unsafe to lurk about, the word became something more. Beginning July 20, 2001, I began official plans for the instatement of the FNS Regulars, a group of Scapers who are loyal readers. These scapers would receive weekly editions through their personal email as well as have an opportunity to appear in editions. They also were given a choice to create a nickname for themselves, something they can be known for at the stand. After all, upon becoming a FNS Regular, a Scaper also became a fictional character, using that nickname, and would have a chance to appear as a background character in upcoming editions. Well, that’s all ideas anyway. I wrote this that very day!
Regulars at the stand, you know, patrons who often visit, or frequent a location, and sooner or later become familiar to others and are known as regulars. The FNS Regulars have lots of benefits, like getting ten free flask chips upon subscribing to the FNS weekly editions. See more info on benefits below.
What are the Benefits?
· The FNS editions are delivered to the Regulars’ email boxes at the end of every weeken. --THIS IS THE BIGGY!
· The FNS Regulars get to have nicknames that they are known by at the stand, if they wish to use them, that is! They even may have great stories behind how they got those names.
· A group meeting of the FNS Alcoholics Not-So-Anonymous ONLY if required. (We’ll watch each other’s backs for signs…no not literally, either!)
· Personal birthday greetings, FNS Style upon your birthday. Other FNS Regulars can help out in celebrating these birthdays, as well!
· Updates on FNS and heads-up on contests around the Scaper Community.
· Showing up in the occasional FNS edition. You may get a surprise while reading an edition to see your name in it at one point or another. You will be a non-verbal character unless I contact you to let you know I want to use you in an edition and have you say a few words. ;)
· You get a FNS Regulars Coaster, personalized if you’d like. You can display it on any web site you may own.
· Health Plan of the UT Med Planet. I’m joking…but if you are in some serious need of medical care, this is not the place to be and why are you on the Internet? Get to a hospital, now! LOL!
As you have read above, editions are emailed to the FNS Regulars weekly…though occasionally, RL will intrude and there will be gaps. At those times, FNS Regulars can refer to the Edition Archive to refresh their minds with some good old classic editions. Editions will appear in your mailboxes most often on Fridays.
Subscribers (FNS Regulars) will also receive updates to the site,
FNS news, and contest reminders—not just contests from FNS either.
Subscribers will also be asked to give their birth date so the FNS
and other FNS Regulars can help in celebrating his/her birthday when the time
Order a round of Fellip Nectar for everyone in the bar. Seriously, email me at and
I’ll get you squared away.
**And no, the FNS Regulars are not alcoholics. In any case, if one of us were to succumb to
such a dangerous disease, we would immediately instate the FNS Alcoholics
Not-So-Anonymous. ;)
LeatherGirl aka Dances on Tables or LG
Giggling_Staraka Giggling_Star
unohoo aka unohoo
JulietEcho aka Nature Girl
EowynAeryn aka Pheromone Aromatherapy
BigNoseBob aka Big Nose Bob
As found in the Storage Facility, the birthdays of the FNS Regulars can also be found here.