UPDATED Jan 15,2005.people have visited this page This website exists to educate the public about air pollution and to air some pollution peeves of mine regarding a local polluter near my home and a few related peeves.
2005 has been a topsy turvy roller coaster so far.Tsunamis have blasted land masses and killed people overseas,flooding has killed people in the United States, our elections were ripped off and we are now facing some major facist-like moves by the current administration.Hang on,looks like it is going to be a bumpy ride.I have updated the news page with a few articles of interest.
I have something to say about dealing with pollution issues here
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Drinking water is given a clean bill of health here by the state but why isnt it drinkable by animals or people and why does it kill plants?read more...
Officials from the bush administration finally admitted that global warming has been caused,in part,by human activity.They also released in a recent report that: Emissions from the oil and natural gas industries in the Southwestern United States raised quantities of ethane, propane and butane in the near-surface atmosphere of Kansas, Oklahoma and Texas in autumn and spring that were comparable to urban smog.
* The portion of the Arctic Ocean covered by perennial sea ice has declined by about 9 percent per decade since 1978.
Ohio has lost more than 200,000 manufacturing jobs since President Bush took office...read more
newMad Cow Is Still in the news...read more
"Today,earth day,2004 the Bush Administration has invited oil executives...in a meeting with EPA officials....to consider a plan...which would permit more dangerous sulfur toxins in the air,increasing smog and potentially raising the incidence of serious health problems."...read more
"Once government regulators and pharmaceutical companies knew that mercury in childhood vaccines might be responsible for an epidemic of autism, did they publicize their data and mount a recall? No. They were more concerned with protecting the national vaccine program--and shielding themselves from liability."read more...
Soldiers back from IRAQ with previously ignored health complaints(military ignored the health complaints) are diagnosed positive for depleted uranium inhalation...I saw on the news interview that the soldiers say they weren't told about the depleted uranium danger(used extensively in IRAQ in missile warheads in both wars) or given any protection...read more
"Nasa data reveals worrying increase in arctic temperatures"
Letter sent to Lou Dobbs/cnn on outsourcing
A new class-action lawsuit accuses the Environmental Protection Agency of encouraging residents to return to the area near the World Trade Center site too soon, putting them at risk of serious health problems
"The Bush administration has made it easier for developers to build on wetlands, has attempted to narrow the Clean Water Act so that it no longer covers many ponds, streams and wetlands, and has appointed crusading opponents of the Endangered Species Act to key positions at the Interior Department. Electric utilities"...read more
Exposure to environmental lead linked to schizophrenia...read more
Cheney under criminal investigation...read more
Bush Aides Accused of Destroying Military Documents
"Just four days after pledging to open up his entire military file, President Bush has reneged on the pledge, with "Administration officials declining yesterday to commit to releasing further records"on top of the inconclusive ones they have already released. Additionally, new charges have surfaced that Bush actually deployed his Texas gubernatorial staff to destroy incriminating records.
...As first reported by the Dallas Morning News, retired National Guard Lt. Col. Bill Burkett said that, in 1997, Joe Allbaugh (chief of staff for then-Governor Bush) told the National Guard chief to get the Bush file and make certain "there's not anything there that will embarrass the governor." Burkett said that a few days later at Camp Mabry in Austin, he "saw Mr. Bush's file and documents from it discarded in a trash can."...read more.
Supreme court lets FEDS override STATES in environmental disputes
"President Bush is well on his way to compiling the worst environmental record of any president in the history of our nation," said Callahan. "Bush's dismal Report Card is dominated by a disturbing trend: time after time, Bush favors corporate interests over the public's interest in a clean, safe and healthy environment. Under the Bush administration, corporate polluters have been allowed to write the laws."read more...
Texas governor RICK PERRY criticizes auditors office for pointing out problems in pollution law enforcement policies of the TCEQ...meanwhile air quality continues to diminish.I side with the auditors office...the pollution laws and policies in texas are horrendous and we are sufferring here in texas from the abundant air pollution that is increasing every day.See part of the article click here... Read the report
"...the TCEQ does not reflect this problem that has been so noticeable in all directions here on the west side of fort worth all day.It is like their monitors dont exist or work here,but in El Paso and other places they seem to register something like pm 2.5...calling the air here good,is just wrong and it shouldn't be reflected like that on the TCEQ web site for this area."...read more...
Editors article...A note to california residents and fire victims...BEWARE OF WOOD SMOKE...read more...
Just in from Star Telegram..."Metroplex residents would probably see a dramatic increase in their utility bills under a planned overhaul of the Texas electric market, lawyers and consumer groups warn... attorneys for the cities of Fort Worth and Dallas say..The probable result would be startling increases in electricity rates during times of high usage when bills are already high, Gay said.
"If you're a low-income family and living off Social Security ... if you see your bill double unexpectedly, you might not have the money to pay it," he said"read more...
Doctors link noise pollution from airplanes, traffic, and other chronic noise sources to reduced motivation and learning in children, high blood pressure, and other severe health impacts"read more(mid page)...
10/7/03...Heaviest fog/smog since I have been living in texas was visible in the early am and is still lingerring at 10:33am.More evidence of the heavy pollution...EPA air now says the air quality index or AQI is moderate due to ozone and,as usual, there is more out there than they are saying,way more.read more...
check it out!!Current news that affects you...click here.
For a detailed discussion on air pollution and a few pollution peeves of mine click here.
Please click this quote to see the whole article:
"Every time you breathe smoke a tiny death occurs, cells are injured, some will not be able to recover and they die. Human survival from burns has increased with new medical technology. Human survival from smoke inhalation has not. Once a delicate balance is tipped by the combined attack of the toxic chemicals, and gases that smoke carries deep into the lung, some people cannot be saved even with modern antibiotics, and will die in spite of the best medical efforts, days or months after the exposure. Others will suffer permanent long-term damage that can not be reversed by diet, medicine, physical therapy, or fresh air."passage from burningissues.org
All forms of smoke are a major health issue.While cigarette smoke has been attacked as a major health issue,wood,coal, and other forms of biomass generated smoke have not.There is a big need for us all to take a hard look at restaurant,home bbq,outdoor burning,and fireplace emissions as they relate to our health and the safety of people that come in contact with this smoke.Sure cigarette smoke is deadly.Wood smoke is deadlier than cigarettes and mostly unregulated! Ignorance is huge about health effects of smoke in general. I hope that you will understand that all smoke,not just cigarette smoke,is bad, before you leave this website. I also hope you will read the links so you can understand why our environmental laws are disappearing.There are large influential lobbying groups working on taking away our civil rights as i type this and its time to get involved before its too late.Please go to THE SITE DIRECTORY.There are more pages linked to that page now.Thanks for stopping by.
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