
THE FELLIP NECTAR STAND 1st Anniversary Edition: And Still Counting!

Author: LeatherGirl

Disclaimer: I do not own Farscape or anything associated with Farscape. Lyrics borrowed from U2, sorry guys!

See what the Fellip Nectar Stand has blossomed into: http://www.oocities.org/fellipnectarstand

To view the very first edition as it was posted on the scifi bb: http://www.scifi.com/bboard/browse.cgi/1/5/2153/36344

*Title references to very first edition


Setting: The Fellip Nectar Stand

Characters: Everyone!


[Busier than ever, the Stand is loaded with aliens and Scapers alike. The FS crew is seated at their usual booth, ordering from the five-armed waitress (she grew another arm as a promotion). Helium-filled Budong sacs decorate the Stand lit by shimmering Night Drannits. The PK2 are situated on the center stage, setting up Karaoke, or at least a version as described by John. The FNS Regulars are seated at the bar, playing a round of “Drinking Frelled” (say frell and you have to drink a Raslak Shooter). Scorpius and Lt. Braca are seated at the Evil Villains section near the back door of the Stand, arguing over a puddle of Blue Goo on their table. Crais, Talyn, and Moya are seated at the oversized booth, trying to set up the 4D Twister game with little success.]

John: [Hums.] “99 bottles of Fellip Nectar on the wall.”

[FS crew is now used to his strange phrases and doesn’t even bother asking.]

D’Argo: [Orders drinks for everyone.] “Yollish Pods with a tiny sunshade in each please.”

[Five-armed waitress nods with a smile and heads to the bar, where the FNS Regulars are becoming rowdy already.]

Jool: “How many frelling days do these Scapers have to wait until the final four episodes? I am amazed at their patience.”

Pilot: “Violettefrost maintains a countdown…quite well I might add. I believe it is under 90 solar days now.”

Rygel: “Three monens? Hmph! Waiting periods should be banished from existence if you ask me.”

Chiana: “For once, I have to agree with you Rygel.”

Aeryn: “Do you realize we have been visiting this place for an entire cycle now?”

John: “Amazing isn’t it?” [Puts arm around Aeryn’s shoulders. When she doesn’t pull away, he smiles.] “Remember the visits to the Storage Facility?”

Chiana: “I do!” [Aeryn sends a glare her way.] “With D’Argo, of course.” [D’Argo blushes.]

[Five-armed waitress returns with pods of Yollish with tiny sunshades decorating the drinks. The first sip instantly intoxicates the group.]

Waitress: “These are compliments of that…thing…over there.” [Points in disgust towards the Evil Villains section. FS crew glances to see Scorpius waving with a peculiar smile. They look to their drinks and then to the waitress with caution.] “Don’t worry…I didn’t add the mind-frell sprinkles he had ordered.”

[Crew sighs in relief and continues to consume their drinks as the waitress leaves them be. As the crew discusses good old times at the Stand, Stark and Zhaan’s Dispersal Cloud enters into the Stand and surprises the crew at the booth. The PK2 begin testing their equipment and the drunken FNS Regulars are beginning to fan out into the crowd of aliens to mingle.]

Scorpius: [Slams fist onto the table and the Blue Goo begins to swirl.] “It IS a key to wormholes!”

Lt. Braca: [Shakes his head.] “No, sir! It is the first ingredient in a Tulva Draslac Nine, sir!” [Blue Goo begins to liquefy.]

[NIBB passes by, with his arm linked with LeatherGirl.]

NIBB: “No, no, no! You’ve got it all wrong! It’s a black hole!” [He and LG giggle and dance into the crowd. The Blue Goo suddenly grows black and sucks Scorpius and Lt. Braca into the center of it before collapsing completely into itself.]

Crais: [Shakes his head in frustration.] “No! The twirling spiral navigator tells us which color to contact.”

Talyn: “Bleep Bleep bleep!”

[Moya spirals as if to agree.]

