About Fellowship of First Fleeters


The Fellowship is an organisation composed of descendants of those who arrived in Sydney Cove with the First Fleet on 26 January 1788.


Membership is open to anyone who can prove his or her relationship to a First Fleeter – convict, marine, seaman or Government Official. Associate and Friend membership is also welcomed.


The Fellowship was formed in 1968 and since then over 7500 descendants have established their lineage and joined the Fellowship, and links have so far been established to no fewer than 185 individual First Fleet Ancestors. There are currently over 1200 active members.


The Fellowship has established a series of Chapters covering Sydney suburbs, regional NSW, the ACT and Queensland, and additional Chapter formation is being encouraged. Chapter membership is available to bonafide Fellowship Members and Friends, to provide localised identity and activities.


How to Get there

Aims of the

Fellowship of First Fleeters

Founders the FFF Newsletter




This section includes all current news an coming events of the Fellowship of First Fleeters.


The Fellowship of First Fleeters General Store sells item from T-shirts to Books.
To visit the Shop click on the link above


First Fleet House

Office Address:

First Fleet House,

105 Cathedral St.


Sydney, NSW, 2011


Phone: 02 9360 3788

     Fax: 02 9360 3988
E-mail: fffaus@optusnet.com.au


OFFICE HOURS Monday to Friday

10.00am to 3.00pm

Copyright Fellowship of First Fleeters