Crais: [Rests elbows on table and runs fingers through his frazzled hair.] “Why I ever joined with the good side, I cannot fathom.”

[Several pies fly past and then one splatts into Crais’ face. In shock, he licks off some of the meringue sticking to his face and smiles in satisfaction. Crowd of aliens and Scapers nearby begin to scream in excitement as John steps onto the stage with the PK2 behind him to start the Karaoke.]

John: [Taps microphone and clears his throat.] “I’m going to sing a special song to that special gal in my life.” [Looks to PK2 who are completely confused and bewildered as they stare at the miniature holo-screen in front of John that is displaying foreign words.] “Aeryn, baby, this is for you.”

[Aeryn turns an instant shade of red and tries to duck under the table. The PK2 begin to play their instruments in the best way they know as John winces but begins his song anyway.]

John: “See the stone set in your eyes. See the thorn twist in your side. I wait for you. Sleight of hand and twist of fate. On a bed of nails she makes me wait. And I wait…without you.”

[Aeryn looks up; listening to his words and genuinely appears touched. Chiana and D’Argo rush for the Storage Facility, nearly knocking over BamaGirl and _player_ in the process. Jool appears teary-eyed. Stark and Zhaan’s Dispersal Cloud pulsates.]

Pilot: “The Stand has survived so much since it began.”

Rygel: “Yes. And they never run out of Hynerian Marjoules either! I think I’ve found my true home.” [Chuckles as an order coincidentally is placed before him.]

Jool: “For being blown up, deserted, frelled, dry, and who knows the Hezmana what else, this place looks quite rejuvenated.” [Glances around, as if suddenly remembering something.] “Where’s the hot tub?”

[Suddenly, the dance floor begins to slide open revealing a large 200-person hot tub. Several aliens and Scapers on the dance floor splash into the hot tub and scream with surprise. More jump in as well as Jool and Pilot…yeah that’s right, Pilot’s an excellent swimmer!]

Jool: [Spits water one hundred denches above her head, in a contest with Pilot.] “How many more cycles do you think the Fellip Nectar Stand will last?”

Pilot: [Beating Jool’s water spittle by five hundred denches, nearly striking the clear star-studded ceiling cap of the Stand.] “Infinitely, I hope! Or at least until the Universe itself dies.”

[John ends his song with the PK2 finally beginning to sound good. FNS Regulars begin to swarm him on stage and they join him in their next song. Aeryn stands before them, staring at John with a peculiar expression, simply enjoying the entertainment.]

FNS Regulars and John: “You spin me right round, baby….”

[The customers at the Stand become more and more intoxicated as the evening passes. The Night Drannits shimmer like the northern lights as the music plays on. Everyone is in complete ecstasy, enjoying the various features that make the Stand what it is. Fireworks begin to explode outside the Stand as Talyn and Moya fly by to ignite more. The taps are running full with nearly ten different beverages to choose from. Rygel is enjoying his Hynerian Marjoules and Crais is still trying to figure out the 4D Twister game. D’Argo and Chiana exit the Storage Facility satisfied and D’Argo begins carving a sculpture of his Growler from leftover hardened Blue Goo frosting found in a corner. Aeryn and John join other on stage and stare deep into each other’s eyes. The FNS Regulars jump into the hot tub with Pilot, Jool, and other aliens, partying into the night. The bartender turns to his vat of Fellip Nectar to see something floating within and looks up with widened eyes.]

Bartender: “Oh no! Not again!”


Happy 1st Anniversary! Wanna have some fun to help celebrate this special occasion? Participate in the Trivia Contest found on the FNS Specials page: http://www.oocities.org/fellipnectarstand/specials.html

With the anniversary taking place, I have completely revamped the Storage Facility. Everything you ever wanted to know and maybe even didn’t want to know can be found here! Don’t get locked in alone! ;) Also check out the Creator of FNS page to view it in a whole new light as well. :)